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Everything posted by Eames

  1. It's got nothing to do with respect. You want to show represent for the medics, make as donation to the London Ambulance Service. There the ones who really deserve it. Had Muamba not survived I'd be ib full agreement with you, but "yay you didn't die" sounds a bit silly to me really. Petrov has a life threatening illness yes, and Villa fans showing support is great. We should. Don't expect Bolton fans to because he's not one of their own.
  2. This IMO is why McDonald got off. They jury saw the CCTV showing that the girl was safe/happy with him in the takeaway. Then his and Evans story didn't match. Evans **** off down the fire escape. McDonald showed at least some compassion by telling the receptionist to keep an eye out. Not saying I agree but it seems this is the key issue here.
  3. Only if he held her down and helped or watched and did nothing. If McDonald wasn't in the room then no he can't be seen as an accessory. If he knew what Evans was intending and new the girl hadn't consented he would also be an accessory. DISCLAIMER: But clearly the above is not the case as he was acquitted. McDonald DID watch for a bit before leaving the room. Would have the see the full facts of the case then. Unless he has argued that he was under the impression that Evans had recieved consent? :?
  4. Only if he held her down and helped or watched and did nothing. If McDonald wasn't in the room then no he can't be seen as an accessory. If he knew what Evans was intending and new the girl hadn't consented he would also be an accessory. DISCLAIMER: But clearly the above is not the case as he was acquitted.
  5. The wind took that right at the end, just as the ball starts to dip. B.E.A. Utiful
  6. Could this be where McLeish is going wrong...... does he believe the League is scored on a pools system. Score Draw - 3 points!!
  7. Why are some people full of hate? IMO you are 100% wrong Eames, just as it is necessary for Villans in the 19th minute to give a minute's thanks to a player who is part of our club so it is necessary for the Bolton fans to do likewise. Would it cause you so much hardship to do as requested? You are right in that the heart scan would not show up Acute Leukemia but I did read at the time that someone at the club said this so maybe the OP thought it true and just repeated it. I personally think its a great idea and although both teams will be going out to win there is nothing wrong in occasionally acting like decent people. I'm all for a tribute and showing support for one of our own with a life threatening illness is completely appropriate. BUT Muamba is now alive and well. Shall we clap in the 5th minute because Dunne is alive and well? Its nonsensical overt sentimentality for the sake of it.
  8. Why? He's alive, he's out of hospital. Unnecessary and over-sentimental. Oh and using Petrov as a reason is poor and factually inaccurate. Stan had a fever, he couldn't shake, got it looked at. why would a heart scan show up leukemia?
  9. We don't know the full facts but she may have consented to McDonald earlier. The jury had to know beyond reasonable doubt that she hadn't said yes to him. From what I've seem of her testimony, its pretty clear she didn't consent to sex with Evans. Although I also have sympathy with the "girl wakes up having shagged two footballs, feels guilty and decides to cry rape" point of view." The fact she has kept her anonymity so far makes me think this OS the right outcome.
  10. Now. As a jury, if we assume this to be true and the Independent have worded that correctly, Evans has potentially got consent, since he asked Mr McDonald if he wanted to have sex with her. However, it's a case of who you do believe.... McDonald or Evans. Both maintain she was fine enough to give consent. Rape is not accidental, yet I'm still not entirely sure how McDonald was released - unless he was able to convince the jury his actions were consensual. Other than that, it can only be speculation. I've read this 3 times and it doesn't make sense. If Evans asks McDonald if he could shag the girl he raped her because he didn't ask the girl. Given the girl has maintained her anonymity I'm inclined to believe this isn't a kiss and tell gone bad story. Given the lousy hit rate of rape convictions there must have been pretty damning evidence to convict.
  11. Minus the goals & natural footballing ability...other than that he's just like him! :winkold: Doubt whether he has a career on MOTD lying ahead of him, either, tbh... :winkold: I doubt Gabby could SPELL MOTD......
  12. If MON hasn't got the decency to tell us the truth about why he walked out on us 5 days before the start of a season, which then set in motion two catastrophic managerial appointments by Lerner and the disastrous seasons that resulted, then he deserves any amount of stick and grief that may come his way! Neither MON or the Club can discuss the circumstances that led to his departure. The settlement will have included a massive confidentiality clause and penalties should either side breach it. MON gets to pocket the cash, and left us with his reputation in tact.... to talk now would mean he'd have to return the money. Its not in his interest. The club won't do it as likely MON could re-sue for the original matter since the club would have broken the terms of the settlement.
  13. Bollocks. When he's smashed in 200 PL goals I will consider that to be the case.
  14. wouldn't you sulk if you were been played out of position for most of the season and had to play under a manager like mcleish? I dislike Mcleish as much as every other Villa fan, but if the authority figure tells you to do something, you do it. Just like the man in the office or the factory has to. Sometimes in life you cant always do what you feel like. Difference is the man in office or factory isn't an asset worth millions of pounds to the company. I agree that Gabby should play where he was told but ultimately, he knows there are other PL clubs that will pay equal to or more than his current wage and will play him where he wants so why shouldn't he piss off?
  15. Shame about that pesky ball control and ability to pass....
  16. You should NEVER feel guilty about a bit of lip service CED.
  17. These quotes are from a year ago - has he really changed his mind that much? Downing managed a U-turn in 6 weeks........
  18. Yup.... but they DON'T spend **** all. You asked about consistent European place finishers who spend less than Villa. I answered your question.
  19. EDIT: Everton and Arsenal have consistently out performed us in recent years. We are the 7th top spenders over the last decade - compare that to the number of seasons we played European football. We have massively underachieved given our spending. You can have Arsenal higher up the spending ladder.The only reason they are 9th is because they were building their new stadium. And looking at your list I notice that the top spenders are also the top teams eg Chelsea,Man U, Liverpool etc etc.Which proves my point, " You dont finish in the top by spending peanuts" It's quite simple really.If you could get to the top and stay there without spending large sums of money then you would see teams like Brentford,L.Orient, Sheffield W etc at the top ?! No no no. Don't move the goal posts. You asked "who consistently gets into Europe spending **** all" I answered - and gave you evidence. Now ssshhhhhh.
  20. Yup. Saw the title. Can't actually think of anything worse.
  21. EDIT: Everton and Arsenal have consistently out performed us in recent years. We are the 7th top spenders over the last decade - compare that to the number of seasons we played European football. We have massively underachieved given our spending.
  22. Depends on your point of view - look at what Newcastle paid for Ba and Cisse. IMO £12m for Gabby is more than he's worth.
  23. MON looking at £12m bid for Gabby Good business if you as me...... quick yes but a very dodgy finisher. Doesn't score enough for me.
  24. No but you don't have 4 legs and a tail either Gareth.
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