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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Here's mine: GK: Joe Hart GK: John Ruddy GK: Rob Green DF: Kyle Walker DF: Micah Richards DF: Ashley Cole DF: Leighton Baines DF: Joleon Lescott DF: John Terry DF: Gary Cahill DF: Phil Jones MD: Scott Parker MD: Steven Gerrard MD: Gareth Barry MD: Ashley Young MD: James Milner MD: Alex Oxlade-Chamberlin MD: Theo Walcott MD: Frank Lampard FW: Wayne Rooney FW: Darren Bent FW: Daniel Sturridge FW: Peter Crouch
  2. Eames

    General Chat

    Just a couple of ideas mate? Use or abuse as you see fit?
  3. Exactly Wigs. Considering the total value of the 3 players is probably £35m quid, 4 goals and 9 assists between them is a load of old shit.
  4. Eames

    General Chat

    I think the general idea is you buy her shit, and she'll wear it in the next pictures she posts..... Its a bit like being married really.... buy shit on a promise of something that sadly remains out of reach....
  5. An interesting and balanced reply. I take it you have some experience of the profession then? A few days late to this arguement granted but my view from both sides of the fence is.... I've taught kids from one of the most deprived wards in Kent, and yes, it was basically crowd control and if they learnt something it was a result. There are some excellent teachers but unfortunately they cant do anything unless, a) the kids turn up in the first place the parents support the school when the school dare to "criticise" Little Johnny and c) the kids behave to an extent where learning is possible. However, in my experience outside of teaching but within education the worst people to give the power to run schools to are Headteachers. When it comes to reaching targets and maintaining the image of the school the kids can **** them themselves for all a healthy proportion of kids care. Should teachers be paid on results? Possibly, but looking at how may kids achieve x is pointless, the only way such a scheme COULD work would be for it to be based on a Value Added measure rather than basic results. Until recently teaching has been a pretty cushy number, but changes to OfSted inspection regiemes have made it much much harder to coast along just getting by.
  6. Its looks like a weird one Rev. His A&B samples from April were positive, but his May ones were clear. Peterson has also allegedly said that he was using before the first fight (which I can't believe ANYONE is THAT stupid.) If he's positive, surely its a 2 year ban? How can you explain synthetic testosterone inside you? No doubt how ever the boxing authorities will find some way to make a total pigs ear of it.
  7. I shall celebrate King Carlos day by eating a **** ton of Chorizo, drinking San Miguel and packing for my holiday. :nod:
  8. No no Mike I'd second you on that one. The club colours should be untouchable IMO.
  9. Bottom shelf.... bottom right. Two blokes with cowboy hats, leather waistcoats and chaps with dodgy tache's. Who are they? :shock:
  10. Its the Tag Team Handicap Match between the 6 Mick Foley's vs the 2 Legions of Doom that I'm really interested in.
  11. That was brilliant. He landed about 8 yards from the tackle. The Zokora one is brilliant one as well.
  12. 30 days leave for me too with Bank Holidays on top. Marvellous. (Unless your Wiggy) Public Sector FTW!!!!11!!!1
  13. I think you just needed someone to say what you were already thinking I think you're right, plus she is nice as a person so I wouldnt want to do that to her I guess. Man. The. ****. Up. Couple of Lambrinis, promise her a boots no7 voucher then smash her senseless. Jobs a good'un.
  14. Who is it in the hideous "onesy?" :?
  15. I am taking Mrs and Princess E to a villa in La Manga, Spain with another couple and their little one in oooooh 18 days time. ****. Yeah.
  16. Easy to smuggle in I suppose...... :shock:
  17. Are we sure it wasn't fowl play? Robbie Savage thought it was Poultry in motion.
  18. Blame our Politicians for that. All of them have continually ignored and allowed mass immigration and entire areas of european cities to become large slums filled by migrants who have little common with that countries indigenous white ethnic groups in relation to values and culture. Not to mention all the crime. Need I mention some areas in Brum for instance... I dont know about anyone else but I dont want anybody coming to my country unless they are fleeing a war zone or have the required amount of skills that will benefit us such as doctors etc. Because Greece has no party who wants to focus on immigration they have turned to thi golden dawn lot who are offering street level protection. I like your thinking. I'm going to stand as an MP next time on this very issue. I promise to enforce the borders of anywhere north of Oxfordshire with guard posts and land mines. God forbid we should let the poor unskilled from the North down here. Imagine it, ghettos of Scousers living in shanty towns on the outskirts of London..... how terrible. Oh, and anyone who's not pale and ginger will be forcibly deported from whence they came. Can have them diluting the Purity of the race can we? Unless the know about medicine... or maybe represent the Homeland in some international sport. The real threat to this country is from racist, bigoted, intolerant clearings in the woods like you.
  19. Well thank you for that well reasoned contribution. I suppose next up is a debate on the compulsory wearing of "sportswear" and Lizzie Duke jewellery.
  20. I think its pathetic. Especially now. Where was it pre-Bolton when it was needed. Every man and his dog knows McLeish will be gone in June now.... What you see there is the result of one utter word removed and a few of his mates shutting the door after the horse is long gone. Of course, when McLeish does go, we will have to listen to the smug pricks proclaiming it was the advert wot done it. Morons.
  21. Already budgeted for a full survey, in the event of this exact scenario. Prior planning FTW. 8) Good lad.
  22. Oh and Gareth, if you are going to buy it.... have it **** surveyed first, and not just he one the mortgage company insist you do where the bloke stands outside and goes "yeah that'll be alright" A proper full survey. For me, if I had the cash spare, it was in an area I knew and the survey came back ok, its an ideal investment opportunity. New kitchen, paint the outside, magnolia the **** out of the inside.... bit of a tidy in the garden and stick it back on the market. Job would be a goodun.
  23. I thought that Moonman but didn't have the heart to say it.
  24. No no no. Not having that as a comparison. Average wages across the board have increased massively since Deadly left. Its not just Villa, its the whole of football. Randy and PF have a lot to answer for, but you can't blame them for increasing the average wage. They've paid some players way over their worth absolutely, but to say the club has been financially mismanaged is laughable.
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