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Everything posted by Eames

  1. This might be a daft question - does wireless charging have a range? Or does the device have to be in contact with the charging pad?
  2. Disagree with the notion that an "informal" meeting can lead to suspension. Of course it can. The process only becomes formal when it is agreed that there is a need for further investigation - hence the suspension. Stewie should have been entitled to have a friend or colleague present for support, but the process seems fine. Most employers lose tribunals not on failure to follow the law - but failure to follow their own proceedures. Stewie - when you go to the CAB you might want to take a copy of your employers disciplinary policy with you. If they haven't provided one they should supply one on request.
  3. Eames

    General Chat

    Ask any woman who's recently given birth. After Princess E 1.0 was born the (Irish) surgeon came up to sort Mrs E out and after a few stitches into the region wheeled back his chair, with Mrs E still in the stirrups and said "Not bad that. I'm quite pleased" I didn't know whether to hit him or thank him.
  4. Without asking you to post it - what you said is very relevant here - especially if the company name was mentioned in the post or is listed as your place of work on your profile. A grovelly unreserved letter of apology would be a good start, especially as you appear to admit full responsibility - but if they decide you have bought the firms name into disrepute then yes.....I'm pretty confident they'd have a case for gross misconduct. As for legal advice - make an appointment at your local CAB and talk to them - IIRC the rules on employment tribunals have changed and you have to pay a fee to lodge a complaint - but its £100 or so? The CAB could advise you on that as well. Its also entirely possible that your employer will chuck a written warning your way and is using the suspension as a way of scaring you into behaving in future. Also for future reference - FB for friends and family. Anonymous twitter profile for calling people gobshites and trolling. The safest way to interact with Social Networking is to think "Would I stand on a street corner with a megaphone saying this?" If you wouldn't - its probably a good idea not to post it. Especially if its "minion quotes".
  5. For QPR. Who were absolute dog shit for most of the season. He's better than that level. Just like Benteke is better than us.
  6. So you'd say he's a bit of an ... Ha! my Dad had the super whizzy MG Maestro. Wrote it off in a fire ball near Cheltenham.
  7. Austin is the real deal. Has scored goals at every level he's played at, every season he's played. Quality player and a quality signing for us.
  8. What I find especially odd about the media position on this issue is that barely 8 weeks ago we were in the midst of a Stevie G "loyalty" wank fest. Or was it OK to be loyal then because its it was a) Liverpool and he'd won a few trophies. Basically journalists are all pricks.
  9. Without wishing to open a can of worms here. THIS.
  10. I'd far rather we gave the opportunities to play to one of the kids rather than throw Adebayor any money at all. Hasn't been the same player since he believed his own hype and left Arsenal. We should be looking elsewhere.
  11. Arbitrary discussions of a players "worth" are totally pointless. If the club feels they want a player they will offer/pay the maximum amount they are prepared to pay in order to secure his services........ and the selling club will accept the minimum amount they are prepared to accept in order to hand over his registration. Fan's opinions on "worth" are irrelevent. There are good deals and bad deals within that spectrum - but its all really academic.
  12. That's the thing. As much as I want this takeover to happen it won't change much other than likely make players even more unobtainable as clubs start to take the piss. With FFP we can't catch up and without FFP we'd have to outspend Manchester City by a large amount as you know that without FFP they would spend £300 million a season. That said: if we, hypothetically (discounting FFP), spent as much as City the next windows, we should end up being considerably closer to them quality-wise. The farther down you are in the ladder the easier the climb would be. Initially yes. The climb from 17th to 12th would be pretty easy. From 12th to 6th pretty hard. From 6th up almost impossible.
  13. Eames

    Tech jobs

    ^^ I manage a tech support and data quality team and tell people like the posters above what to do. I have no idea what anyone just said - I do however deliver a magnificent PowerPoint
  14. I'm pretty sure this time 6 months ago we are all saying the same thing but....Sorry Fabian. 2 things I've learned.: 1) the only universal truth is ITSOTP And 2) Rodney Marsh is a bitter old word removed who deserves to die of an AIDS enhanced dose of the galloping cock rot.
  15. Agree with everything you have said except this. Man City are not, have never been nor never will be a "bigger" club than Aston Villa. Richer yes.....but as we all know, money doesn't buy you class.
  16. Agree with everything you have said except this. Man City are not, have never been nor never will be a "bigger" club than Aston Villa. Richer yes.....but as we all know, money doesn't buy you class.
  17. If they do nothing else I hope they add the functionality to skip to the latest page in the conversation on the mobile skin. Its so frustrating to use.
  18. There is no way the Tory party will have a black ex footballer candidate for London Mayor.
  19. Eames


    Comparing players to employees isn't all that helpful either IMO. They are assets.
  20. Eames

    Smart Watches

    No surprises here. Zero practicality, limited functionality, high price. Its not an especially promising cocktail. I'm yet to see a single reason why I need to invest in any form of smart watch tbh. I wear a traditional watch and carry at least one mobile phone at all times. What does a smart watch add?
  21. A similar level of word removed-ery can be seen in the gym thread.
  22. Noone likes a smartarse Troon.
  23. Yes, but how bloody will it be? Quite, seemingly. Is it staff redundancies/streamlining?
  24. Yep once someone coughs up the £32.5m its down to Benteke where he goes. All we do at that point is bank the cheque.
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