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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Thats **** all on a mountain stage though.......
  2. If its a Murray v Djokovic final I want Murray to win. Murray v Federer I want Federer to win. It would be nice for Murray but the greatest player ever to lift a bat adding to his tally is far more enjoyable.
  3. Although to be fair to the Police, they had to respond in the way they did. Had they not and the bus had been blown up at Victoria Station or whatever, they would get grief for responding along the lines of "don't worry - its just hot water"
  4. The most interesting thing to think about is that this is the stuff they are doing publically and have to talk about. "Security Services do job - everyone safe but ooooh beware of the terrorists" type stories. Imagine for a minute the stuff the security services are up to that you nor anyone else will ever hear about. THAT is the worrying stuff.
  5. Achmed the dead terrorist SILENCE !!!!!!! I kill you I like Jeff Dunham - Achmed isn't very good to be fair but Walter and Peanut I like.
  6. Eames

    Education reform

    The problem with the education system in the UK is two fold and simple enough to sort out. 1) Schools are judged on how many kids (regardless of capaility) achieve a certain amount of exams. So schools teach kids to pass exams with little or no consideration to actually teaching skills/knowledge that would in the end prove useful. Solution? Scrap league tables all together. Kids achieve what they achieve - Ofsted inspect the quality of teaching, not the numbers of kids who reach a certain benchmark. Value added is the only indicator that matters. 2) Break the obsession with academic achievement. Not every child is academic - not every child needs to be. Solution - an education system that allows children at say 12/13 to either take an academic route leading to University etc etc. or a technical route with training/teaching in practical skills so that the "non-academic" pathway leads to children having real practical skills/trades at 18 and the ability to set themselves up in business or working for others. Neither route is better or worse than the other and there is no prejudice in looking for a more practical qualificiation. Education sorted.
  7. Not on the M42/M40 they don't. Full of idiots Must a dahn Saaath thing then because the commuter lot on the M20/26/25 are generally ok.
  8. Sky Sports webpage Some say he's a short black pacey winger/front man, and that he has a striking resemblance to an English pacey winger/front man that left Villa last season..... All we know is...... he's NOT Ashley Young, But he is Ashley's French equivilent.
  9. Mrs E handles motorways at the weekends because I simply refuse to. I cannot be dealing with retards on my days off. Generally speaking the monday - friday crowd know what they're up to and get on with it with little fuss. It also means that I can have a drink. So win win.
  10. Or an unfunny clearing in the woods.
  11. Wouldn't Mrs Makoun have been a better candidate for that job?
  12. I refer the honorable gentleman to the answer I gave moments ago.
  13. Yep! I am on this but slightly different. The lansoprazole protects the lining of your stomach as the diclofenac destroys it and causes ulcers (aswell as increases risk of heart attack) if you dont take it and you get an ulser you will never be able to take an anti inflamatory again. The Diclofenac is not good for reasons above, I found it a bit much so was put on a one a day slow release. The other is a pain killer but will cause you to be constipated and has a lot of side effects but I found paracitamol was just as good with the diclofenec. Why are you taking it? I take it all the time for Osteoarthritis Interesting with the co-drydamol giving you constipation because Lansoprazole gives me the epic shits. Brown **** rain.
  14. Can't stand AVTV and Jack Woodward is a twatbadger.
  15. IMO the Vampire Lord is horrendously overpowered against anything with blood, and crap in combat against anything that doesn't. Its still way more fun hacking down fools sword and board style or sneaking up behind them and knifing the **** rather than turn into a 10ft bat and using blood drain - and having to wait outside. Also the mechanics of Skyrim Vampirism are a bit odd. You can nob around in the daylight quite happily, and you get weaker if you feed on people?! The Dawnguard stuff feels like a bit of a wasted opportunity tbh.
  16. She isn't that nice, and her stupid shrieking everytime she hits the ball is beyond annoying. Good riddance. She grunts like that whilst tossing your balls Risso, I guarantee you will maintain an interest. :winkold:
  17. Henderson, Oxlade CHamberlain, Carroll and Walcott all played in the Euros. Carroll and Walcott had huge impacts and more than played their part. The Euros is a tournament that matters. The Olympics is not. In no way should the olympics influence the Euro squad. Only you and your mental views would think it should THIS. Ask any of those players to choose between winning the Euros and an Olympic Gold Medal and to a man they would tell you theyd want the former. The olympic kick about is totally meaningless.
  18. I reckon they'll get a good old fashion raping if they happen to stumble across the Samba boys.....
  19. A total non torunament. Shouldn't be an Olympic Sport, same as Golf/Tennis/Road Cycling etc etc etc.
  20. Eames

    Camera DSLR

    Hairy faces are hairy. :shock:
  21. Yes the micro USB connection is now EU standard for charger connections - although Apple with its massive stash of cash and big legal department may well just tell the EU to **** off.
  22. Tell him you banged his dad, then when he replies angrily, tell him that 'well yes we are going out, but we ain't engaged so technically until we are i can do that if i want to' But what if he has two mums? If thats the case Rob just exploded.
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