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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Fair **** play to the immigrant influx - doing the jobs the indigenous scum bags are too **** lazy to take on.
  2. They have had 4 names Small Heath Alliance, Small heath, Birmingham, then Birmingham City, and been shite under all of them. They finished 9th in the top flight once, don't you know And one the 4 most important honour in English Football. Once.
  3. Having just completed a Speed Awareness Course I'm pleased to confirm you are right. 4% accicdents on motorways 22% Urban 74% Urban non-motorway. Country roads full of dickheads driving at 60 "because thats the limit" rather than considering what is safe/appropriate.
  4. Get a bin bag, fill it with rice. Put the laptop in it, doors/flaps open, battery off. Place in airing cupboard for at least.a week.
  5. Isn't this why someone created contents insurance...?
  6. Eames

    John Terry

    Yes. Not a chance they will ban Terry if he has been cleared of the charge. No further action will be taken. Cue howls of displeasure from the Scousers.
  7. Eames

    John Terry

    Having just read the wording of the Act, I can't see how Terry can be found not guilty. Given that he as a) admitted using the language and that the defences outlined in the Act, (in a dwelling, noone else around, no reason to believe that anyone hearing it would be offended) don't appear to apply in this case.
  8. He'll struggle to outdo Johnny Gregory (of blessed memory) at press conferences. I loved him.
  9. I'm of the opinion that the on field captain this season isn't at the club yet.......
  10. Eames

    John Terry

    Whilst I agree that footballers aren't outside the law and it should in theory be handled by the police ... i agree with Mike in that this has been a complete waste of time (and money) Ferdinand didn't raise a complaint , the referee didn't either and they were the closest 2 people to the incident ...that some do gooder at home can feel the need to be outraged and go down the road and report it to his local police station without knowing the full facts is frankly absurd and the policeman that dealt with the complaint should have borrowed chief Wiggums invisible typewriter to type up the complaint Terry may be a cock of the highest order but on the evidence (or lack of) presented he can only be found not guilty , and rightly so ... he clearly isn't a racist I'm sorry Tony I completely disagree, and the charge is not that Terry is a racist, its that he commited a Sec. 5 Public Order offence. Which clearly he is guilty of - regardless of his "I was repeating what Anton said to me, honestly guv" attempts to cover his tracks. The notion that using racist language makes you a racist is frankly absurd. You can have a drink and not be an alchoholic after all.
  11. PLease tell me you're not talking about 15-17 Centigrade. If you are, you can get the **** out. Also if you are wanting warmer wouln't you say "roll on spring?" OR are the seasons backwards in Oz?
  12. Firstly - I'm not convinced that he's doped. I'm only expressing a disappointment that both he, and Team Sky have, in my opinion, gone from being clearly and undisputedly 100% clean, to getting sucked into the layers of murkyness that cloud the sport. With regard to your point - why take 2009 as a starting point? In 2006 and 2007 until his team mate was caught doping he was a permanent fixture in the gruppeto. When it comes to drastic transformations to GC contenders he (and Froome) share some pretty disreputable company. In 2009 when Wiggo finished fourth with Garmin it's worth noting that his DS and coach was Matt White, who was subsequently sacked from the team for sending one of their riders to a less than reputable doctor (who got a lifetime ban from the sport yesterday). When he joined Sky he abandoned his desire for both his and his teammates blood values to be published on a monthly basis - something he said should be mandatory after his 4th place tour finish. He also changed his stance on the riders and staff he associated with. He previously said that if there was a 1% chance of a rider or doctor or DS having been involved in PED's then they shouldn't allowed to compete (I can't find the exact quote unfortunately so am paraphrasing). Since then Sky have hired Sean Yates, Michael Barry, and now this latest Rabobank Doctor. It's also worth pointing out that Wiggo has been pretty much crushing the field like this since Paris Nice which was nearly four months ago - it's not an Armstrongesque peaking in time for the Tour. Anyway these points don't mean he's doped, but they do (along with the recent history of the sport) mean he has to expect to be questioned about his integrity and should be professional enough to answer his critics face to face and transparently rather some choreographed PR exercise in sports science in October when the world's press has disappeared. The 2007 Wiggins would have done that in my opinion. I also notice that Sky's PR manager refused to allow any questions on doping at Sky's press conference yesterday. Again straight out of Bruyneel and LA's book. You are Pull Kimmage and I claim my £5. The article comes across as a load of bitter nonsense by a bloke with an axe to grind because he didn't get the access he wanted to Sky in 2010. Crap rider, Crap journo.
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    Cl*nge is word filtered? clunge clunge clunge clunge clunge
  14. Eames

    General Chat

    Thats the collective term not the plural.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    This is how people die I took ritalin by mistake once..... that was an interesting day!
  16. Eames


    14 **** me thats hard
  17. Eames

    General Chat

    Heads off to the "Haircuts" thread.........
  18. Simple solution. Chop Hutton up for spares. Donate his knees to one M Laursen and jobs a goodun. Captain and new CB pairing sorted, with a whole load of parts left. Whats the going rate for a Scottish kidney these days?
  19. Eames


    Bose all the way.
  20. I was born there!!! hahaha. Thats brilliant.
  21. Best one I've seen was written on the door of a Chinese Restuarant in Spain.... "Old Chinese Proverb Say "Its not the quality of the ingredients, but the skill of the chef that is important"" :shock: The subtext I suppose is "It might be cat, but its **** well cooked cat" We didn't eat.
  22. Eames

    General Chat

    With the mother presumably? :suspicious:
  23. I like this if for no other reason he is a DM which sounds like the African name for "Doombringer" May he slay many a trequartista next season.
  24. But thats exactly what we'd expect them to say....
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