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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    Indian Girls

    Part of me is glad that pic has failed.........
  2. Eames

    Indian Girls

    He likes having a poo whilst on a skateboard?
  3. Part of me hopes you're refering to the contents of your trousers rather than Google's new tablet...... :|
  4. If you haven't replied "on condition of a blow job whilst the flame is lit, followed by you shouting "he's broken the world record" as I spaff in your face" you are a disgrace to mankind. I'll take that as a no then. ..........oh and tag...... "no returns"
  5. Eames

    Indian Girls

    Stevo's changed mate, he's all mature and stuff now! Tag...your it! Im disappointed Steven.
  6. If you haven't replied "on condition of a blow job whilst the flame is lit, followed by you shouting "he's broken the world record" as I spaff in your face" you are a disgrace to mankind.
  7. Eames

    Indian Girls

    So the thread is long gone and Voinjama is on his 2nd VT profile?
  8. Ouch dude!!!! £25k in 2 years!? The amount of times ive heard "You cant go wrong with property...you'll never lose money!" My **** arse!!! . Tbh though we bought at the top of the market and there are something like 25000 new homes being built in my town between now and 2025. We can afford to sit tight though - its a 4 bed house and we are only using 2 at the moment, we can stay put and wait for the market whilst making it a long term home for us. Not worried.
  9. We moved 2 years ago... in that time we have: Decorated 3 out 4 bedrooms New bathroom Decorated lounge, dining room and hallway. Replaced the back door (fnar fnar) Installed a woodburner Remodeled the garden The best news, houses on the street are currently on the market at about £25k less than we paid for ours. :grr:
  10. Eames

    Indian Girls

    Not very much does no.......
  11. And here is the Villa Talk People's Front.... or is the People's Front of Villa Talk.... I get confused. :wink:
  12. Eames

    Indian Girls

    I reckon its do with poo.......
  13. Having just read the last few pages Tony, if you are a heartless word removed, I am proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you in that particular club. Spot on in everything you have said.
  14. Eames

    Indian Girls

    Seconded.... I've seen many a reference but as a relative newbie..... I would appreciate a link?
  15. Fixed. But I can see why it would be annoying when you were on the phone.
  16. I had no intention of watching it, but was totally hooked after 5 minutes. Total fluffy nonsense but very very watchable.
  17. The new Mr and Mrs Wiggy knew how to celebrate their marriage in style
  18. No SD Card on the Nexus either..... Oh fucksocks.
  19. Eames

    General Chat

    Right, I'm starting a campaign to have the name "England" changed to: "This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England". We should have done it in 1911.
  20. Cheers Conor - one problem with the One S - no SD slot....... not a deal breaker since my Desire only has an 8GB card in it at present but its rammed. Being stuck at 16GB for the next one doesn't appeal......
  21. Thats interesting because a friend as got a Galaxy NExus and it looks lovely and feels nice in the hand. His Mrs has an S2 which I didn't like to much.....
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