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Everything posted by Eames

  1. EDIT Russian athlete on Russian state TV bigs up Russian sporting event shocker. Pointless PR.
  2. Russia would win that hands down.
  3. You Bastard! My original solution was "show her the back of your hand" but given her past it may not be the best tactic....... :!:
  4. Have you tried spinning a few of them for her? a problem shared and all that?
  5. *squirts* Gareth? Haha. Does look similar. :winkold:
  6. *narrow's eyes* Gareth?
  7. That makes it sound like you contemplated and rejected the others You could've just said "the female" I know what you lot are like hence the specifics. 2nd from the right could go either way tbf.
  8. Ahhhh the "expecting a parcel trick"
  9. 2nd from the left would get it.
  10. We've been over this before Ad, not interested. :!: Chapeau.
  11. Exactly. I have Mrs E for a cup of tea in bed. If I'm thinking about bedding an Olympian I want a filthy one.
  12. To confirm the pics where selected from Page 1 of Google Image results based on what I felt showed them at their best. I didn't chose Pendleton's "naked with bike" pictures for fear of the "no baps - no flaps" rule - but feel free to find them. IMO the fact that Pendleton was up for that shoot at all puts her above Ennis in the filth stakes - and lets face it, thats much more important than "cup of tea in bed" wife material.
  13. Eames


    You are David Sullivan and I claim my £5.
  14. In ear thermometer aside we found this the most useful bit of kit for Princess E's room. She's nearly 2 and we still use it. Other useful stuff are the travel sleeping bags (Google Grobag) and a Bumbo - for when sprog is a bit bigger. THE best chair/thing we found once Princess E could hold her own head.
  15. [/debate] Well that lasted long..... errrrr what to talk about next......
  16. In the Blue Corner....... ENNIS In the Red Corner.......PENDLETON Taken from page 1 of google images for both. For me - Pendleton edges it, but its a close close call. I'll take both if I really have to.....
  17. Freddie Evans is a pikey right?
  18. Go in and issue a bollocking. If they fail to help, use it as evidence to the Ombudsman.
  19. A bit of public humiliation never hurt anyone. March into their office and demand (loudly but politely) to see the manager because the Agency are currently ripping you off and pocketing the rent for themselves. That ough to get their attention.
  20. To be fair, given the "Greco" it was probably encouraged! I blame Wiggy. It looks right up his street. :winkold:
  21. Greco Roman Wrestling. SUPER ghey.
  22. Right before the swoop of the transfer Eagle.
  23. In terms of basic numbers undoubtably. But in terms of proportionality I would imagine the numbers are a lot closer. You would need to clarify what "alchohol related" deaths actually mean. For example, for the speeding death figures, they count up to 30 days after a road accident death for it to be speed related.....
  24. What is the obsession with a Marquee? Its a big **** tent. Yes its impressive and all and shows what we can afford but do we really need a big **** tent? What we need is a couple of pretty useful cheaper tents from Millets. The sort that do the job required of them and do it well with little aggro. Yes a big **** tent is much nicer and you can have a party in it, but surely the money would be better spent on 3-4 top of the range smaller ones? To put it another way - we could buy Ferrari Enzo, but 3 top spec AMG Mercs would be a better use of the money? Just a thought?
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