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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I thought the Closing Ceremony was crap. If the Best of British is two skinny crackwhores on a flatbed truck then we're all ****!! After the genius of the Opener, I thought this was a real let down a real missed opportunity to get some of the the really big names of British music together... we have some hugely popular, global bands that never even got a look in, instead, we get Russel Brand singing shit Beatles songs and the Spice Girls.
  2. He didn't fail but the jump in the pool for 3rd place was way over the top. We often slate the yanks for being shit winners but Boudia was class personified, whereas Daley looks a bit of a knob.
  3. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Happy birthday!!! 30 was my favorite bday party so far! Thanks ME. It's been good. Apart from the dickhead "what's it like being 30?" question.
  4. Tom Daley doing shit in fally off splash.
  5. Do Chinese commentators always get western names right? Serious question. It's impossible for commentators to get Western names spot on when commentating in Mandarin, for the simple reason that many syllables found in European languages do not exist in Mandarin. For example, "Taylor", a disyllabic name, would be transliterated into a three (or four!) syllable Mandarin phrase, as sounds that end with a y do not exist in the Mandarin language. It's much easier imo for English commentators to pronounce Chinese names correctly though, I think if we take tones out of the equation, English is the more versatile tongue in that it can replicate a wider range of sounds. I'm not talking about the tonal elements of Chinese languages - I know that's something very, very hard for Europeans to master - but apart from that, shouldn't be difficult! For example, Adams's opponent in the final yesterday, Ren Cancan, was called "Kan-kan". In actual fact, it's pronounced something like "cahn-cahn", the "c" being pronounced in a similar way to how it's pronounced in the word "ciao". I know, linguistic rules etc etc but we're pronouncing a Chinese name here, not an English one - and if we can pronounce "Juan" with a silent "J", why can't we try to pronounce Chinese names more authentically? Another example - Liu Xiang, the Chinese hurdler (who's injured...again ) - his name is usually pronounced, by English commentators, as "loo-shaang". Come to think of it, his surname (Liu) might be a little hard for most native English speakers to pronounce properly - but the "X" in "Xiang" should be pronounced just the way one would expect it to, like in the words "xylophone," "Xavier," and "xenophobe". I will start pronouncing Chinese properly, the day I stop hearing chinese people talk about Escerators, General Erections and being preased to meet me. :nod:
  6. Have a beer and a wank before you go out. Good luck Dem.
  7. Helen Skelton on the Beeb at the moment. If she promised not to talk... she would most certainly recieve it.
  8. Do Chinese commentators always get western names right? Serious question. And on a related point..... commentators/newsreaders hit and miss approach to pronounciation of foreign place names. Eg. BACHrain, instead of Bahrain but not ParEE instead of Paris. Pick an approach and stick to it knoblers.
  9. Completely agree with this. I have always considered 30 as the end of your youth. You are no longer young. The start of middle age, responsibilities. I am not looking forward to that one, but time never stops so I will just have to accept it when it comes in 5 years time. I have a house, wife, job and child. What more responsibility can the bastards lump on me?!?!?!
  10. Cheers lads. Beers a plenty afterwork.
  11. Ahhh ****.... Gunnery Sgt. Hartman...... genius.
  12. Michael Corleone - The Godfather Tony Montana - Scarface Han Solo - Star Wars IV, V and VI Red - The Shawshank Redemption Hannibal Lecter - The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Jules - Pulp Fiction Ripley - Alien(s)(3) Henry Jones Jnr - Indiana Jones Triology (not counting Crystal Skull which was an abortion of a film) The Joker - TDK James Bond
  13. Can't be arsed to view the link. What were his thoughts on our "missed opportunity" in 1912?
  14. Its my 30th Birthday today....... :birthday:
  15. In my experience you think corporate HR is bad, come into the public sector, all the innefficiency, idiocy and piss poor decision making without the benefits of being fit. :crying:
  16. 48 hours of my right bicep randomly twitching.
  17. She does, but would still rather smash in Pendleton's back door.
  18. Eames

    General Chat

    I take it my application was unsuccesful?
  19. and *doesn't* Is missing from the first sentence and terrible punctuation.
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    IF you are prepared to pay someone over 50k a year and aren't that fussed about productivity or outcomes drop me a PM. I'm in. I can speako a little of the lingo and am partial to European food a lager........
  21. Thing is though, what happens if you put the shirt on, and the tag sticks out, revealing to all and sundry that the shirt is for ladies. If you're at a match everyone on the rows behind you would notice, and then one of them would add an extra line to My Lord, ie. 'Ladies Shirt My Lord, LADIES SHIRT', etc. at the Everton away game, and then everyone else would join in, and then they'd laugh and the guys IN FRONT will start looking round to see what all the fuss is about, and THEN the guys to your side will explain and EVERYONE will laugh except for me, I found the whole thing terribly embarrassing, I TRIED to explain it was a simple mistake, shirts got mixed up...but no. I will never live that one down If you got away with "Ladies shirt my lord" you would have to consider yourself very lucky indeed.
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