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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Ultimately, he will end up in Sweden the UK government are bound by EU law to send him whether they agree with that particular Swedish law or not. What the Swedes decide to do with him is their problem, if the US want him, they can have him, although AFIK they haven't requested that he be extradited.
  2. Who's that in the picture? :winkold: You're going to have to explain that one.
  3. I'm having one the second its out. Desparate to fire up Minecraft PE on that badboy.
  4. Well this particular scientist is particularly scatter brained. EDIT - I thought as much after I wrote it. :cry: Another joke battered into submission with the comedic crowbar.
  5. I almost wish it happens just to see the hypocrisy in the labour supporters who have been so damning about the Lib dems suddenly jump into bed with them saying how wonderful they are and that they always liked them really It would be good but highly unlikely. I reckon the Lib Dems will get fewer than 10 seats at the next election. Unless the economy does something pretty unexpected/miraculous in the next 2 years they are going to get bitchslapped like a disobient Private Secretary.
  6. Eames

    Nutkins RIP

    NO! Not Nutkins. :crying: :( :(
  7. Unless they are dangling a carrot to try and break up the coalition sooner? That would be their only chance IMO. To look to a Lib/Lab coalition at the next assumes that the Lib Dems will retain a level of support that makes a coalition likely/worthwhile. Personally, I think the Lib Dems will get an unholy kicking from the electorate and the next GE is a straight fight between the Tories and Labour.
  8. I can't see there is any dispute about the fact that this was a professional job - for reasons that we will never know. The strage element to this is the overkill - not just killing the target, but his wife, mother-in-law and 2 kids in such a way. Just whacking the bloke would have been a far simpler, clinical job - long range rifle, jobs a good 'un. Spraying a car with automatic gunfire and blowing away a witness sugguests there is far more to the killing than simply removing an risk or tidying up an inconvenience. That was sending a message. Whoever/whatever the guy was involved with, the perpetrator (Mossad, CIA, MI6, The Moonies, whoever) has made it clear to anyone else involved that it is a poor idea to continue.
  9. Replace "King Kenny" with "Paul McGrath" and I wouldn't disagree.
  10. Well I for one hope security set the Dinobots on you. Fake ID wearing Deceptacreep.
  11. People that wear boxers that are not painfully clear whether they are inside out. Go loud and crazy patterns of go home.
  12. You need some of these
  13. Meh, the 1998 effort was better.
  14. can't believe it took 5 posts.....
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    **** dude. That's shite. Stay strong mate. Fight the **** its the only way.
  16. Mon will ruin that for us by offering him £200k a week and guaranteed first team football at right back.
  17. that sounds like the kind of crap the club would feed anyone daft enough to listen. if they plan to spend next summer why not this ? or last ? load of old bollocks To be fair its not like the new owners used a debit card to buy the Browns. Randy may not have the cash yet himself.
  18. What an over produced load of wank. Put them all in the pot. Draw 4 lots of A to H. No seeding, no.coefficients, no little ploys to keep TV happy. You draw who you draw in a group and crack the **** on with it.
  19. As good a players as he might be/has been there are very few players i wan't less at Aston Villa then him. any reason why? I'd be content to ee him come in on loan to supplement the youth with some experience. I have quite a few friends from Palestine, some are alive, some are not... Not Benayouns fault of course, im sure he's a lovelly guy but i wan't nothing to do with his country. I would (probably)not boycott if we signed him, but i would not cheer if he scored. If this violated some rules on the forum im sorry and please remove the post asap Say what! I have read some shit on these forums in the last few weeks but this must be a new low. What the ****? We don't sign a player over some pointless political argument? Yes the Israelis have acted like utter bastards but the PLA, Hammas and Hezbollah aren't exactly a bunch of flower arranging pacifists....
  20. He has flattered to decieve everywhere he has gone.
  21. You know in old movies how the bloke sometimes gives a hysterical woman a back hander to calm her down..... we need a gif like that for some of you on here.
  22. She died. Not exactly a conspiracy theory but.... Diana's final resting place was reported to be an island on a lake in the grounds of Althorp House. (Quite how you dig a grave on a small island without the **** filling with water is beyond me but any how.) However, the Spencer Family tomb is in Great Brington church. Suspiciously the Village was compeltey closed aroung the time of the funeral. The locals all agreed because they didn't fancy the idea of having thousands of toursits and Daily Express journos hanging around for ever more.
  23. To be fair - if he was fingering people he probably deserved it. (fnar fnar)
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