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Everything posted by Eames

  1. ^^ No No - you're not. Or at least, if you are, so am I. That would be superb.
  2. I will not conform to your chronological restrictions. I'm a free spirit maaaaaan.
  3. Most important part of your post. Amen. (Woops, sorry.) I'm not so sure I agree with that: Does it mean we can criticise paedophelia, but we must be nice to paedophiles? Voting National Socialist in 1933, did not make one guilty of committing the Holocaust... but it does give you a share of the responsibility for what happened. Likewise with our religious bretheren... none of them should be without some share of the guilt. MUST NOT BITE.......MUST NOT BITE.........
  4. How did your child brain handle that communion is literally cannibalism? Like every other catholic child, didn't even think about it. Course, it's hard to think of anything else when you've got a priest's cock up your arse... You lucky lucky bastard - the times I dreamed about a priest's cock up my arse when I was kneeling there on a lumpy hassock with my mouth full of the cardinals staff........
  5. ^^ And so it should be. All this cosying up to the French is distinctly un-British.
  6. Also very well put, Mr Mooney, yet the problem remains that, as 500 years ago, indeed until Darwin and beyond, some one had to face these Christian monsters down... and the same applies today with the disgusting rubbish called Islam. EDIT. Can't be arsed to argue.
  7. The thing that amuses me more than anything else is that the 3 Abrahamic religions who seem so intent or persecuting other and generally being international dicks are so similar. Its like 3 retellings of the same story. Once upon a time there were 3 bears...... and the texts/characters/content is very similar until you get to... Mummy Bear (Judaism) decides that her porridge is just right and takes herself off to corner the world market in International Banking and Western Politics whilst being a dick to Daddy Bear Daddy Bear (Christianity) decided that his porridge is just right and spends the next 2000 years raping choir boys and being a dick to Mummy Bear and Baby Bear and Baby Bear (Islam) decides that his porridge is just right but that he's not taking that shit from no-one, especially that food theiving Western infidel girl and together with all the little bears is gonna Jihad those m'****.
  8. Meh. Google images them. They are already there. Not really worth the fuss tbh. Unless they are running the headline "Heir to the British Crown marries pre-pubescent boy" Move on. Quite literally, nothing to see here.
  9. I'm sorry, but there can only be one winner. Boom!
  10. Sigh But this wasn't a new staduim ? - what I mean is that the turnstiles at that end must have processed something close to that volume of fans in the past ? Also I would have thought - that the crush was caused by to many people being in that Terrace - not by the speed they got there ? Leppings Lane is/was the away stand at Hillsborough so generally would have had fewer fans in it, than would have been expected than when used as a neutral venue for the FA Cup tie? Just a hypothesis.......?
  11. I know I'm not the most popular VTer but "nobody" is very harsh indeed. :cry:
  12. Which actually is brilliantly ironic when a healthy proportion of US citizens think their President is a Muslim.
  13. I have wifi networks from my house, to work, in town and other places too. 4G ir the lack thereof will not bother me. Exaclty, all this gives EE the licence to take the piss on data prices for 6 months whilst the members of the Apple Cult lap up their iPhone4s GTI or whatever it is. The data costs for 4g will dwarf 3g (IMO of course)
  14. Do you think that the comments being reported as coming from Tory MP and member of the Gvmt irvine patnick somehow at least let the matter be investigated further now? The Gvmt of that time did have an agenda that they followed with South Yorkshire Police as was seen in various events at the time, not least the miners strike. Also you then look at the whole rules and laws that the Gvmt imposed regarding football fans at the time. the problem seems to be that people are trying to fit in the modern society and apply that to something a fair time back that had many different rules then. I suspect that there will be loads more ooooz out now, the flood gates have opened so it seems Yes, yes and yes. We must stop this agreeing lark now. Its starting to bug me.
  15. Exactly what i mean. Hooligans, football, drink. Ah yeah, file your reports lads and we'll move on. But again, that implies Thatcher knew about it and didn't either a) expose the cover up or was complicit in it. If she and the Government were lied to there isn't much they can do about that. I know Thatcher is a popular figure of hate (reference T-Shirts at TUC conference) but please stick to demonising her for stuff we know she ACTUALLY did. Knicking milk and upsetting Commies for example.
  16. As brutal as it is, Kulas and his Dad were the utter, utter fuckwits in that case. Agree 100%. There was no way on earth Kulas should have been allowed in the ring. Particularly with a notorious word removed like New Jack.
  17. And that is where you need to be careful. From what I have seen (and I haven't read the report) there was no evidence that the Government encouraged the Police to cover up what had happened. Had that been the finding, I'm pretty sure THAT would have been the big headline of the day.
  18. In short NO. They still have to teach the National Curriculum so RE will get the same level of time as any other. The church has some input eg. The local Vicar will be on the Board of Governors and the Diocese will have some input into selecting some Governors but beyond that it is a totally normal school. There may be a little more religion than a Community Primary (eg. singing hymns in assembly) but it absolutely won't be populated by religion nutters and bible bashers. Get him in there.
  19. Thats made me go all tingly Drat. Now.... since we're in a spirit of unity and brotherhood, repeat after me. "Boris Johnson is a all round top guy"
  20. Still stand by this Rev? Ok different people have different views on Hillsborough and what happened on that day. Regardless of what they are, and regardless of what has been published today people are STILL entitled to hold them if they so choose. To now trawl back and villify anyone and everyone who for whatever reason has an opinion different from yours is verging on post on poster and should not happen on this forum. Some of the opinions I have held about what happened have been changed as a result of today. The tragedy for those families and the behaviour of the Police was totally abhorrant and I admire those families determination to get closer to the truth. To use such a report as a stick with which to beat people who have disagreed with you makes as you as bad as those you seek to vilify.
  21. This is what happens when people with C13th values get hold of C21st weapons.
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