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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Oh dear Piers. What with this and hacking at the Mirror? Best stay stateside Mr Morgan. How many years for perjury is it now?
  2. Drat, you may want to sit down. I completely agree with you. The attitude of most politicians to the BBC is pretty disgraceful. What we have in Britain, is a much loved, trusted and respected national, impartial broadcaster. I fear that the last adjective is the most problematic. Impartiality breeds a notion of mistrust and favouring the "others." I worry that the behaviour of some of its "talent" 40 years ago will be used as an excuse to further diminish the strength of our great national institution and further expand the power of Murdoch, who is everyones mate so long as they are in charge. IMO there is very little wrong with the culture, ethics and standards at the BBC. I can understand why the Newsnight investigation was shelved - I don't agree, but I understand how and why it happened. A review into the BBC's "Child Protection" policies is a smokescreen. You can't used modern standards and proceedures to investigate an organisations behaviour nearly half a century ago - the results will ALWAYS be damning. Governments of all colours and in particular Ms Miller at present need to but out and let the Beeb get on with it.
  3. Exactly...... you sunshine are taking the piss. Have at thee with an elbow to the head.
  4. Don't be such a smeg head Kryters.......
  5. Resi 2 was the high point. Running about with my 10" magnum capping fools. Resi 3 was fun - with the Nemesis etc. Code Veronica X was a good laugh - some superb baddies.
  6. Ah Christmas Jones. She cums once a year you know...... fnar fnar. Fit actress, shit character name.
  7. The one I find annoying is Romney saying "Candidate Obama" as opposed to President - but again, all psychological tricks -oooh hes not President, he's only a candidate.
  8. That has been going on since the dawn of time - its the fault of successive governments. But all the more reason to support the little cafe. I also guarantee 99/100 the coffee will be better as well.
  9. Technically there is no difference - but morally, because of the sums involved, the plumber with his cash in hand is more palatable and people see a benefit of the evasion. Presumably the only people benefitting from Starbucks is the faceless "shareholders" and their dividends.
  10. And yet the law would appear to disagree with you - avoidance of tax through legal accounting practices is not the same as a) fraudulently submitting an incorrect tax return, dishonestly claiming a benefit to which you know you are not entitiled. I'm not defending tax avoidance -far from it - nor am I an expert, but tax legislation in this country needs a total overhaul and simplification in order to ensure "fairness"
  11. That right there is why all of Scotland should vote NO. Be careful what you wish for laddies - Alec, Nicola and chums will have you exrtracting oil with a pick axe and a snorkle.
  12. I can't decide whether I should be intimidated or aroused?
  13. Yup - useful for delousing chicken sheds. Just don't expect much to grow where you put it down.
  14. The most amusing and lets face it obvious case had to be Pantani. A birdlike climber that could scamper up mountains turned rippling time trial beast after an injury layoff. Um........
  15. I was watching Kill Bill when I first saw this....... none of your nurses are called "Buck" are they?
  16. I think it has to be wiped clean. You can't go to Cadel or Fernando.... congratulations chaps you came 8th - have a yellow jersey. It has no credibility at all. Makes me worry about Big Mig, my boyhood sporting hero - 5 consecutive tours. A timetrial monster that could destroy the field on the climbs if he felt like it. He absolutely smashed a pre-cancer Armstrong in 1995. He battered Virenque (another dope master)..... its starting to look a bit suss........ Evans too is a double winner now.
  17. Depressing stuff. So the "winners" of the Tours for the years Armstrong "won" are 1999 Escartin (3rd) 2000 Escartin (8th) 2001 Kivilev (4th) 2002 Azevedo (6th) 2003 Zubeldia (6th) 2004 Azevedo (5th) 2005 Evans (8th) Depressing that in 2000 and 2008, you have to go to 8th place to find a rider who wasn't (well hasn't been caught or outed) as a drug user.
  18. I've done that before - booked a Standard fare, got on the train and its been too busy/noisy and moved to 1st and then paid the upgrade when the bloke came round. Our expenses policy here in local government is "cheapest possible" so no way would I get the cost of the upgrade back, but it was worth it. There is a difference between "reducing costs" and "avoiding payment." Pretty sure EVEN Osbourne isn't stupid enough to dodge fares. I'm sure George didn't say "no 1st class travel" - but can see he would have told departments to cut costs on expenses etc, having seen the unholy mess the books were in when Alistair and Ed moved out of the treasury. Thats twice in this thread today where you've cited media reports you agree with as fact and then (once in the same article) dismissed reports where you don't agree as rubbish.
  19. I would rather we went down than see Downing back at the club.
  20. Except thats not actually what happened now is it? Virgin Trains confirmed that one of Osbourne's advisors approached the inspector and paid the upgrade, no questions asked - as reported by the Beeb. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-20008342]Auntie Says
  21. Not quite the same though is it? How many average commuters will be able to identify the Civil Servants from ANY department - Osbourne is a little more conspicuous wouldn't you say? Personally I have no problem with anyone using 1st class if they feel so inclined. As long as expenses are paid back at the rate of a Standard fare there really is no issue.
  22. Live and Let Die Connery and Craig in a dead heat Goldfinger
  23. Breaking news. George pays and stays in 1st class. An all round PR fail there George. Well played.
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