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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    Ice rink

    Does heating a pizza qualify as "making dinner?"
  2. Hahahahahahahah rocket polishers
  3. Only in the US presumably since you would like to think a UK/European Court would have simply laughed them back to Cupertino with that one. How the **** else do you navigate a touch screen device? Pricks.
  4. George Osbourne on R4 this morning. One of the matters for negotiation as well as the amount of money in the budget, it the terms between agreements. IIRC the current term is 7 years. GO suggesting that a shorter term will be better. If no agreement is made or one or all of the member states veto the budget settlement, the mechanism is in place to have an annual EU budget settlement.
  5. Its a **** contact sport. Just because you are touched its NOT a foul or a reason to fall over. This really pisses me off. Listening to Gobby Cabbage go on about it on 606 - "if there's contact you have the right to go down" Bollocks. If you're Walcott and someone like Shawcross or Huth shoulder charge you... fair enough go down. If you're Drogba, stay on your **** feet you massive jessie. The new game is leaving the leg in or seeing the sliding challenge come in and then jump over the tackle hit the deck and roll like you've been shot. Its all bollocks. The FA regarless of what FIFA or UEFA say should simply start handing out retrospective bans of 10 games for players who behave like this. It is supposed to be contact sport and a mans game. Half the players these days don't even wear proper shin guards. If they can't be arsed to protect themselves properly - then they are responsible for any injuries that occur. If an opening batsman goes out to bat without his helmet on and then gets sparked out by a bouncer. Who is at fault? The bowler for a perfectly legal delivery - or the knob who didn't put his hat on? Same principle applies.
  6. I've been drinking mulled wine for a couple of days due to horrible sore throat/cold Bloody lovely.
  7. Hardly a ringing endorsement though is it?
  8. I've had my phone 2 weeks..... in October I walked 2 miles apparently. That is shockingly awful.
  9. What I can't understand is that ANY language of this sort is appropriate on the field of play. I thought foul and abusive language was a yellow card? Now I swear like a trooper so I'm not saying its wrong, but I do it in circumstances where it is acceptable to do so. If the laws of the game (or the social context) made it an offence, then it shoudl be punished. Mike up the refs. Lets hear what is said in all its filthy glory and after 1 wonderfully unbroadcastable game Sky would stop it over night. Actually it would enhance the game for the viewers at home (and in the stands if they buy/rent a headset) to hear the decisions and the explainations for decisions on the spot. Its one of the reasons Rugby Union is great to watch on TV, you hear what is said - and then the 19st prop forward says "yes sir" to the little streak of piss in the refs outfit.
  10. Lets hope we buy two decent wingers in January. Its not Gabby's job or particular talent.... and Holman means well but I'm not convinced.
  11. Simple really. You lie to the HOC come up with a dodgy dossier of spurious claims about the Iraqi capability to fire nukes (where are those pesky missiles again drat, is Tony STILL playing hide and seek in the desert?) oh yeah, and bump off the poor bloke who risks exposing your pack of lies. A non binding vote on what the opening position at negotiations was always going to end that way. There will be a budget freeze, the budget term will come down to 5 years and the HOC will pass it. Steddy Eddy will try a make the government look as bad as possible to get back in, but where does he stand on Europe again? Seems to me like he is pissing on his own picnic.
  12. Wow. Starting to things I should have waited a couple more months rather than leap to the S3 . There will be a fair few appearing on eBay as well. One thing is for certain, only a right knob would go and get a Nokia Lucia now...... :-P
  13. Without wishing to overly complicate matters here ---- I'm sure you're having fun customising settings and all I have a radical solution to the whole problem. Turn the phone face down?
  14. Yup bang to rights there............ obviously meant £10m.
  15. Bent is gone - if not Jan then the Summer. How much we lose on the deal is the only issue for the club. I can see a £10 haircut on this one.
  16. The use of the word "hypocrisy" here troubles me greatly...... where have I been hypocritical?
  17. Eames

    LTE in the UK

    Ah - right we're comparing apples and oranges. I was talking about the contract including phone price plans. The SIM free deals will of course be better if you use that approach.
  18. Doesn't mean I WANT that to happen, but you learn more from poor performance than you do from pissing every game 5-0. Lambert will get it right, the team will sort itself out and will get better as we go along. Its not going to be a pretty season but we are starting from such a low ebb. Dumping Lambert within the next 3 years, regardless of results will do this club no favours at all.
  19. I don't know what upsets me more - the fact we are going to get bummed by a League 2 team - or the fact that I will have to watch DiCanio's smug face as he does it.
  20. Sha na na na na na na na na - Heskey's Bitch, Heskey's Bitch - You are Heskey's Bitch. On crackly YouTube footage it looks like he's playing for Barcalona.
  21. Eames

    LTE in the UK

    And I was right! EE's £36 a month for 500MB on a service where you are encouraged to stream videos? - I think the BBC were reporting that to stream a YouTube video would wipe your monthly allowance in 3 mins. Crazy. Early adopters of this are barking mad. Between wifi and HDSA+ I have absolutley no need for this service.
  22. Several problems with your logic 1) Our own "young players" aren't up to the job. Albrighton has totally lost the plot, Weimman, Fonz and Baker will never be PL regular players at any club. The only two I have hope for are Herd and Clark. Gabby has been terrible for 2 seasons (not that he's all that young now) 2) We were never ever ever ever ever going to bring in established PL players who would want a **** ton of money in wages. PLEASE stop going on about Berbatov, we've got one lazy clearing in the woods leading the line - we don't need a second. I will happily have a bet with you now that come Christmas Berbatov will have got comfy at Fulham and won't be performing anywhere near the level he is now. Berbatov has also hardly been a creative force thru his career has he? He has a few nice touches but doens't "create" in the sense that Mata/Silva/Cazorla/Bale create play. 3) As for Lambert using hungry experience.... great I'm 100% behind it - even if we play shit and lose. The "experienced" pro's had their shots under GH and McLeish. They pretty much let us down to a man. Lets try something new that may benefit the club in years to come.
  23. Eames


    If we are still in touch in January - I think we'll be ok. Randy will have to chuck some serious cash into the mix to dig us out but I'm pretty sure he will. This season is the worst since the PL started to get relegated. From next season it will be nigh on impossible to get back up and stay up with the massive increase in TV money. We dont want to get stuck in the mini-League that is the bottom 6 of the PL and the top 6 of the Championship - that will leave us bouncing between the two for many seasons to come.
  24. BBC reporting Gary Glitter taken away by police this morning.
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