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Everything posted by Eames

  1. That would make me watch on the condition he did it ALL in kayfabe. "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?" "Ant and Dec the Rock says this: "
  2. Yes. There is no place for politics in these investigations - the only blur will come if an existing politician of ANY colour is still holding office or influence. This will not just affect the Tories the fallout will taint everyone.
  3. Am I happy with Cameron? Happy would be a massive overstatement but look at the alternatives...... An escaped Aardman character? A man called Balls? My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.... Mr Balls. (Doesn't work does it really?) Clegg? A man with about as much credibility in Politics as Jimmy Saville has in childcare. Other alternatives are what? Osbourne, Boris? Nick Griffin? Today's sandal wearer in the Green Party? or todays Chairman of the Socialist Workers Party or the Working Socialists or any other noisy irrelevence. Seems like the best of a bad lot to me.
  4. I think you will find that I didn't refer to your posts as "irrelevant shite" just the evidence you use to support them. Another case of you seeing what you want to see but missing the point entirely.
  5. For someone who carps on about deflection when having his arguement challenged you don't half pull out a load of irrelevent shite to support your posts.
  6. I've got an S3 and its great - but you really should hang on for the Nexus 4 if for nother reason than the £150 price difference.
  7. Fat and Drunk no doubt. A bit like the lay off Rooney had when he cut his leg. Can't play football but managed to lose half a stone in weight.
  8. This. There is a world of difference between "I'm sorry John Obi - I couldn't give a monkeys" and saying "ooo ooo ooo" and chucking a banana at him, The whole situation is utterly pathetic. Most likely they have decided they didn't like the way Clattenburg reffed the game and want to get revenge as a result.
  9. Has it gone up? Haven't noticed in all honesty I don't think I've ever considered how much the tax is when buying a car. When it comes to Car Tax. High/Low is subjective nowadays anyway. My Golf is £125 a year. My dad's Golf is £0. Want low/cheap tax - buy a car that has low emissions. Seeeeeemples.
  10. Because Labour had such an outstanding record of lowering Road Tax. :rollseyes:
  11. Most votes of the people who turned up? That's democracy to me.
  12. Seconded. They for the most part appear to speak English.
  13. Eames


    **** hell. That team **** hell. That team would get raped. Brutally, repeatedly raped. Over and over again. What formation is that? a 4-6?
  14. 10k is a lot of money - particuarly now the bloke that stuffed the last fox I collared with the hounds has heard this story. He is charging me £15k for the badger I dropped into him this morning. Aaaanyway. The point I was trying to make was that the snake would have been stuffed regardless of the colour of government in the department. I doubt Mr Hague was even aware the snake had been booked in for a refil. I can see the political impact of it, and its not great, but like I said, the fact Red Ed, Mr Balls or any member of the Opposition front bench haven't really gone into one over it, suggests there is little to be gained over the story. Particularly on a day one of their own big beasts is going to get chucked out of Parliament for 12 months. I can see how for many people this is a pretty galling story, over a years wages for many on filling a snake with cotton wool or whatever they use. Its a shame for Labour about Dennis because they are actually so much better at Opposition politics than the Tories. Regardless of what they say and whether you believe in or agree with it. Hague and his snake would on any other day be a licence to hammer the government and ruthlessly take the piss.
  15. I can assure you he is far from a bumbling idiot. He has that persona because as you rightly point out, it makes him very very appealing to the public. How much substance lives below the style? Ask the people of London, they have elected him twice..... he's doing something rignt.
  16. And as Risso so deftly pointed out, had they not re-stuffed the snake (arf arf) Hague would have been accused of neglecting a national treasure. I'm sure there is never a good time politically to spend £10k on taxidermy. Its interesting that no opposition politician has come out against such an action because apart from in your world, there is no political capital to be made here.
  17. Agreed Pete. Why the **** are they hiring Blackberries anyway? A new contract BB Curve costs what? £20 a month on a years contract. Even if it was used for a week and never used again its still better Value for money than hiring them and having them delivered, Crazy
  18. True, what about http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-20178332] Dennis MacShane's Euro jollies on expenses Value for money or no?
  19. Shit reporting of the highest order. It isn't Hague's personal property, it's owned by the Foreign Office. Was it worth the repair? Hell no - but to try and pass this off and Tory extravegance is nonsense. I'm sure Labour's time in office is littered with similar bizarre spending decisions.
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