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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Probably (as I;ve already said,) because people on that list are known to Cameron as being gay. Its not rocket science. Overall it wasn't helpful ( as I've already said). But for you to use this issue as some petty attempt to further demonise Cameron says far more about you, drat than any attempt at "defence"
  2. Totally wrong. And to infer that in anyway shape or form is pretty disgusting drat. You may not like the bloke or agree with his politics, but try to oppose him with a bit of class. Poor.
  3. "Phillip Schofield's so called actions" ..... errr .... he DID do what you described. Not really sure whats in doubt about that? :/ Perhaps that he is aware that people on the list are gay? I agree that not going there at all would have been a more prudent response but he was ambushed. He clearly was not linking paedos with homosexuality. The Guardian have discredited Messham's account of the abuse he recieved at exhonerated Lord McAlpine already. McAlpine has also issued a denial. Cameron's response was spot on.
  4. And that right there shows why rumours on the internet are not the way for this scandal to be investigated.
  5. Humphries absolutely savaged Yvette Cooper about the "scandal" this morning on R4.
  6. I just get the feeling that they have taken something brilliant (that IMO went on far too long - it should have been allowed to die after 7) and pissed all over it. The whole series has been a re-hash of old themes from episodes where they have done it better. The stuff with Jesus was just awful. Like the X files - a legacy shat upon from a great height.
  7. Assuming you actually mean this and aren't just posting for effect, you really have jumped the political shark.
  8. The very racist/bigoted/homophobic/mysoginistic religious fundamentalist party The not quite as racist/bigoted/homophobic/mysoginistic religious fundamentalist party and the Democrats? Can't see it myself. Even splitting off some of the crazies would shatter the GOPs support base and hand almost permanent electoral success to the Dems.
  9. The future for the Republicans will be an interesting one. Do they lurch further to the right - fuelled by Tea Party outrage and conspiracy theories? or do they soften towards the centre and try and pick up support from the female/black/hispanic population. The sad thing is that Romney is considered to be a more liberal republican who was forced right to secure the candidacy..... I shudder to think what a more right wing republican could do.
  10. I have no idea about most of what you just said. My experience of MicroSD has been 100% positive. I am still using the free 8gb card that came with my Nokia 5800 Xpress music (c.2008) and I have had no issues. I have used the media (mostly MP3) stored there for 4 years now and have never had problems with the card unmounting.
  11. See - I try that.... and then the shite that happens above....happens. It also does it when I try to short link away to other sites. HEEEEEELP!!!!!
  12. Scottish Fireworks **** including "Man with largest balls in Scotland"
  13. That involves knobbing about with a laptop though doesn't it? After my hateful 2 hour battle to get Kies to work so I could update to JB, I'm not going there again until I need to. The Nexus 7 is on my xmas list so I will wait to get a flavour of 4.2 before leaping into the Nexus 4.
  14. Very tempted to chuck in my S3 on ebay and get the Nexus..... but no removable storage is a deal breaker for me.......I've only got an 8gb card but that is stuffed full, and I'm chewing through the 16gb on the S3 at a rate of knots so will need to upgrade my card at some point.
  15. About last night, the only thing you can have recieved is the best penis possible. Someone else can have a turn now........ You should know.....
  16. I need to use withcraft the other day and then delete this message.
  17. I suppose though, predicting the next word in a sentence where it has the context of previous words and actually generating coherant useful sentences from scratch are two different things. Would be interesting to see what it does with a 3 word starter.... pick 3 worlds and I'll try it. GO!!
  18. I'm thinking you must talk about football and gambling a lot. You also appear to echange motivational emails designed to boost your self esteem. You ARE a beautiful person Stevo.
  19. Thought I'd try Stevo's Swiftkey game.......
  20. Those are some ropey looking birds. Carew looks better than the pair of them.
  21. My accuaracy is much much worse on my work BlackBerry. (Hateful piece of shite) than it is on my S3 with Swiftkey. If anything, its too clever for its own good and occasionally throws up some bizarre words that catch me out.
  22. Tried Swype - didn't like it at all. SwiftKey is excellent - and so fast one you've got the hang of it. An excellent keyboard.
  23. I'm going to assume you had consumed at least the volume suggested in your name when you posted that.
  24. Eames

    General Chat

    There was a fair bit of fanny in that as well. There was a fair bit of fanny in that as well.
  25. If that's what you want go for it. Just pay the **** get tax and shut up. :-)
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