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Everything posted by Eames

  1. You are Martin O'Neil and I claim my £5.
  2. Father-in-law used to live on Gerrard Road - lovely area.
  3. That said, I **** love Islington......
  4. That is exactly how Gabby or Benteke or Weimann SHOULD be thinking. Regardless of the reality of the situation. Our players in fact, any player should walk onto the pitch thinking he is the best player out there and then prove it. If you cross that white line thinking, "**** me, the other lot are better than me/us" the game is already lost. Good luck to the kid.
  5. 20000 long waiting list for Season Tickets, despite having 60000 seater stadium which they always sell out. Like the Rev says, if people will pay it, they will charge it. Arsenal have some of the most affluent fans in the country. They are currently charging £55 for a replica shirt with a players name on it ON SALE INCLUDING 30% OFF. The pricing is a joke, but here in the south east, and based in the middle of Islington people pay it.
  6. Most of the women in know would run a mile if you drop Class A even intermittently.
  7. Oh yeah. The other is meant to say is that if you do plead guilty by post make sure you give the court the full details of your financial situation. If you don't, the minimum fine is automatically the same rate as the average wage which is c. £400 a week for sentencing purposes. Give a full picture of your income and expenditure and you will only be fined what you can afford to pay. As I said above though, better in person than by post.
  8. Tell you what, Weimann in this one game has contributed more to our play in this key game than Bent in his Villa career. If he goes in Jan, he will not be missed.
  9. Someone should make a movie out of that. Sounds like a cracking story....
  10. The only reason you need a lawyer here is mitigation. You are going to plead guilty anyway so it would just be a case of paying someone else to call you a knob in Court and then explain why you are one. You should be able to do that yourself. Ginko gives good advice if you are worried about a ban. Think of all the reasons you need a licence and use them.
  11. I prosecute for a Local Authority so can help a bit.... 1.you can write to the court and plead guilty, but if you can attend you should. Wear a suit, shine your shoes. Plead guilty. Apologise. And then lay on your reasons with a trowel. One of your kids was ill, your mum was dying, your wife's left you, whatever, but give some mitigation as to why you didn't stop/report it. (although if you've told plod something, stick to that make sure your story matches.) basically just be the most pathetic individual you can possibly be without being annoying. Works for my defendants every time. :-( 2. How long is a piece of string... Depends on the mood of the bench on the day and whatever mitigation you give. 3. Either in Court at the 1st hearing or by post, same thing. It's an automatically discount in the sentence, but generally you get more credit if you attend in person. 4. If you want, it will cost, you won't get legal aid so I sort of think why bother except a decent brief will defend you better than our ever will. They are great at making you look like a massive waste of skin. Which is what you want then to do. Good luck.
  12. Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit **** bollocks.
  13. Weimann, the most dangerous thing out of Austria since a certain Germany Army Corporal!!
  14. Chindie/Peterms. I bow to your greater eloquence. (we used to have a smiley for it but it appears to have been thrown out in the move) **** hell. What is going on now then? Is this a Tory love-in?
  15. This isn't one we are going to sort out. You've said your bit, I've said mine. I'm going to leave it there.
  16. Right. Once again you are only seeing what you want to see and whats actually written so lets make this easy. 1. People on "the list" are gay 2. Cameron - misguidedly perhaps raises this as a possible problem. eg. Some people on the list are gay - could a be an unfortunate bi-product of the internet speculation about alleged abuse. 3. Cameron says what he has thought in point 2. At no point does Cameron say "Gay people are paedo's or even SOME gay people are paedo's -despite what you appear to have read. Its quite simple really. No bigotry (where you got that from I will never know - and actually I'm not interested) no homophobia, or any other exuse to prattle like you usually do that some/all Tories are whatever insult you are choosing this week.
  17. Not really. And given the lack of any agreement from any opposition politician with your somewhat clouded point of view, I would suggest that it is indeed you who are misguided here.
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