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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Straight swap for Fraser Forster and they've got a deal. **** it, I'll even play taxi.
  2. Eames

    General Chat

    Is that the Snowboarding trick du jour? a variant of the Gaping Axe-wound?
  3. Sorry, its Gareth that is the Sexual Tyrannosaurus.
  4. No problem with him thinking like this. Hope he gets his wish. If he ends up at Arsenal he will have scored a lot of goals, proved his worth and been sold for a **** ton of cash. All of which are good things for Aston Villa. I don't expect loyalty from any player (Gareth Barry taught me that) so when you just view them as money grabbing rocket polishers and/or club assests it make things a bit easier.
  5. My personal favourite Any sod can do it from the middle of the box.... this is all about the angle.
  6. Going to bed at 4am, freezing cold, rolling Mrs E over and getting in to an instant pre-heated bed.
  7. Waking up at 4am freezing cold having dozed off on the sofa.
  8. Eames


    3pts for a conversion though. Also, look at the Columbian number 7 wheel away like he's buried it.....
  9. You mean.... you're not? Had just assumed they just let you on here because it was cheaper than constantly wiping saliva off the windows......
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    I'm sorry - I simply can't accept a professional snowboarder bitching about the cold. Sort it out Jones.
  11. What was Jimmy Saviles favourite brand of tracksuit? Fila
  12. That 103% would have dropped considerably last season and is probably lower again now. If Bent, Given and Dunne are cleared off we will be in a much better position again.
  13. Yes.... in connection with Sexual Offences as part of Operation Yew Tree but the Beeb are at pains to stress that it doesn't involve Savile or children. So is he just your common garden rapist then?
  14. Its not often I feel the need to "like" a Peterms post.... so I have posted this to also mark this rare occasion.
  15. Then don't say it?! If you love her and you'd probably marry her anyway just get on with it. Don't be so precious about this sort of thing. There is a loop in the system so exploit it. Why make your life harder than it needs to be? Marry her...... dual citizenship. Robert is your father's brother.
  16. Similar in Kent Mike Tory Candidate: "Police look like paramilitaries - so the uniform needs to change. Lets put them in Suits with tall hats and shiny buttons again." Yup, because criminals respect a bloke with a bucket on his head far more than a bloke with a massive stick and a taser..... No one else is worth listening to since you could shave an ape ( not sure they haven't) chuck it in a blue suit and get it elected. Interesting I can see more than a passing resemblance to: Whilst on the subject the Labour Party candidate has undergone a suspicious image change since the start of the campaign..... Turned into:
  17. The problem is completely unsolvable. Two totally opposing groups of people each dedicated to the eradication of the other over the same piece of land. Israeli sympathetic money, power and influence have the American's by the balls so regardless how monstorously they behave the Yanks will never tell them to pack it in, and the Palestinians have enough Russian/Iranian/Chinese protection to ensure a continuous stalemate. Palestinians will always strike out against Israeli occuptation and supression.....and the Israeli's will retatliate againt Palestinian "terrorist" attacks. I fear until one group wipes out the other nothing will change.
  18. Considering the fact that the MOST pissed off people in this affair appear to be the SBL, it is surprising that the almost total lack of, you know, evidence, doesn't appear to bother them. Unlike the Terry business no clips have emerged for lip readers to pour over, no leaked statements or transcripts..... nothing. Nada. Null. Mikel has been strangely quiet over the whole thing as well. I wonder what the real agenda at work here really is?
  19. Eames


    The best think about that is that he throws a punch after he has been tagged on his way down. Beautiful.
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