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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    Top Gear

    The show set a new standard for "Hot girl in the background" best effort for ages. That blonde behind Clarkson during the news wouldn't even have to ask for it...
  2. Eames


    How the **** does Rogers get away with saying his "young players" let him down when only 3 of his starting XI could possibly be considered second string players? We get knocked out and the headlines are "Shit Aston Villa are Shit" Liverpool get knocked out and its "Young players let me down?" **** load of old bollocks.
  3. Paging the VT North Korea correspondant......... **** me, if thats the "Peaceful Reunification" lot said, I wonder what "Take 'em by force and **** the consequences" Commitee think about all this...?
  4. Eames

    General Chat

    And "how far we've fallen" and any Mc*insert insult statements.
  5. Oh this this **** this. We've got a new boss lady type at work who's running a project that my team feeds into. We've clocked 29 of these in one hour long meeting.
  6. Calling drat a nose is very unfair......
  7. If they're going to sack him they HAVE to have the replacement ready now. Not 6 weeks of **** g about looking for the next poor bastard who's career we can flush down the toilet.
  8.     And as for the Two Little Boys with their Two Little Toys.....
  9. If it IS true, I want him to have said "Can you tell what it is yet" as he popped it into whichever orafice it went into.....
  10. Eames


        Which is **** madness......
  11.     None taken Mike - understand totally - the FB cull is an essential task!
  12.     We ar/were friends on FB so its a little cold you didn't already know that Mike...... :cry: Didn't understand her reply either......
  13. Eames

    Ice rink

    OMG Ice Rink eats my bathroom!
  14. Eames


    I'd take the timing of the game out of the ref's hands altogether. Let the 4th Official do it, ball goes out of play, clock stops until it crosses the white line on its way back in. From goal kicks the clock starts again when the keeper kicks it. No more debates about timewasting or Fergie time. Simple.
  15.     Noone did - so I have..... over to you Mrs Moonman
  16. In - but on the basis of significant reform - I can forsee a "two speed Europe" with the Northern European (UK included) states as part of the free market and a Southern Europe federation of states with Germany finally getting its way and occupying France on the sly.
  17. My local brewery. Shepherd Neame knock out some seriously good beers. The Whitstable Bay is lovely, as is their Late Red. I'm lucky to get most of their beers on draught. Bloody Marvellous.
  18. A massive yes to both of these........ and you cant leave at the same time either.
  19. "reasonable" in this case being >50% so as dear as makes no difference to a coin toss in some cases.
  20. EDIT I'm also going to add that my sudden need to randomly capitalise words in sentences this week is really starting to piss me off.
  21. And a glorious meaty stench it is...... So much better than that French chemical gas we've had dahn South this week.
  22. Exactly. I'm more sympathetic to Hall because I really like the bloke's persona on the radio, he's hilarious when he does his match reports. Jim Davidson is a massive word removed who can rot in Belmarsh for all I care but thinking sensibly, I agree totally that all that appears to have happened in these cases is that a few random complainants have made allegations that it is going to be impossible to gather actual evidence about. A decent defence barrister is going to have a field day with some of these trials.....
  23. I've read the books - they are very good and well written but the major complaint is that GRRM got carried away and let the project run away with him - like a Tarantino film there is a great deal of uneccessary padding that could/should have been edited out because it does get a bit waffly.
  24. Going to an interesting trial. I'm going to assume there is no forensics or DNA so unless there are eye-witnesses with pretty concrete evidence what's to stop Hall saying all the contact (with adults) was consentual and all the contact with kids is total lies? Given the modern rape conviction rate when you include dna/forensic evidence its hard to see anything but an not guilty verdict here.
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