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Everything posted by Eames

  1. He just needs to be the main man. Like he was at Wigan. One of those players that you need to tell him how special he is, how good he is and then just leave him to get on with it.
  2. If we get silly money for him fair enough, but I mean £25m and above silly - anything less than that and he doesn't go. Simple.
  3. Buy me a drink.... tell me I've got nice eyes...... make me feel special and I'm all yours snowy. (I may be a slut)
  4.   He will only leave if we give him permission to. I do hope Lambert told him to **** right off and re-read that 3 year contract he signed. Would be really angry if we sold him. REALLY ANGRY. He is the best player we have had at the club for a while. A serious talent - but we need to get at least another season out of him before we think about moving him on.
  5. Agreed Snowy. The conditions yesterday just didn't lend themselves to expansive play. It was a get it up your jumper and don't drop it or concede silly penalties type of afternoon. Actually thought Ireland played better than England but gave away stupid penalties in bad areas. Still think the championship is wide open....
  6.     I always answer "Hump Back Bridge" when someone asks me what sign I am. Muppets.
  7. Peter Odemwingie has been seen arriving at the Vatican City.
  8.     Also the 2nd man to win it as a Player and as a Manager
  9. Eames

    Top Gear

    The car would have won that had it not been for the road works. Mrs E was genuinely disgusted that they didn't use the Eurotunnel and chose the Ferry. She wouldn't have it that the races are pre-planned to be close and that the car would have pissed it by using Le Shuttle.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    I appear to have got myself into a Twitter "spat" with Ben Dirs of BBC fame. :-\
  11. I can long jump further than that ginger clearing in the woods that won the Olympics.......
  12.   It means you're the footballing equivalent of someone who loves Justin Bieber, thinks Britney Spears' first album is the defining pop album of a generation and looks to The Brits nominations as a who's who of music royalty.   Harsh.....
  13. Quietly on the sidelines if they've got a grain of sense...... no need to get involved. Cameron is pissing off 100 of his own MPs..... the more rabid ranks of the Tory vote will hardly head towards Labour or the Lib Dems. Nigel is in with a shout of getting elected in Eastleigh simply by doing **** all.
  14. Some highly entertaining comments on the Beeb website Including So "Nick's" vote will go presumably to one of the other 2 major parties who have rightly stood up in objection to this abominable new law.
  15. When you say the s3 is too big - what do you mean. I got mine following an HTC Desire and thought **** hell this thing is massive but actually, its so thin and light it is barely noticeable. Unless the height is a problem for her for pockets etc.
  16. Ever twas it so Drat. How anyone can oppose the Bill is totally beyond me. They had some absolute Tory clearing in the woods on R5 last night banging on about natural law and how marriage pre-dates religion.
  17.   Ha, just pick a few. Remember, it's corruption, not just immoral actions. That narrows the field down.   The fact that for an organisation allegedly based on the equality of men in the eyes of God, whose priests swear vows of poverty and chastity they have billions, and I mean billions in cash, property, art as well as a worrying penchant for **** choir boys. The world would be a far finer place without them.
  18. I don't think any apply to me really. Does this make me some sort of footballing luddite harking back to the glory days of centre halfs who would nearly kill you and when a proper number 9 was 6ft tall with the mobility of a fridge freezer.
  19. Its like the Tech Room doesn't exist.... Moving in 5.....4......3......2
  20. . I can't see how they can justify publishing that. Almost all of them are entirely irrelevant to the case, this sort of thing shouldn't be in the public eye. These scumbags will do anything to get a few more eyeballs on their ads. Right sentiment, right argument. Wrong time to deploy it. The texts are a matter of public record,having been read in open Court. They are entirely relevant because they clearly show the damage done to Mr Huhns relationship with his son because of his actions.
  21. Says the man for whom Scat is not just a jazz stlye...... judge not Voinjama
  22. I would be amazed if football authorities test for anymore than a bit of Charlie or steroids. I can't see them looking into EPO, blood doping or the more exotic routes taken by cycling.
  23.     I would have thought the market for domestic help is pretty saturated. Why pay Clegg when you can get someone more Russian, blonder and with tits for less money?
  24. Its an absolute triumph of archeology and a huge congratulations to Leicester University.
  25.   Don't blame you. Not sure I'd own up to it either....
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