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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    The VT Cabinet

        Hmm you can only have Culture if Meath will take Food? I'm also going to suggest CI as Minister of Justice based on his open minded deliberations in the Oscar Pistorius thread.
  2. Agreed. As an phone my S3 is the perfect size. I personally found the Note 2 to big. I wouldn't want to walk around with my N7 in my pocket all day. That would be **** ridiculous.
  3. Eames

    The VT Cabinet

    OP updated to reflect Tony's standing amongst his peers.
  4. Eames

    The VT Cabinet

    **UPDATED** Inpsired by a couple of posts today - (Chrisp65 and Mjmooney) I have been wondering who would make up the VT Cabinet come the revolution. So far I have: PM Chrisp65 (Its his revolution afterall - and whats not to like about a bloke filling your car up for you) Minister for Culture - Mjmooney Foreign Secretary and Minister for Tourism - Tonyh29 Minister for Food - Meath Minister for Transport - The Rev Minister for Propaganda - drat01 Minster of Justice - CI any other suggestions very welcome.
  5. Eames

    Google TV

        Fixed... and given that - what are the "other functions?" Does it have like a built in Kleenex dispenser?
  6. Just watched that video.... **** me Giggs was a bit good wasn't he? Bale is good. A really good talent and will potentially get better but noone will achieve what Giggs has achieved in the game. A truly wonderful footballer who deserves all the praise heaped on the likes of Gascoigne and Best and then some. EDIT - and if he was playing for a half decent international side he would be mentioned in the same breath as Maradonna, Messi and Pele.
  7. Its somewhere on the A2 isn't it? Heading towards the a13/a12? I used to go past it most days on the way to Uni.....
  8.     is this the piece that included the fact that 'only two whites' were on the thick as shit jury, though even the darkies did have a working knowledge of the english language?   It was on in the background, the sad thing is, whilst i was only half listening I did presume it was about the Mail.   Yes thats the one. Asking how the jury managed to understand proceedings without a witch doctor present. It was brilliant.
  9. If you listen to the Now Show on R4 - you can podcast this weeks. John Finnamore takes the Daily Mail to pieces over its coverage of the original Vicky Pryce trial.
  10. Bonus points to chrisp65 for the unintentional Ice Rink.
  11. None taken DDID I couldn't do it you're dead right. But its not "art" its PR. Pure and simple.
  12. Eames

    Ice rink

    Didn't see it last night but Tivo'd it. That is one **** ugly car interior.
  13. I'll tell you what pisses me off. My crap version of IE at work that no longer formats my posts properly, refuses to display the emoticons key, and directs me to the "mobile" version of most websites because its a sack of unmitigated shite.
  14. Thats the thing though. Bansky is not a creative genius, he's certainly not an artist. He has moderate talent ie. creating the stencil in the first place (I couldn't do that) but the actual execution is pretty easy. The clever trick is the anonymity and the PR management that has followed it. That is his genius. He's the KISS of the artworld. (Obviously before they "unmasked") and as soon as people stop giving a shit he'll reveal himself, and do a couple more that he will profit from before heading back underground. I'd also be royally pissed off if he did that to my house/shop/office whatever and would instantly paint over the ****.
  15. I quite like Arsenal as a club and the current philosophy. They are everything I'd love the Villa to be. 60k stadium that is always full Huge waiting list for season tickets Lovely style of football Wenger has done enough there IMO to be given the time and space to do exactly what he wants.
  16. I was really shocked by this. A fully grown priest is surprisingly mature for the Catholic palate.
  17.     So this is how I spent most of my weekend - they are pretty funny as a collective.
  18. Capitalist Pig!! I demand you stick to you principles and invite at least 3 other members of VT along as well as some sort of redistribution of privilege program.
  19. If I'm going to buy one I buy The Times, and but Murdoch can **** off if he thinks I'm paying for it on line so I tend to read the Guardian.
  20.     Which the judge ruled on and dismissed. You are Detective Hilton Botha and I claim by 5 Rand.
  21.     In the UK you would be absolutely right. but one teeny tiny flaw in your logic - remind me again, which country is the case being heard in again? Do you think it is possible the law in that country might be different to the UK?
  22.   Do you just read headlines and no actual stories?! He met the conditions of bail. The whole purpose of these last 3 days was to determine whether he met thos econditions and the prosecution made a right cockup of proving that he didn't meet those conditions.   Just because we think he's probably guilty, doesn't mean you can just make that assumption and throw him in a cell. He's not a flight risk, he's not a danger to the public, he has a right to a fair trial and until then he's not guilty.   Now now Stevo.... if you always do CI's homework for him he will never learn......
  23.     Unsurprisingly the not so subtle differences between the SA and UK justice systems have totally escaped your attention, but hey, why let facts get in the way of a psuedo Sun headline approach to justice? I'll repeat the question: Which of the 3 conditions that the SA legislation allows for the denail of bail do you feel apply in these circumstance and why? Your answer should consist of more than one line of mock outrage and include at least 3 full sentences.
  24.   Yes you're trolling and yes I'm biting but why is it laughable to give him bail? You saw the 3 criteria outlined above... which one(s) do you feel apply? Or did you just feel the need to make yet another blanket, ignorant statement because you've not made one for a while?
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