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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames


            Remember it well.   Actually never considered that a scenario, although stuff happens. The only thing you can say about it is that the Germany/Austria game still leaves a nasty taste in the mouth and I'd hate for Villa to be talked of in the same way. Interesting thought though. **** that. If it keeps both teams up.... I'd live with it - can you imagine the media shitstorm? "FA probe as Villa - Wigan stitch up relegates plucky QPR" "Redknapp blasts dirty Villa" Actually..... that would be brilliant.  
  2. and absolutely decimate your battery. I've turned all that face recognition/eye tracking bollocks off.
  3. Eames

    Top Gear

    Made no attempt at all to tell you what you could watch. Just expressed surprise that since you solely post to tell us how bad you think Top Gear is - and that you hate Clarkson
  4. I hate goals like that. Beckham had his arse kissed for years on the basis of something similiar. Nothing more than a speculative hoof up field - the goal keeper is solely at fault for that.
  5. I love my Freelander. This may only serve to confirm your opinion
  6. Eames

    Top Gear

    ^^ So why watch it? I don't like 95% of programs on TV so I simple choose not to subject myself to them. Its all very easy really.
  7. That gets worse with each replay....
  8. You shouldn't "fall in love" with any house. Its an investment. The most important one you will ever make because it could provide future security of **** you up for the rest of your days. The first consideration is not "what should I pay for it" but "will I be able to sell it" and preferably "will I be able to sell it at a profit" If the answer is "no" or "not sure" walk away. The next question is "why should someone else buy it?" the fact you are prepared to is no reason for someone else to follow in your footsteps so only buy something you have a chance of shifting in the long run and know the reasons someone else will take it off your hands. Beyond that: have it surveyed. (and I mean properly - not just the crap you do to keep the mortgage company happy) Good Luck
  9. I can't see a major **** going down. Even if the DPRK did launch a few nukes at the South I'm not sure any of the UN Nations would retaliate with a nuke. A massive multi-faceted military invasion yes. But it wouldnt trigger a massive nuke off.
  10. Shillzz missing the fish puns.
  11. Eames


    We're going down. We will finish 18th but its away at Hull next season.
  12.     Right Wing is Hitler, left wing is Stalin... That doesn't really help much. They're both pretty similar in my head.   This proves how ignorant I am to Politics. I really really should care. But I don't.   Actually it doesn't. Hilter and Stalin were both brutal dictators with remarkably similar methods. The politics was secondary to the power. It was a means to an end.
  13. It did go very "Home Alone" It was the perfect film to celebrate the 50th year. Is the best Bond ever? Hell no. it gets an easy ride because QoS was SO bad but its not the best by a long stretch. EDIT - also. How the **** did Adele win best song for "Skyfall" when "You Know My Name" by Chris Cornell is infinately superior in every single way possible?
  14. Probably my horribly outdated Local Authority version of IE - I have lost many many features that are available at home. That and a distinct absence of care" to tidy them up when I see them.
  15.   Nigh-may-gun.  That's what we'd call it anyway, and the locals never complained so I assumed it was correct.   This speako the lingo trick works brilliantly. On holidays in Egypt and Thailand the hotel staff have gone mad for a well places "SA-WOD-EE-CAR" or "SALARM-ALLEY-COOMBE" Instant better service and upgrade to a cabana. 8)
  16.   Nijmegen: Nigh - may - gun or Nidge - me - jen?   The former. So Curse you and your sensible arguements.
  17. I'm actually pissed off by the exact opposite set of circumstances..... eg. English speakers trying to pronounce things the "foreign" way. Cruyff being a prime example. The anglicised version is Croiff, we are English speakers.... surely thats fine? What annoys me is newsreaders for example using local pronounciations for certain places and not others. eg. Bachhh-rain rather than Bar-rain, yet Paris not Par-ee. The quirks of different pronounciations are a corner stone of the British sense of humour. Who amongst us would not giggle at a Mandarin politician bemoaning his poor "erection results?"
  18. I'm not beating de Gea up per se. I'm just saying that rather than a brilliant stike/piece of unbelievable class from Modric, it was more a series of defensive errors by the Utd defence.
  19. Civilisation. C:cd/mps/civ Ahhhh simpler times.
  20. All that said the ball shouldn't have gone anywhere near de Gea since Evra should have blocked it and not moved out of the way.
  21.   Yes. Didn't follow the angle of the ball. With Modric heading across the box he wasn't going to put it into the far corner through the crowd. should have moved towards his near post. As for credit to Modric BOF, he had a dig and he scored - thats credit enough. I don't think we can say "What vision - cracking goal" since had Evra and de Gea done their jobs properly he wouldnt have scored. Poor defending rather than great goal/unstoppable strike.
  22. Modric should never have scored there. Carrick at fault for chasing the ball like an over excited labrador. Number 3 (can't think who it is so I'm going blame Evra) at fault for not getting his body in the way of the ball and moving out the way as it passed him and de Gea at fault for getting done at his near post. Horrible defensive mistake 10 men or no.
  23. Eames

    The VT Cabinet

        Nonsense. Minister for Sanitation. Its a shit job....... [insert punchline as you see fit]
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