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Everything posted by Eames

  1. **** THIS. And the "PUSH" Service that constantly tries to update. ****. OFF. I'd have an N4 in a heartbeat and my next phone WILL be a Nexus.
  2. There is no luck of the draw though is there. Its all based on a bullshit seeding system. That was is so special about out FA Cup (to an extent) in that anyone can draw anyone (after the 3rd round) I'd love to see a WC based solely on a random draw. Who cares if Brazil/Spain/Germany all get pulled one group. Who WOULDN'T want to see that?
  3. Fully agree with the second paragraph. (Hence the Like)
  4. Not sure where you've read the report and therefore what it said. The BBC have reported that : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22025035'>Beeb Not quite the same as the Heil's coverage and IMO a pretty fair question. Should the state fund a bloke with 15 kids to sit on his arse and not work? I AM NOT FOR ONE MINUTE agreeing with the Government's welfare reforms since the real "victims" of the cuts are most likely to be the most vulnerable but the case above really doesn't lend the "vulnerable" tag to Mr Philpott. Yes there are some fully fledged arseholes on benefits who shouldn't be and yes we should do something about that, but I can't see that this is a sensible stick with which to beat Osbourne when you have a forest of alternatives available to you.
  5. Eames

    General Chat

    Had you told me mum was 39 I'd have believed you. Jeez she looks old for 30. 'Kin Hell.
  6. Wasn't it that bad that they canned doing the sequels? I think (and I can't remember where I read it) that it was a combination of that, and the fact that the second and third books touch on some pretty controversial subjects that are key to the story. Effectively religion and how it's more or less evil. It all happens in this parallel world, so I'm not sure whether they could have gotten round it by making it clear it wasn't like that in the real world. But my point is I think people were pretty reluctant to make the sequels because of how controversial they'd probably end up being. But I agree with the OP. Never in my experience has a book been done less justice. They ar eliterally my favourite books of all time. The film was terrible. Agreed Brilliant books. If you want a decent dramatisation R4 did a fabulous job - its available on CD. The theme isn't anti-religion as such - more anti-dogmatic organised religion The Magisterium is clearly a very thin metaphor for the Catholic Church - with its Inquisition etc.
  7. There is no way either side will start chucking nukes about. The DPRK aren't stupid. They know that if they fire first two things will happen - 1) the Yanks Thaad system will swat the missiles out the sky and then USAF will bomb the shite out of the DPRK military - they'll be wiped off the map. The US won't fire first because they don't need to, Once Foal Eagle has finished everyone will calm the **** down again.
  8. Hasn't the DPRK got 1m soldiers or something? (I may have made this up?!) There is no way the US will put boots on the ground. It'll just chuck a few tomahawks and arial bombardments at NK military installations and bomb the shite out of the nuclear facility.
  9. Perfect summation BOF. From what I have seen of him he seems like quite a nice bloke - good sense of humour
  10. I haven't tried to hide anything. Its there in plain view. As to your accusation. Report the post and lets let the Mods sort it out. I stand by it since you are very free and easy with wide generalisations and name calling when it suits your agenda, but first in line with the bleating when you are called out on your nonsense. As I said, lets let the Mods take a view since further discouse would be utterly pointless.
  11. Please, explain how they are similar - instead of just repeating the post from the previous page again. What similarities did you find interesting? i find the thinking of ukip (and i suspect many of its supporters) very much in the same 'ball park' as a lot of the definitions re fascism which as i said have been all over the press re dicanio. Maybe not living in the uk you have not seen or heard a lot of what has been said? You obviously see no similarities as a kip supporter so be it, but considering that fascism is not a party as such with set policies but more an idealogy its a fair comparison to make , imo and interesting to see the similarities and thinking or at least the thinking they allow to be publically stated Isn't this prejudice? Yes.
  12. what has the mirror got to do with it? And the fact that the article shows that tory supporting media, mail and many others were reporting "labour supporting bbc" etc shows that this is obviously the deflection message being put out by tory supporters. Rather than discussing the relative merits of what is being done. Really dont see what your point is eames, no one called tony a liar, despite the attempts to ruin the thread **I meant the Mail to be fair.
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    No idea. I just bought a Nespresso machine. Its ace.
  14. Please, explain how they are similar - instead of just repeating the post from the previous page again. What similarities did you find interesting? i find the thinking of ukip (and i suspect many of its supporters) very much in the same 'ball park' as a lot of the definitions re fascism which as i said have been all over the press re dicanio. Maybe not living in the uk you have not seen or heard a lot of what has been said? You obviously see no similarities as a kip supporter so be it, but considering that fascism is not a party as such with set policies but more an idealogy its a fair comparison to make , imo and interesting to see the similarities and thinking or at least the thinking they allow to be publically stated Applying the same logic - you could happily compare the nationalisation of the rail industry for example with Bolshevism.
  15. Just because the mirror published it - doesn't mean Tony had seen it when he posted his comment. I fail to see what linking the article achieves or contributes to the discussion. On a far lighter note, I love this quote: "Fran Upsworth is acting head of BBC news and was sent the letter after Duncan Smith became enraged" Portraying IDS as a pokemon with a crap move to of "letter writting" is brilliant. "IDS became enraged. He wrote a letter in anger."
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    If you own your house and have money and may have met someone in the arts you're pretty much nailed on to be Established Middle Class according to that survey. Using Moonman's class definition by meal names.... I use "dinner" and "tea" interchangably for the final meal of the day. Although lunch is always in the middle? So I have no idea which arrangement is "working" class or not?
  17. Ahem..... Point of Order Mr Speaker. Having been a casual observer of said festivities for a number of years now I am yet to see any Scouse Tart in a state of Overdress. The reverse more often than not appears to be the exception rather than the rule. I ask the honorable gentleman to ammend his comments accordingly.
  18. Yes thanks for that....but its still not a tax is it?!
  19. A bit of research might help you with that Not sure what your point is?
  20. The "Bedroom Tax" Its not a **** tax you sack of clueless morons - Its a reduction in benefit.
  21. My main one is Abbey National/Santander for being words removed of the highest order. ASDA on the basis I can't stand 90% of the other customers.
  22. Hmm never played it but I have er.... acquired a ROM for it and will fire it up after I've finished with OoT. All of the reviews seem decent - with many rating it higher than OoT.... will investigate.
  23. Mother in law has one. Its gorgeous. You NEED the S-Line.
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