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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Oh bugger. Heard that was the date suggested last night and have avoided the news since. Ok.... but the point stands. There WILL be a **** at some point at her funeral.
  2. No they don't - and she won't be getting one (not that she wanted one) It will be the same as the Queen Mum's or Di. (except with more arrests, booing and prison sentences) The Met will have to be on their game next thursday. (Or they could just make it up and randomly blame Scousers for old times sake.)
  3. The sad thing here for me is that people appear to be unable to express themselves beyond "**** the bitch - glad she's dead" etc. I may not agree with many on here in their attitudes towards Thatcher, however I respect those who chose to articulate their arguements with reasons and expectations as opposed to a shower of expletives and crude invective. Some of the actions she took were undoubtably detrimental to the lives of many, some of what she did has massively improved the lives of many (anyone who bought their own council house for example.) She took on the Unions (which even the Labour Party admitted needed to happen - and would never have been possible under a Labour government) so just to simply sum her up as a clearing in the woods or whatever else says more about the poster in question than the woman herself.
  4. **laughs manically and runs for cover........
  5. Dunno how old you are but those of us who saw her destroy whole communities have been waiting a long time for this YEp, already admitted I'm too young to know why people hate her. But I find it hard to accept the celebration of someone dying. Millions celebrated the death of Osama Bin Laden Its not entirely the same thing.
  6. I'm too young to remember her in office, but I do understand why certain communities/industries hate her. However without her, most of my immediate and extended family wouldn't own their own homes or enjoy the lifestyles we enjoy today so on that basis alone I can't hate her and certainly won't celebrate her passing - which I find grossly distasteful.
  7. Why ? He wouldn't be the first politican to shamelessly use tragic events for political purposes , surely you all remember the shadow Home Secretary who came out and cited the James Bulgar killing as evidence of the failings of Thatchers Britain .. Sorry Tony, I'm afraid you can't use that arguement since it falls within the boundaries of the "Ahhh.... but Labour" exclusion. The fact it is relevent to the discussion and a suitable response is neither here nor there.
  8. Commented in another thread - but if she is the best Kent have to offer we're all **** here in the Garden of England. Did no silly bastard think to check her social networking stuff before appointment?
  9. This is what happens when you appoint some swamp donkey from Sheppey. If that is the highlight of my local yoof we're all ****.
  10. Nope. He won last year so they couldn't have him going over Superman 2 years in a row. The Undertaker's streak is a farce. The bloke can barely walk let alone wrestle. HHH losing his career was never going to happen either The main issue I have is that the results are so predictable weeks before the event.
  11. Eames

    fear of flying?

    Can we have Mods title for Jimzk5? suggest: "He ain't gettin on no plane fool"
  12. The simple fact is that MON and Lerner are equally to blame for the carnage that has been the last 3 seasons. MON identified the players he wanted and his turning the team from 16th to 11th to 6th over 2 seasons showed to Randy that here was a man who could make progress. So Randy backed him. MON delivered 6th place again and some decent cup runs but it looked like with another push was needed to break into the CL. So Randy backed him again. MON got 6th again. The problems with MON however were now there for all to see. Players knackered by March due to an inability to rotate. Appalling man management of some, and an appalling overestimation of the worth of others (in terms of wages, fees and ability). Plus the scandal in the Uefa Cup. Given all that Randy pulled the plug and said no to MON. Hence the hissy fit that saw him walk out. Randy backed a manager he shouldn't have for longer than he should have. We didn't care because we were "successful" but in hindsight the mistakes are pretty clear for all to see - and we are still paying for it now. Problem is, Randy has gone too far the other way, he now won't invest for fear of getting that badly burnt again.
  13. So instead of bitching about it - do something to raise the standards. Come in, treat us all your wisdom and maybe our efforts will be elevated to your level.
  14. Really? What on earth is the point of that? Its a fair cop. Posting for effect mid rant. Apologies.
  15. Working on the assumption Osbourne didn't tell his driver to wait in the disabled bay - what is the appropriate response by a politician in this circumstance when he walks outside to find his driver in a disabled bay? Does he get in and say - "'Kin Hell Drive - you're going to make me look like a right arsehole in the Mirror. Thanks for that" as they drive off? Does he have a public meltdown at the Driver so people can see his obvious false outrage at the drivers terrible action? Does he refuse to get in the car until it has moved thus standing there light a spare prick in a knocking shop? This is such a total non event really. Even Labour as far as I'm aware haven't bothered to even poke fun at him over it. Beat him up over his inability to get the economy growing, beat him up over his "savage" "swinging" "ideological" cuts - **** it, if your sad enough beat him up over the fact he was born into a wealthy family if you like. But seriously? Surely the Mirror and the VT communist party can do better than this? Can't you?
  16. Of course yes but NK traditionally get twitchy about military "manoevers" since its been used as a way to launch sneak attacks before.
  17. ^^ That too. Once Foal Eagle has finished no doubt the NK state media will be giving it the "US buckled before the mighty power of our mighty forces" bullshit.
  18. I've always had the philosophy that the world is too big to visit the same place twice (unless you're Tony, in which case it becomes an inevitability). That was until I went to the Maldives, I'd happily go back there again a few more times because I'm not convinced I'd be able to find it's equal anywhere else. That said, I'm sure I WOULD be able to find something better to do than visit the in-laws in Devon. I was the same until I had two weeks at the Four Seasons in Sharm el-Sheik. I could happily go there every single year. Easily the best hotel/resort I have ever stayed in.
  19. Eames

    Doctor Who

    Another vote for Gillan. She was the best assistant yet. Seriously fit. Wouldn't kick the new one out of bed - unless Karen wanted in.
  20. Ive liked but this deserves more. Superb analysis Blandy.
  21. Given that the consensus among the tech community (certainly on VT anyway) is Vanilla Android GOOD - manufacturer skins BAD. I cannot think of anything that could possibly be worse than this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22025729'>Facebook launch custom "wrap" for Android OS Why on **** earth would anyone want that?!
  22. And gosh won't we all be better off. Peace will rule, the streets will be lined with gold because remember "Things can only get better" Welcome Prime Minister Balls.
  23. No Clue. I thought I'd read the play store reviews for enlightenment and that really didn't help. Although I did get a good chuckle out of it.
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