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Everything posted by Eames

  1. On the Vettel thing - he is German driver for a German team with a German owner. Whatever bullshit PR they try and spin, Vettel is kingpin and they will back him over Webber regardless. They guy has delivered championships and will again this year. Why should Red Bull give a toss about Webber.
  2. Excellent soundtrack album that accompanies too. The Dirt is also a quality read.
  3. Crue Albums Hmmm.. Too Fast For Love - Good Shout at the Devil - excellent. Theater of Pain - Meh Girls Girls Girls - 2/3 good songs and a lot of dross Dr Feelgood - best album Motley Crue - good, excellent in parts Generation Swine - some good, some awful New Tattoo - meh Saint of La - dunno.
  4. But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of politically uninformed faux outrage. Good to see the lefty BBC sticking to the Right Wing government. ahhh the old "lefty BBC", blimey they are all coming out today - good to see it again. Can't wait for the next contribution As for the "song", then the BBC, anyone etc should play it as there is obviously a desire by those that have (legally) purchased it to hear (Edit: :-) oops spelling) it. It actually makes quite a serious statement both in terms of censorship and also how despite the best will of the "annoyed of Surrey" there are a significant amount of people who are quite keen to show their views re Thatcher and don't subscribe to the "we must honour this brave old woman" mullarky Your startling inability to see irony or sarcasm never ceases to amaze. Surely the "lefty" BBC would be all too happy to play the song in full? No? Never mind just continue having the debate you want to have rather than the actual one? Funny Eames that you missed the fact that I was significantly contributing to the debate as opposed to your 1) abuse of posters 2) resorting to the "ahhh but ...." mentality that was firmly put to bed by the "twonk" comment from Pete earlier in the thread So again, maybe debate with views as to why the outraged are feeling so irked about this little ditty, and keep the abuse etc for other times eh? Anything by the Smiths offends me. Abuse of other posters drat? Where pray? The mods appear not to have picked up any. I don't recall expressing an opinion on the decision not to play the song, please correct me if I have. Like I said, my post was intended to be an ironic response... since to me a "lefty" BBC deciding not to play it seems incongruous. Fwiw I think the song should be played. It's a very sad person that gets offended by such a daft "protest" blimey there will be a damn sight more disrespect at the funeral for people to get properly upset about. Oh and would Peters use of "twonk" not also constitute abuse? But since you agree with him I guess not. Try not to be so precious eh? It makes life much easier.
  5. Massive amounts of geek speak I don't understand, plus huge potential to **** up and brick my phone with the added bonus of a voided warranty? Nope. Won't be doing that then. The chances of messing up your phone are pretty much nil if you follow the instructions (which usually just boil down to "run this file. ok now run this file"). There'll come a point where you'll become fed up with your stock ROM, and if your warranty is already up, why the hell not? Rooting your phone is akin to getting administrative control over a computer. You're no longer restricted by the shackles of your OEM. Might try after the 12months is up. Before then? No chance.
  6. But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of politically uninformed faux outrage. Good to see the lefty BBC sticking to the Right Wing government. ahhh the old "lefty BBC", blimey they are all coming out today - good to see it again. Can't wait for the next contribution As for the "song", then the BBC, anyone etc should play it as there is obviously a desire by those that have (legally) purchased it to hear (Edit: :-) oops spelling) it. It actually makes quite a serious statement both in terms of censorship and also how despite the best will of the "annoyed of Surrey" there are a significant amount of people who are quite keen to show their views re Thatcher and don't subscribe to the "we must honour this brave old woman" mullarky Your startling inability to see irony or sarcasm never ceases to amaze. Surely the "lefty" BBC would be all too happy to play the song in full? No? Never mind just continue having the debate you want to have rather than the actual one?
  7. Massive amounts of geek speak I don't understand, plus huge potential to **** up and brick my phone with the added bonus of a voided warranty? Nope. Won't be doing that then.
  8. Well it happens to me (Swiftkey) and I think Eames says it happens to him too. Samsung bookmarks. In my bookmarks in Chrome, all my usual bookmarks are there, but there's also a folder called "Samsung Mobile Bookmarks". Inside that folder are some random bookmarks to "games" or "music" etc. Basically all samsung sites (I guess) where you can download stuff from. I've never used them and never will. But you can't delete them. Either individually or as by trying to delete the whole folder, you can't get rid of them. That wouldn't be so bad, but when I open Bookmarks, by default it takes me into this folder, so I have to go back a step to get to my actual bookmarks. It's nothing more than a mild irritant, but it's still something that just seems to be there to annoy me. Again, I don' thave much a of a problem with Touchwiz, and it's the only version of Android I've ever used. I can't compare it to vanilla android as I've only got a very limited usage of it (my mom's nexus 7) and fro what I saw it was largely the same as Touchwiz anyway. These are just minor irritations I have with Touchwiz that I'm guessing wouldn't be there on vanilla android Yup ALL of this. The more I use my N7 the more I realise Touchwiz is annoying as arse.
  9. But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of politically uninformed faux outrage. Good to see the lefty BBC sticking to the Right Wing government.
  10. Very much over the Thatcher coverage now - sort of hoping NK do nuke someone just to distract the Beeb until the funeral.
  11. This isn't going to end well.........
  12. Haven't got a clue what happened so you'll have to repeat it for all to share.....
  13. Eames


    Cat well and truely inserted into the pigeons How fast will Western Governments stop supporting the "rebels" now?
  14. Eames

    2013 Holiday Plans

    Longleat Centre Parcs and Peppa Pig World. In your face pre-child 2 week holidays. :/
  15. Was it dark/dusk? If yes - What I'd have been tempted to do was tap the rear wheel of the rearmost bike hard enough to have him off. No lights? Sorry mate - couldn't see you.
  16. Inspired by the Stella ad at the bottom of my page. The whole concept of using the metal thing to scrape the head off a pint of continental lager. If you have to scrape the head off, you've poured it wrong you utter fucktard. Don't attempt to make your ineptitude classy by having a shiny think to scrape off the excess.
  17. To contexualise the situation. Kent's PCC is an idependant with actual experience of Policing. She was the former chair of the Police board-thing that was abolished to make way for the PCC post. In a rabidly Tory county she beat the grinning weasel the Tories put up and they have been chucking knives at her ever since. Regretably Miss Brown has taken the beating that they have been dying to give to the PCC.
  18. You'd have liked John major then That should have said "not divisive" Stupid auto correct Thats an interesting concept for me. I would far rather todays politicians be like Thatcher than the current crop. Thatcher said what she believed in, what she was going to do, and then did it and don't forget people voted for her - she won 3 general elections (greatly aided by the fortuitous invasion of the Falklands - but again, she was clear with what she wanted and then achieved it.) The current crop regardless of colour are far more obsessed with style over substance, with presentation and perception as opposed to policy - and in most circumstances will say anything to get elected. How many "cast iron" political promises get broken today? and least with Thatcher for all her obvious faults actually did what she said she would do.
  19. We played some lovely football in 1992/3. overlapping full backs, one touch passing in the midfield.
  20. The Remy rumour is utter bollocks. Never going to happen. The best signings we could make this summer are Benteke and Weimann on much improved long term deals.
  21. That is **** awesome Pelle. And in no way am I at all jealous.
  22. Well, that definitely won't keep the scousers away. Exactly!!! As I've already explained the Met will be rounding them up to blame for the demonstration.
  23. Yep - the taxpayer will get the bill but there is no way it will be a public holiday. The police will want as many people at work as possible to prevent the inevitable demonstration at the funeral getting any bigger.
  24. That was a joke I made. I'll repeat it in the context it was made: Margaret Thatcher Born-Grantham - 13/10/1925 Died-London - 08/04/2013 Sadly missed - Brighton 12/10/1984 I have always been of the belief of being happy to sacrifice the few for the good of the many. So 5 people dying would have been worth it if they'd have got her as well? You are a disgrace. Pure and simple.
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