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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I'm calling massive bullshit on the whole thing. To continue the PL analogy Morpheus is chucked out the League for fielding an inelligble player. DDID and the dog blow job is currrently winning.
  2. Marlon King arrested for dangerous driving following a 3 car pile up. ha ha ha
  3. Its on a par with "How do you wipe yer arse"...... :? The idea technique has already been mentioned unless you have sufficient space to squat over the bowl, hands on one side, knees the other with your gentlemen's are perfectly positioned over the water......
  4. Eames


    As with most things in like, women always appreciate size over quality. Bennett Villa's post at the top of the page is brilliant advice.
  5. Eames

    General Chat

    To be fair there are lots of sad bastards in Canterbury........
  6. Probably lower wages, lower benefit payments, higher inflation so less disposable income in = less/no growth again. Agree with the need to reduce spend but hack it at all costs is starting to look like the wrong way about it.
  7. Eames

    General Chat

    We're due to get wheelie bins in July, and a kitchen waste caddy or somesuch bollocks.
  8. Eames


    http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=305346.400'>Angry Scousers
  9. Eames


    10 games is about right. 3 for the bite and 7 for the horrible limp/injury fake afterwards. Utter word removed for that and that alone. Deserves everything he gets.
  10. Eames


    Boycott the FA Cup is my favourite so far! Go for it boys, literally noone will complain.
  11. Eames


    Its fair to say they're not happy.
  12. If it motivates the players before a game and gets a performance they can furiously mutually masterbate each other for all i care.
  13. No.... that is someone giving examples of why they believe Lambert is not at fault - you know supporting their arguements with evidence. See point 4) above for clarification.
  14. I have literally no idea what has just happened in here.
  15. Because Armani, Gucci, Prada et al NEEEEVER do that do they?
  16. Oh this crap again. Seems to the new thing to post to dismiss any opinion you don't agree with. Why was it the right decision? I'm also struggling to see how Vlaar is a better player. Then you're not reading a lot of the posts. Injuries, limited funds, Lerner, MON etc.. Plenty of excuses have been made to take blame from the manager. Agree completely with the 2nd part. But there have been people who have claimed it would be an amazing achievement, one even said he should be knighted if he keeps us up. 1) What Stevo said. 2) Dutch international defender with no obvious drink/discipline problems vs half cut Welsh international defender. I know who I'm taking. 3) Again, you appear to be taking examples of contributory factors, deciding you don't agree and labelling anything you don't agree with as "excuses" 4) Taking the opinion of one obvious idiot (assuming it was serious) or an obvious example of sarcasm (assuming it wasn't) and using it to support your dismissals don't really help your case. As you so helpfully remind me on a daily basis there will always be idiots on every side of an arguement.
  17. I love at 2.30 how Hughie gives the fake lunge and then tags him. Beautiful.
  18. So there's no better lb in world football for the money we spent on bennet? No better midfield player than Kea for the money we spent on him? Was he forced to sell James Collins. When it looks like its going well its considered a project and lambert is a great manager with a long term plan. When its going bad the same old excuses are put out there. Lambert's in a great position with some on here. Keep us up he's amazing, relegate us not his fault. 1) Possibly - but may be not. We don't know if Bennett was 1st choice or 15th choice do we. 2) See above. 3) No probably not forced but it was absolutely the right decision and Vlaar IMO is better. 4) Yes - it is a project, he is a good manager and there will be a long term plan (we don't know what it is because we are not privvy to it, but its there) 5) Excuses? No, haven't seen many of those, just attempts to explain to the doom mongers or the overly negative that things are more promising than last season despite the similar position. 6) If he keeps us up he's not "amazing" and I haven't seen anyone say that. He would be doing his job. If he relegates us it wont solely be his fault but he will be culpable. BJ and Morph - let me introduce you to nuance which is a concept that you both appear to be incapable of dealing with. Nothing is black and white, shades of grey and all that.
  19. I think the only stats that matter is the current table and the for and against columns, or should we ignore that aswell? If you read my next post I'm sure you'll find your answer.
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