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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Wholly agree Snowy. However the reason for an argument is often just as relevant as the argument itself. People present arguments based on their own prejudices and preconceptions. (an oft parroted fact in the bolitics threads) In the mediation debate, perhaps if one party is not being "reasonable" it should be for that party to fund the costs of proceedings... Just an idea... Why will access to justice be unaffected? the right to a fair trial is not affected, as I said it's more about access to representation. Lawyers will have to reduce costs to attract work... If they aren't getting the legal aid work then will have to be more creative. The coop for example are introducing fixed pricing for some casework. It may be that this will be a positive change if fees get cheaper in the long one.
  2. Eames

    Ice rink

    So unfettered baps are acceptable in ice rink? I'm going to draw a curved line on mrs e's navel. Back in a jiffy....
  3. And now having read the blog... Which whilst well written is flawed. It uses a massively emotive subject to make its point... you are being manipulated into believing the points raises by citing a mishandled investigation and then linking it somewhat clumsily to a "target driven lawyer encouraging exhibit c to plead guilty" If that's how her husband operates he should not be practising. You take instruction from a client and act on their instructions. You give advice and if it's ignored you do what the client wants.... Please also bear in mind her husband's career and her Lifestyle would appear to be dependent on legal aid so of course any reduction in his access to it will be viewed as a bad thing. Not saying the MOJ have got it right, but neither has the blogger.
  4. Access to Legal Aid is another issue where the government have tried to answer a problem but cocked up the execution of the resolution. It is in most cases too easy to get legal aid. It is not necessary for divorce proceedings, mediation should be the expected route to resolve differences. Access to justice will be largely unaffected, access to a lawyers will be... but this is not necessarily the worst thing in the world. I have seen far too many wholly inappropriate appeals and applications made by lawyers funded by the public purse with a vested interest in proceedings taking as long as possible.
  5. Being sat in Court since 10am waiting for my cases to be called on..... **** off are **** fishing licence rule breakers more important than me.
  6. Neither is a onesie. But you won't find me wearing one to keep warm. There are limits y'know! I want to wear them both at the same time & preferably in a gorilla themed onesie I would like to try those feet shoe things though just to see what they are like. Ive got a pair of the those Nike split toe trainers from a while ago and they are the most comfortable things ever. It really wouldn't. In fact it would be less weird. Trimming your pubes is weird?
  7. Fitter than the Snowboarding bint thats for sure.....
  8. Christian Benteke plays this year admirably at Aston Villa. Modest as he is, he does not claim. Merit that all by yourself He thanked Wilmots, Lambert and ... English fans. "They are very different than in Belgium." Red Devil Christian Benteke had a stunning debut season at Aston Villa. He scored eighteen times and dreams of participating in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. "A World Cup experience should be great," said Benteke to Menzo. "You get the chance to fight the best in the world and it is also followed worldwide. For young footballers that important moments. It happens quite often after a European Championship or World Cup young talent a top transfer can decorate by good performance. " Wilmots' merit The atmosphere is perfectly for the Red Devils. That is largely the merit of a man finds Benteke: "You just see that we are an enthusiastic group. If we score a goal, everyone jumps up sitting on the couch. We are such a good group is largely the merit of Marc Wilmots. He is an example for all of us and a great motivator that everyone can take. "On edge That Benteke still a lot of margin progression, he knows only too well. "I would not hesitate to get some extra muscle can bijkweken, but then I could lose my mobility," he says. "In my head is at the moment extremely well. The confidence I get, ensures that I can play. Liberating The more credit you get, the more you dare on the field. But everywhere I've still some margin progression. The important thing is that I can fight. "As many top matches and play good defense Better luck next time Benteke has greatly enjoying himself in the Premier League. That it is all right with his confidence, has to do with the attitude of the English supporters' fans in England are more positive than those in Belgium. The best example of this is after our 8-0 defeat against Chelsea, when our fans still applauded and comforting words statements such as "Better luck next time '. In Belgium they have more the idea that everything has to be because we are professional footballers, but we also make mistakes. "Perfect The full interview can be found in the Menzo (edition May-June), which is in stores starting this week.
  9. Best tip I have is that its not a character assassination - but its ok and expected to take the piss a fair bit. Just be mindful that grannies will be there and they don't take well to sexual innuendo - unless they don't understand it! which I've seen often. Couple of ideas I have seen work well have a football shirt made up with Mrs **brides name** and give it to the groom. have a selection of suggestive and slighty amusing items in a bag under the table (mankini - handcuffs - feather boa - massive bong) and whilst commenting on the attractiveness of the bridesmaids, thank the ushers for making sure they didn't get too out of hand and claim said items were removed from the bridesmaids on their way into the church.
  10. Take a bow son. Take a bow.
  11. You may be unaware that technically this is still illegal. To use your phone behind the wheel of your car the engine must be off and the car pulled over and legally parked. Yeah I know. But it's a bit wishy washy. I'm more of a drink my drink or eat while I'm driving which is probably worse It's illegal even if it's handsfree? No. Put it in a cradle on your dashboard/windscreen and press it to your hearts content. The **** can't touch you. (Apart from maybe due care and attention) IIRC the law is "using a hand held mobile phone whilst driving" - otherwise the in-built car systems would be illegal too.
  12. You all disgust me!!! She spoke to me.
  13. You're a wonderful **** man and getting tweets from you makes me moist. Keep fighting dude, do what the physios tell you to do and stay strong. [/ghey]
  14. As usual I just want to punch most of them...... "I've got the sex appeal of Jessica Rabbit" No love, you haven't. You really really haven't.
  15. Not allowing the existence of RC schools (or any religious school) is not discriminatory at all. What right does any church have to be teaching children in the first place? You are a church, a religion, a belief system (and a very selective one at that). School lessons should be academic. And it does not follow logically from that that churches should be banned. That's just silly. By all means a person should be allowed to go to a church if they wish. You can choose to go to church in the same way that you can choose to go to any other building. But a child can not legally choose to go to school. They have to go. So therefore they should not be brainwashed while they are there. This notion that by being a church you somehow have the right to steer a child's mind within a captive school environment is so anachronistic and damaging. I know that you reside in a foreign nation state and all, but here in the UK that is not the case, children don't have to go to school.
  16. ^^ Er. This may be better off in the confessions thread but I am a regular offender on this one..... normally I do put the phone in a cradle and use speakerphone and have it on "drving mode" to dictate texts/emails etc. but the times I forget I will just pick it up. That said, I refuse to beleive that holding it to my ear and talking is any more or less distracting that digging a pack of fags out of my pocket, lighting up and puffing away.... but that is probably another arguement. ....
  17. Eames


    Dave Whelan left his last FA Cup final with a broken leg..... I hope he leaves his next one with a broken heart. He literally cannot **** off far or fast enough for my liking.
  18. ^^ How on earth can your phone vibrating annoy you? How can it not vibrating annoy you? Turn it on - or turn it off? Me no understand.........
  19. Yes - at least for next season as a mark of respect. For the reasons Rev mentioned in his second post. A top bloke, a model pro who despite dividing opinions never IMO let the club down. The support for him this season has been immense.
  20. Can I be cheeky then and ask for a Mods title? Something like "Mild at Heart" will do fine.....
  21. Arrogance, bigotry and dismissive prickishness.... Yup this is Villa Talk. Like I said, perhaps the Admin ought to behave with a bit more class.... Or is the irrational hatred a symptom of a more deep seated problem? Don't bother with a reply, the inevitable ban will say all it needs to. Over and out VT chums.
  22. You've let yourself down here Simon. Warnings have been handed out for less. I appreciate it's your bat and ball we're all playing with but perhaps you should lead by example and all that jazz. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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