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Everything posted by Eames

  1. This for me is where Lambert and Randy earn their money. £30m is the price. Nothing less. If noone offers it, he doesn't get his move. We don't need to sell and if he does want that WC place he needs to sort himself and put in a decent season for us. If he goes good luck to him.... and thanks for the £££
  2. Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him. the more interesting question is whether Falkirk is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to union involvement in electoral fraud. I'm sure its not..... but I'm equally sure that Ashcroft isn't the only dodgy Tory donor with undue influence ... Same shit....different colour
  3. Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him. This is a win win for Ed. Watson falls on his sword to save the leader any blushes and he can distance himself from the Union, give its Leader a public kicking about his inappropriate behaviour all the while looking whiter than white for calling in the Police. Its the only thing he could have done to prevent himself being tainted by the whole shambles. The unions DO run the Labour Party just like Ashcroft and co run the Tories...... this sitution does nothing to disprove either assertion.
  4. Thing is both colours are beholden to their backers.... be it UNITE, GMH or whoever - or Ashcroft, Murdoch and whoever else. Both colours have also in the past had no problems rigging selection processes to suit the wider needs of the party - why is McKlusky having a crack at this any different. The only net result of this slightly bizarre situation is those who support and vote blue will have their prejudices confirmed about the untrustworthiness of the proletariate and their pesky commie chums in the TUC. Those who vote and support red will be quite happy to see attempts to have their party represented by what they see as their kind of people. Divides and mistrusts deepened, rhetorics polarised in both the Working Mens and the Gentlemans clubs net change...... nil.
  5. What an absolute word removed wagon that is.
  6. Just incase your interweb use is monitored Stevo. Dear Mr JLR Bossman A polite request from a loyal customer, If you know something is wrong with your vehicles just recall them and fix it for customers. Your reputation suffers far more with people who will buy again if they have to dick about arguing with some berk on the phone in Solihull over faults that you already know about than it will suffer in the eyes of the wider populace most of which will never buy Land Rover anyway. Its quite simple, you know there's a fault, fix it. Don't rely on customers not making a fuss to limit your exposure to such issues. Yours Sincerely Eames.
  7. Nope it'll the rear dif - I had exactly the same sound I assume its worse when he corners? They did mine for free out of warranty after I went apeshite at them on the phone. Basically its a known fault with them but its one of those thats not enough of a problem to do a recall.
  8. Now I will defend the local service desk because he was very good.... and pointed me in the right direction of "Customer Services" who after a couple of bollockings did agree to do the work for free. However, if you set yourself up as a "luxury" vehichle manufactuer, particularly one with expertise in producing excellent 4x4s, you can't have stuff like the rear diff falling to pieces when all the bloody thing does is cart Mrs and Princess E around the place.
  9. For you? I'll pay you to NOT endorse our vehicles... So now would be a good time to mention the Rear Dif that fell apart 3 weeks after the warrant expired having done 25k miles.... or the electrical fault that kept telling me the steering lock was on as I did 70 down the motorway and stopped the keys from charging in the ignition? Its not been remotely reliable but I do like it. :/
  10. Whats wrong with a new Freelandy Trent? No views or opinions on the Qashqai but Land Rovers are lovely. I assume the cheques in the post Stevo?
  11. Its fair to say that they are a tiny bit unhappy about it.....hahahahahahahahaha tossers
  12. Where does the notion that a 2:2 means you can't apply yourself come from? You may have busted a gut at the very limit of your intellectual ability to get that 2:2, it could even demonstrate massive OVER achievement..... looking at someones degree grade simply saying "yep you got pissed for 3 years and did **** all work" is a far bigger reflection on the person making such a subjective judgement rather than the person with the grade.
  13. This is total bollocks. For my degree anything over 75% was a 1st, 65% and above a 2:1, 60% and above a 2:2, 50% and over a 3rd and less than 40% was a fail. In no way can you say someone with 66% "could be a 1st class student". They are nearer a low 2:2 than they are a 1st. Besides when you actually do recuritment the grade means **** all. Qualifications is a yes/no thing when shortlisting. I've never looked at grades and shortlisted candidates based on 2:1 and above. I'd far rather have a well rounded human being with decent soft skills and a personality over an exam passing robot anyday of the week.
  14. Completely untrue. I may as well not have a degree For the vast majority of good jobs that will give you a career, it certainly is true. Again, total bollocks. And anyway, that isn't how you phrased it. You outright said 'a 2.2 is bad' therefore invalidating the degrees of millions of people. What gives you that power? It's not, the only chance you have to get a decent job with a 2.2 is to find somewhere to do a PGCE. A 2.2 isn't a very good mark, especially if that qualification isn't in a hard science or in computer science, it send a bad signal, i.e. that you spent most of your time getting pissed. If you look at any graduate job description that pays good money you will typically see '2,1 or above in a relevant discipline'. This is a way of thinking that I just don't understand, or am I misunderstanding it? Having any sort of degree should not nor should it ever be a certainty to a immediate good salary. We see in our industry far too many kids - and that is what they are basically spotty kids - coming straight from Uni thinking that they know everything and expecting the world, all because of a few grades that have typically been decided by a couple of people. A degree surely is nothing more than a extension of education that exposes the person to a few further ideas and get's them thinking and learning. Most times it has little to no relevance on real world issues and challenges and that is why people start at the bottom of the ladder and get recompensed accordingly. The level of degree's from 2:2, 2:1 etc is also big bollox. It goes back again to a lot of what was discussed in the work appraisement thread. The only real exception I can see is people getting something like a first in a course that has a portion of real work experience associated with it, who can then say to prospective employers, look I obviously have some experience in this field of work and I can vouch for my ability to learn Oh God..... I'm agreeing with Drat again. Its the apocolypse.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    why ? Mrs H may not understand but she wouldn't expect me to throw anything out , in the same way that neither would I of her OK I did say that if she ever made the kids dress up in traditional Hungarian folk costumes I'd divorce her on the spot but other than that it's all give and take Same here. Mrs E had a huge issue with my slightly crusty collection of FHMs.... leading to a minor tiff in my teenage bedroom. She was under the impression it was porn and she made it very clear she disapproved. I subsequently cracked open my super secret stash of Razzle magazines and educated her on what a jazz mag really was. She wasn't all that understanding for some reason........
  16. ^^ but you finished and got a 1st IIRC. Not finishing in this situation shouldnt be considered an option. Any interviewer worth their salt is going to pull her up on a 3 year period at uni and no qualification at the end....so getting a "serious" job is going to be so much harder without it.
  17. It really isn't that simple. Brett was the highest paid star on the roster by a country mile..... to a point where the WWF (which was struggling financially couldn't pay him) Vince had pretty much told Brett to negotiate with and sign for WCW because he wouldn't be able to honour the contract long term. Vince had already been burned when his Women's Champ defected to WCW and was seen dumping her WWF belt into the trash on her first appearance. Vince couldn't have his most prestigious title go the same way. Brett and HBKs egos also play a role here, they hated each other. No way would Brett drop the belt to HBK on PPV in front of his home crowd Vince wanted the belt back asap - so opted for the piss poorly planned screwjob you saw above. Hart was warned it was coming by several wrestlers prior to the PPV. Vader advised him to kick out of covers straight away - he took his eye off the ball allowing HBK to put him the Sharpshooter in the first place. Aaanyway the most important thing about the MSJ was that it lead directly to the creation of the McMahon character and the Attitude Era.
  18. It's obviously worth finishing the degree but there are thousands of graduates stacking shelves. I'm not sure how useful Criminology is. Could be worthwhile if she turns to a life of crime Indeed... but I'm happy to have a pretty substantial bet that people with degrees earn substantially more on average than those without.
  19. Eames


    To be fair the bloke from Shakhtar makes an excellent point......
  20. worst transfer since QPR bought Samba for 12million Meanwhile, somewhere in Sand Banks Rosie the Dog calls her financial advisor the the Cayman Islands...........
  21. Eames

    General Chat

    Give up Shillzz you ain't gonna win.
  22. In both Stevo and AVFC1991's situation my gut instinct is your shit, your problem. Its NMFP. Does that make me a bad person?
  23. Tbh Stevo she has to be responsible for her own shit at her age. She should go back to Luton and finish off there. I understand you want to do the big brother thing and have her looked after but this is her life and ultimately her **** up. She's going to be paying for it whatever happens so she needs to just pull her finger out and sort it because a job with a graduate degree is going to make the repayment process a whole load easier than filling those shelves in Tescos.
  24. Depending on her lifestyle at uni - overdrafts/credit cards/bank loans etc are her only real "debt" that presents an immidiate problem. The student loan only becomes an issue when she starts working and earning over a certain threshold. Tbh she needs to complete the degree. Yes your folks will be pissed off/dissappointed at her but she is seriously going to struggle to get a job with an unfinished degree on her CV at her age (I assume she is 20/1) If shes done **** all it'll take some major explaining at intverviews. She and your folks would be daft just to write off the last few years as a massive jolly. If she goes back and finishes at least she can say something like "I was immature and silly - I didn't focus, got a massive wake up call, knuckled down and sorted it" which can be quite a reassuring thing to hear from an interview candidate because at least it shows some analytical thinking. She might be able to transfer her course elsewhere but I'm not sure - depends on the examining body and if the course is the same to me (and I have no real knowledge or skills in this are) going back to Luton is probably her only option. Perhaps the Moonman is the best person to advise on this subject? If your folks are funding her there is stuff they can do to curb her lifestyle if thats an issue eg. order her groceries online for her and have them delivered rather than giving her cash.....limit her to a few quids pocket money so she can go out but not on massive benders. Either that or sell her to a pimp in Luton on the proviso that she has to fit her uni work around her other er...."duties" whatever.
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