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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Thinking about this a little wider - making the massive assumption that all this IS genuinely designed to protect children from porn and nothing more, why not simply require all porn sites to use a seperate domain name. eg. .xxx You them simply block access to that domain on your broadband set up page and bingo the whole house is covered. (Yes I realise there are many issues with this to...... international law re the domain name being one large one - but surely its a truer attempt to control the stated problem?)
  2. Eames


    Suarez is a knob - absolutely. However, I am of the opinion he knew exactly what he was up to when he went to bite Ivanovic. He wants out from Liverpool and took the view that a massive ban was probably the way to go with encouraging the club to sell him. Plus all this "sick of the media" stuff. He wants away and as long as they play CL football and will pay him a thick wedge he doesn't care where. The guy is a genius and £50m for him is about right - playing the kind of football that Arsenal do he will fit in superbly and it will make their season.
  3. I have no idea whether Hooper is bad or good. All you can say is that he was prolific in Scotland's one horse race last season which is like being prolific in League 1. Not many step up from there and improve.
  5. Which is quite funny on the radio but an absolute abortion of a TV program.
  6. This is going to end up in a yes it is, no it doesn't cyclical argument but I disagree
  7. But censorship is not a new concept BOF. We censor publications and broadcasts everyday in this country and the general public get on with life with no complaints. (Except Rob who is still unhappy that he can no longer get a hard copy of "going down on the farm") The reality is than an attempt to protect children from inappropriate material on the internet is totally different to some sort of communist style internet lockdown. There is a bit of hysterical bedwetting going on here. Comparing censorship in Britain to Jordan is bonkers.
  8. Is this actually a terrible idea though? The reality is that porn is far too easily accessible to children. That can't be disputed. There is of course an argument that parents should know what their children access and yes - i totally accept that they should - and be responsible for it. However - the person displaying/selling the product is also held responsible for stopping access by children - just like the newsagent it responsible for stopping kids walking out with copies of Razzle etc. Porn should not be accessible online without any attempt to verify the age of the user,. If this is the internet's equivalent - then I can't see any grounds to object.
  9. Think I'll just leave this here Hahahahahahaha. I don't like it, but I have done if that makes sense.
  10. The fact that I need a piss.... which involves putting my shoes on, and my feet are so hot I just cba to do it.
  11. So er.... McIlroy had a dodgy round again.
  12. Bollocks. EDIT In an attempt to be more productive than that LA times reports 91 degrees (F) in attempt to be productive you got the wrong game http://www.nytimes.com/1994/06/25/sports/world-cup-94-some-like-it-hot-but-not-ireland-as-garcia-s-goals-pace-mexico.html Correct game. Same conditions. "Temperature's into the 90s" Charlton's 100oF comments are nonsense since he can't even remember which continent its on. Also: Average June/July temps for Orlando - 32oC for Doha? 37oC not quite the same is it?
  13. Humidity doesn't make it feel hotter just more uncomfortable. I'm not saying that the game in Florida in 94 wasn't hot or rubbish to play football in, just that to attempt to argue that Florida is/was hotter than the qatari desert in mid july is a pretty daft point of view.
  14. I'm puzzled..... does Staunton have some sort of hat with a thermometer on it? I'll take the printed temperature from a news source over what Ray Houghton's arse says it was on the day if thats ok with you. EDIT: Also - ginger irishman looks a bit red when its hot shocker?!
  15. OT --- Villa Youth, C-Crew, Steamers and whoever else are/were all mindless bellends and the less spoken about that idiotic minority of fans the better. In a vague attempt to stay ON topic, I hope Benteke is working up a sweat in training, running around being chased by the rest of the squad chucking coppers at him chanting "you want a pay rise..... run bitch run.
  16. Bollocks. EDIT In an attempt to be more productive than that LA times reports 91 degrees (F)
  17. Uefa won't tolerate a move to a winter WC as it will **** with the CL cash cow. 2022 won't happen in Qatar.
  18. Read the link blunther posted - basically large surface area means it looses moisture quickly limiting the ability of bacteria or mould to multiply. Very similar results for most burgers. What makes it so unhealthy though if it's just a minced cut of pure beef? A big tasty has something like 1500 calories. A big tasty with bacon on its own is 890 calories. 55g fat (20% plus beef mince (fried), streaky bacon (fried), cheese (processed to buggery) and the sauce(McGrath only knows whats in that)) 3.4g of salt (about 50% daily recommended amount) A decent burger in a bun is not in itself massively unhealthy - its the fat and salt that go into McD's cooking process that makes it so terrible.
  19. Read the link blunther posted - basically large surface area means it looses moisture quickly limiting the ability of bacteria or mould to multiply. Very similar results for most burgers.
  20. The only consolation so far is that Jimmy is going to be swinging it square when he gets his bowl just before tea.
  21. Eames

    General Chat

    We'd find you. Cropped hair, Baseball snap back..... you fit the profile of a typical villain. You'd be amazed what evidence we could "find" that would tie you to the scene. You're going dahn harder than a pornstar at a blow job competition.
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