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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I'm seriously considering going over to an iPhone for my next handset - I have no interest in rooting and 99% of the stuff that Android allows you to do, I just want a handset with excellent battery life that does what I want it to, when I want it to and Mrs E's 4s appears to serve her rather well, where as I seem to be forever worrying about battery life and RAM use etc. That said, I've said that pretty much the same thing every time I'm mid contract and I never quite get there.......
  2. The challenge for the Tories is clear in 2015. They have to either do a deal with or totally discredit UKIP. Any split in the vote puts Labour into power unless the Lib Dem's agree en mass to another coalition which I can't see happening. If the economy continues to grow and people perceive that they are better off as a result I think it will be a really close one because Labour's message of savage cuts and unfairness will slowly get diluted.
  3. Eames


    Congratulations on giving a certain idiotic section of the crowd a Profanity Bingo Card.
  4. Eames

    Do you read?

    is the rest of the book(s) a bit of a slog as well? The first three books are excellent. Book three, A Storm of Swords, is the best in the series so far in my opinion. The TV show kinda keeps pace with the books, the first season is a pretty faithful recreation of the first book, the season season is the second book (albeit with a few changes) and the third season is probably about half of the third book with some stuff from book two that they left out of season two and some stuff that (I presume) happens in books four or five that I've not read yet. If you have been watching the show then there is still a ton of stuff to happen in book three which will .probably make season four. I will say if you want to start reading start on book one rather than attempting to jump in where you think the TV show is. As for the specifics about book four, well I'm a little over half way through (400 of 700 pages) and the book has been all set up no pay off so far. It's alright when you have a lot invested in the characters and some of the storylines are still very good but there are a couple which really do feel like a slog.
  5. Bale is staying. If he was going this season he would already be in Madrid. The really big clubs almost always get this shit sorted out early in the window.
  6. Yes, you're missing the whole point about the limitations on their powers, whether they exceeded them, whether they followed their own guidance...I'm not going to repeat it all. As for them doing their job, I found this story quite touching. Which is a lovely comical tail.... You seem to have a real bee in your bonnet about immigration..... come to think of it.... there is something foreign about those eyebrows and that tash.......
  7. This is my hope..... I won't pay and extra £12 and Murdoch can **** himself if he thinks I'm giving him a penny.
  8. Am I missing something here? The Border Agency (part of whose job is to find and remove illegal immigrants) are stopping people who they believe may be illegal immigrants (its not a huge surprise that they may have been "foreign looking") and asking them a few questions? As a result of the action they detained three people (none of whom I assume where black based on the report) It is not an enormous surprise even in an area with a high % of non white residents that in a search for illegal immigrants the BA stopped people that looked non white is it? I am therefore completely convinced that a disproportionate number of non whites were stopped since I would imagine that a disproportionate number of illegal immigrants also happen to be non white. I would imagine that if I moved to say Lagos illegally, I would try and base myself in the area with the highest % of white people so as not to stick out like the bollocks on a bulldog. Looking for illegals in leafy Surrey villages is likely to be somewhat of a fruitless venture. There is quite literally nothing to see here beyond the rather comforting story of "Border Agency does its job" Fantastic.
  9. and yet Salifou failed this test on both counts. Unless the "turn up to your signing presser in a really really shit jumper is point 3. That was Makoun **** sake. So it was. That is a massive fail on all levels. I will now birch myself raw.
  10. and yet Salifou failed this test on both counts. Unless the "turn up to your signing presser in a really really shit jumper is point 3.
  11. Depends if you are going to be working with them directly. If so, you pick the fit ones. The next would be in favour of attractive women. If i'm attracted to an interviewee I'll be biased towards her. This er **ahem** er almost never happens to me..... *ahem*
  12. I'd wager that most illegal immigrants in this country aren't actually black though Thats the beauty - we don't know. Them being illegal and all.
  13. Eames


    This is Bailey. He is basically a dog. He plays fetch with Mrs E's hairbands and will return them.
  14. Racist policies don't stop being racist when you pay some black people to get involved in implementing them. And you know for a fact that in the specific circumstance you pictured that the BA are being "racist" as opposed to acting on specific information in relation to someone matching that individual's description?
  15. I barely noticed the 4.1.2 update I had this week....... my N7 is now on 4.3 and there is no obvious difference
  16. Is the implication here that "they" also include the judiciary?
  17. I have absolutely no idea what this means Levi.
  18. Hopefully they will one day be just a horrible chapter in a history book. If you genuinely believe that you're far more naive than I've given you credit for. Like them or no they have been around for the last 300 years and there will always be a political party to represent the interests of the privileged and those that aspire to join them.
  19. Yes. But then it's not aimed at the illegal immigrants. It's aimed at the tory voters who might drift to Ukip. That's why it's in English. Without making this petty political despite the best efforts of others anyone and I really do mean anyone that genuinely (ie: not in the cynical political sense) thinks this is a good idea to impact on illegal immigration really ought to check themselves in to Dignitas now and do the rest of the human race a favour.
  20. Tbh Drat, I'd be more concerned by anyone who thought it was a good idea. See Snowy's post before Meh they can't be right all the time.
  21. Tbh Drat, I'd be more concerned by anyone who thought it was a good idea.
  22. You massive poof!! You should have said, "Yeah cool, but only if you wear the Victoria's Secret underwear that is the talk of VT and bring cookies.
  23. Yes thats exactly what I meant..... somewhere between can't read English or can't read the stucking fupid sign.
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