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Everything posted by Eames

  1. How would you serve that? And can you recommend a good red to go with it?
  2. er not necessarily. I've been with Mrs E since I was 16 we survived uni separately and have now been married for 4 years. These things are possible - you just have to make them work if its what you want. If it doesn't spend the next 3 years doing anything and everything UTWU.
  3. The the internal temperature is below 16C your manager has to make arrangements to warm the place up within the hour and if not possible can let you go home. There is no upper temperature limit in the UK.
  4. There is nothing wrong with the notion of a second chamber..... the issue in the UK is how that chamber is populated. It should not be possible for any politician to nominate their pets or their paymasters. The Upper House should be a solely elected chamber staffed by those there on merit. It should also be no larger than 250 people.
  5. This kid is another gem. His touch and passing for a bloke his size is incredible. Yes it was only Walsall but you've got to actually pull off what you aim to do and this kid can.
  6. No I'm sorry Pete I'm not having that. The people of Sheppey get confused by electricity. They were far more likely to have stoning the bus because they thought it was some sort of monster that hat eaten the passengers. There is no help for the web toed inbreds on the island....blow the up bridge before its too late.
  7. Genuine question.... Does "cook off" imply a different process to "cook?"
  8. YES YES Another one. 2 seasons of The Walking Dead was plenty given that cinema manages to do that genre in 90mins. How much mileage can you get out of "Zombie plague takes over the world. Zombies try to eat humans whilst human survivors behave like dicks to each other"
  9. The major problem I have with American TV is that they absolutely flog the guts out of it. The X Files was excellent for the first 4 series and then went to shit. Buffy the Vampire Slayer should have ended after season 4 (do I mean 4? The one where she fights the god?) Lost went on too long hence the shocking ending. The Office USA was never good but ten (10?!) **** seasons? Ditto for 30 Rock I could go on but they have no concept on when to end it there and leave well alone. Its all driven by $ and IMO the creativity suffers terribly.
  10. Eames


    I've always found "knob-jockey" to be a fine insult.
  11. I'm not disputing that BOF and I'm sure it is. Maybe I'm deluding myself that it was quite a nice psychological trick to play - blame the shirt, take the blame from the players. Fergie was never above such tricks, its why he was so good.
  12. United had trouble with their grey strip too though. I think I'm safe in saying that they're not really strips that lend themselves to standing out in a crowd. Did they really though? Or was that just the excuse used for the team playing shit? I always saw it as a brilliant piece of management by Fergie. Along the lines of "Right you lot, you've disgraced one shirt..... **** off out there and don't disgrace this one!"
  13. I have never seen an episode of the Sopranos.
  14. Oooh oohh, I'll answer that one. Its simple really..... the other 4 strikers you mention contribute far more to overall play than Darren ever will. They will create opportunities for themselves and others, dropping off play and generally frightening defenders. Bent hangs around the box and yes scores goals, but beyond that doesn't do much for the rest of the team, offensively or defensively - thats why noone is snapping our hands off for him. I fear that a certain Mr G. Lineker if playing today would have just as much difficulty in today's PL.
  15. Does it though? Bale is only worth what RM will pay and what Levy will accept. Fair play to him for such strong negotiating - he wants to get as much money for his prized asset as possible. Why is this a problem? We did the same thing over Benteke?
  16. It would make sense and 5 years of coalition will show that it will work on a long term basis and does water down some of the more nutty policies that any single party may try and push into law.
  17. Interesting viewpoint, basically admitting that the Tory party needs it's "allies" in UKIP? We all know that many in the Tory ranks actually relate to UKIP - as we have seen they have been invited to speak at the next conference. We also see things like the VT "right wing" element who are very vocal and quick to jump and defend the Tory gvmt (and attack Labour at any chance - even when not even relevant) but have said that they have voted UKIP in the past. Cameron has been (for one of the few times in his life) correctly summing up UKIP as "fruit-cakes, nutters and closet racists", so it's interesting now how much the Tory party will have to rely on them for any sort of success in the future. The next election will be a dirty nasty one, and you can already see evidence of that type of political bun fight occurring. I suspect that quite a few skeleton's in cupboards are looking forward to their re-emergence into the real world. The Lib Dems have been killed off by Cuckold Clegg which sort of leaves the middle ground as up for grabs and key - as it always has been. Extreme views may not be the best way to try and win that vote I think given the challenge the Government have faced I'm surprised the Tories haven't split further. In times of turmoil every party has elements that charge to the extremes. On the left you have the Union's attempting to move the Labour party to the left by sneaking their own preferred candidates in, on the right you have the rise of UKIP. A split RW vote will cripple the Tories at the next election with margins so tight even giving 5% over to UKIP will put them back in opposition. They have to find a way to work with the more reasonable elements whilst isolating the nutters and that won't be easy, particularly given the europhobic elements within the Tory party itself. Its pretty clear I am conservative in my outlook on life but any attempt to remove the UK from the EU is a deal breaker for me and I would happily vote Labour to prevent that from happening. (A futile gesture given that you could shave a chimp down here give him a blue suit and he'd get in - I'm not ruling out the possibility they have already done this tbh) Labour's strategy must attempt to take every advantage of this split. Alas, I don't think they have the right leader to do it. Eddy boy is not strong or dynamic enough. Balls would be a far better bet, but we can't seriously have Prime Minister Balls so unfortunately for him it will never happen. Its going to be a nasty fight, especially when the Government have been actively making changes in some very emotive areas eg. NHS and welfare reform. Another hung parliament is a pretty good bet I reckon.
  18. Haha yeah. I'm bored of most of their Minecraft stuff now to be honest, usually only watch it when they're playing other games. You seen any of their Gary's Mod stuff? **** hilarious. "Ghost Hunters" and the one where they build spaceships especially. Sorry, very off topic. Yes - the "space dick" stuff is superb. I'm watching Panda's XCOM playthrough at the moment.... its quite satisfying to see someone shitter than me at that game!! Watching it on my N7 is a lovely experience as it renders YouTube very well and the screen is clear and sharp with nice colours (HA! I'm still ON Topic)!
  19. Hmmmm I know a little about claiming tax benefits for car mileage etc but not for rent and subsistence etc. https://www.gov.uk/tax-company-benefits/tax-on-company-cars might help you though?
  20. I love my N7 and probably am in the same boat re: YouTube. Ever since you posted the Yogscast video of Voltz I watch a lot of their stuff now. Some of it is **** hilarious.
  21. I think your right..... it will be that twunt in the Barbour jacket from UKIP
  22. Are you claiming for travel expenses? or other stuff?
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