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Everything posted by Eames

  1. £15m for Baines is a bargain. Decent left backs are a rare thing....... left backs as good as Baines are rarer. Everton could easily ask for and get £20m+ for Baines alone.
  2. I hate this. Some of the stupid bints at work who are on 'diets' often apply the idiotic logic of "I went to the gym earlier so I can eat this cake". To be fair they have a point.... if the object of the exercise is not to get fatter and they don't eat any more shit for the rest of the day. If they want to lose weight then doing the exercise and not eating more is kind of the point.
  3. Exactly. Put forward an argument based on science and facts to explain why its a stupid idea and I'll go along with it. A bunch of soap dodgers with a bottle of loctite is more likely to do their cause more harm than good.
  4. **** them. Pull them off the doors by hand and then bill them for the A&E and Police time they are wasting. I'm all for peoples freedom to protest but when it slips into base attention seeking word removery as it has over fracking then no mercy should be shown.
  5. Noone is actually going to refer to them as "Hull Tigers" though are they. They'll still be "Hull" or "Shite"
  6. Ooooh - Good Luck mate. Although you are probably done by now. I'm targeting that in 2015.....
  7. I like Arsenal, my father in law supports them so they are probably my "second" team. They play the game the right way and generally in a good spirit. What they have needed for several seasons now is Darren Bent. They have so many gifted creative players but **** all end product. They need a bloke who will do nothing but get into the 18 yard box and stick it away. Trouble is, this is the last type of player Arsene would ever buy. On Wilshire, I think the hatred for him *sniff* comes from the fact he *sniff* has the massive reputation for being a *sniff* midfield genius *sniff* when in reality *sniff* he has done very little *sniff* to deserve *sniff* it. I thought we were excellent at stopping him on Saturday and that doesn't happen to truly great players. They always find a way. They hype around him is embarrassing.
  8. Hmm I dont know where the Samsung one is. I have an HTC one plumbed into my desk at work - I use a BB one at home overnight and I've got my n7 and kindle chargers stashed at strategic points around the house should the need arise.
  9. Have you tried changing the keyboard. When I used Swiftkey I felt my S3 was very laggy, and it would appear it was down to that. Anytime I opened anythign where yo uneeded to type it would go laggy. I downloaded the stock Android keyboard (which I'd recommend) and it's been miles better ever since. The only thing I get lag on now is Twitter but that must be down to that particular app because everything else is fine. Agree on the reboots though. I still have to do that fairly regularly on mine. Think it's just an S3 thing. Eames (I think) had similar problems with his. YEs to all of the above. On a happier note since the weather cooled down the battery life on my s3 has dramatically improved and its back to a one a day charge. Weird.
  10. Sorry.... did you say something? I was looking at another forum.....
  11. Sorry to keep banging on about it but I just checked the official results and I did indeed beat Boris at Ride London.
  12. You bastard LP_villa. You utter utter word removed.
  13. Eames

    Doctor Who

    That is brilliant...... "What happened?" "We F@*%ing time traveled"
  14. You are Stuart Hall and I claim my £5.
  15. Do it by using a final table. Say top 6 in the league with a minimum number of qualifying games.... 10? Winner then takes all at the final table. If you listen(ed) to Fighting Talk on 5Live they do something similar for their Champions League episode.
  16. I would assume multi-millionaire Lewis Hamilton doesn't give two shits about being liked in the paddock. If anything he would use it as motivation to beat people. It used to work for me. During my burgeoning Village Cricket bowling career I would regularly take random extreme dislike to people. I once felt the need to bowl chin high bouncers at the vicar from the next village because he had a beard like a sex offender. (I know!)
  17. I had to do 2 modules of "British Economic History" as part of my degree. 40% and 41%. My finest hours. The economics of the Industrial Revolution still give me the creeps.
  18. I don't know what time he did.....I saw a few of his team but not him. Do it....it was a cracking day out and bar the middle 40miles it was pretty easy.
  19. You work to live not live to work. Do what you need to do to make your life better. If this involves the Petrodollar so be it IMO. Elements of my job are pretty crap and sometimes morally a bit dubious but its paying the bills and allows me to do what I want to do. You could always consider outside work stuff to improve your karmic balance.
  20. Tony - was the woman fat? Is so he was fully right in repatriating the cake she didn't need it and would eat it all. On a slight side note, VT members of a socialist persuasion should applaud Tony for his Marxist principles here. The forced re-distribution of wealth (cake) would be right up a few streets.
  21. Things that piss me off? Grown men on an internet forum debating the ethics of removing reduced cakes from some womans trolley.
  22. Wait?! What?! NO?!?!?! Surely not......
  23. Bitter about what?! A league cup and a milk cup? Small Heath has never been a big club. What a load of absolute nonsense.
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