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Everything posted by Eames

  1. 231st in the VT League. But still above TUS!
  2. Why is this being reported as £93m then? Surely its £78m plus Contreao. Or are Madrid desperate to break the World Transfer Record again?
  3. We live in a 4 bed house and if we compared the same utilities then we pay £120. Obviously it depends on use..... Mrs E is at home all day and has the metabolism of a desert lizard so the house is constantly at an ambient 30 degrees.... try them they might surprise you.
  4. Genuine? Id love to believe it is genuine I really would....but it can't be. Its far to honest and funny to be real. Particularly when his persona in front of a TV camera is that of a startled goldfish.
  5. Sacked by the FA Wonder what odds you'd get of her getting a stab at a football league management job?
  6. We're going to lose...... but I will be a happy little Villan if Benteke could see his way clear to flattening at least twice.
  7. Im sure an in depth photographic comparison would allow the noble VT community to assist you in your decision making........
  8. I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave moments ago.
  9. You asked: I answered. You said: So I answered again.... I'm not sure I follow where the ignorance is coming from. Common sense would dictate that during the parts of the flight where an accident is statistically more likely, it is important that all those on the plane have the capacity to hear emergency instructions at the point they are given and respond to them without having to faff about with headphones before hand. I would agree that the need to turn everything off and do nothing seems a bit draconian but again - I suppose its a way of guaranteeing that people respond as quickly as possible.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    Having **ahem** tests....... Well there is that.....
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    I have no idea about Irish law but probably not if the age of consent is 16 and she is over it. She's able to do what she wants. If it happened in the UK its the people that filmed the act that have the potential to have their collars felt.
  12. Thats worse than "Mauled by the Tigers" Utter utter words removed.
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    I'm not sure ignorance of the law is an excuse but it may help your defence you massive paedo.
  14. They only make you turn your music off during take off and landing. Which are the points during the flight where something is most likely to go wrong. If you are issuing emergency instructions to people you want to say it once and them get them either into the brace position or off the plane sharpish. What you don't want to have to do is keep repeating yourself millions of times so the clearing in the woods who can't cope without his trip-hop soundtrack can hear you. Once you're in the air you've got more time and its safer. Those instructions are given before takeoff. People at emergency exits are told what they need to do and if something is going wrong I think I'll take my headphones off. Look Flying is by a ridiculous distance the safest way if travelling. I don't get all these special instructions when I get on a train despite it being more dangerous or a bus or the death trap that is a car. There is no way my device is emitting anything at all bar heat and light and possibly some harmless radiation. It poses no threat to the aircraft and as such I should be allowed to listen to my music unmolested. Please take this in the spirit it is intended but I can't work out if this is epic stupidity or breath-taking arrogance on your part. DURING take off/landing ie. when the plane is in the air the flight crew are seated as well so no, I agree, they are not giving safety instructions. The only exception to this is during an emergency landing/crash where the crew will give out additional instructions BRACE BRACE being one example that it might be in your interests to hear. If you are plugged into your mp3 player or whatever you won't hear it and consequently will probably not only endanger yourself but others as well. Its not a challenging concept to grasp is it?
  15. It was the same at RideLondon. If you're in a bunch of 30+ cyclists going downhill at 30mph+ you need to be able to hear whats going on around you - especially if there is something in the road. When I'm out alone I do listen to music (1 ear) so I can still hear whats going on but never in a bunch of people. Just so dangerous.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    If she is 17 then in theory yes.
  17. Eames

    General Chat

    17 nothing to investigate ...she made a blunder sucking 2 guys off ..her life ruined by it at the least ...more annoyed by the people taking the photos but this is the age we live in If you view/share the photo in the UK there is plenty to investigate. If she is under 18 you are viewing/distributing images of child pornography. (not getting into the morality of that - just what the legislation says) So if you're 17 and humping your boyfriend in bed it's consensual sex between 2adults, but if you film it it's heinous child pornography. Bizarre. Yep. that's about right.
  18. They only make you turn your music off during take off and landing. Which are the points during the flight where something is most likely to go wrong. If you are issuing emergency instructions to people you want to say it once and them get them either into the brace position or off the plane sharpish. What you don't want to have to do is keep repeating yourself millions of times so the clearing in the woods who can't cope without his trip-hop soundtrack can hear you. Once you're in the air you've got more time and its safer.
  19. You did....after the horror that was HooToo and FCF. The only thing I miss about 606 was the easy fishing for Blousers and Scousers.
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    17 nothing to investigate ...she made a blunder sucking 2 guys off ..her life ruined by it at the least ...more annoyed by the people taking the photos but this is the age we live in If you view/share the photo in the UK there is plenty to investigate. If she is under 18 you are viewing/distributing images of child pornography. (not getting into the morality of that - just what the legislation says)
  21. Agree with most of this save the bit about Alex Oxlaide Chamberlain. I think he has a very promising future ahead of him, already a better player than Walcott in my opinion. The Ox is just a crap Gabby.
  22. Eames

    General Chat

    Nah she's one of those sporty girls..... she'll have terrible boobs but a fantastic arse. Write it on there.
  23. I joined shortly after the Beeb announced 606s demised. I then bummed around with some Arsenal fans from the infamous Malmo thread on a couple of other forums before making the leap here. 4500 posts later it feels like home. I love you guys. EDIT: WTF? 4.5k posts?
  24. Eames

    General Chat

    If JJ was truly one of us.... that snowboard would not be covered in corporate sponsorship. It would have DHUTWU and Rob's face on it.
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