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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I bet he "Ashley Young'd" her on Skype as well.
  2. none of the above needs to be put on the voting paper to give everyone the chance to vote Not really going to achieve anything though, is it? Why won't it? 1) It would mean people didn't have to vote for fringe parties just to register their disgust at the status quo 2) people could actively campaign for none of the above and that in itself would kep MP's on their toes alittle more 3) It may increase the number of people that actually turn out to vote, therefore apathy is also easier to measure Imagine if none of the above won a seat and there had to be a rerun with new candidates, it would send out a huge message What a massively pointless exercise that would be. I think you massively overestimate the "support" that None of the above would garner. It will have no impact whatsoever on voter apathy. The clue is in the name.... the can't be arsed to drag themselves off the sofa to vote for candidates now...why would they bother to vote for noone? If you want truly representative politics in the UK we need 2 things. PR and Mandatory voting.
  3. This is most likely a school policy decision as opposed to one taken by Gove himself. Speak to your LEA. Whatever flavour it may be.
  4. I'm going to try and keep this as apolitical as possible. I work within education, although not as a teacher and my experience is the complete opposite of what is being described here. Schools are falling over themselves to offer the widest range of courses they possibly can and if anything participation rates post 16 are much much higher this year than before. The change in the participation age to 17 has meant that FE colleges, schools and other providers are falling over themselves to get as many bums on seats as possible. There are some courses that FE colleges are better placed to set teach than schools and vice versa. There are also many students that have hated every minute of school and can't wait to bail out into FE. There is a much greater degree of co-ordination between schools now than ever before. Schools will work with each other and students may have to take courses across 1 or more centres to do the courses they want but if those centres are the specialists where is the harm in that. As a point of order to Drat the current changes in post 16 education are as a result of Labour's Education and Skills Act 2008, but hey, why let facts spoil another arguement.
  5. Its hard to reply to all of this on my phone...but it's not surprising the lawyer for the claimant in this case has chosen to read the law that way. That's his whole raison d'etre. He has an agenda. His opinion doesn't matter...that of the sitting judge does.
  6. Mostly because Spurs are buying good ones. Soldado > Berbatov Paulinho / Charlie Adam They "named" players you have been touting are either a) too old not good enough or c) both. Of course there is also the pesky financial gulf between us and Spurs..... who can happily afford to pay the types of salaries required to encourage them to sign. Benteke last season was on c.£20k p/w. Would Berbatov or Soldado have signed for Villa on that salary? No. Are Paulinho and Charlie Adam earning more than Westwood,Sylla,KEA and Delph combined? Quite possibly. Do I need to continue?
  7. Its an interesting call..... is the leaking/holding/distribution of illegally obtained top secret material and act or terrorism? You could make a convincing argument for both sides of the story.... I'm not sure you can say the law has been flouted in this circumstance. In fact looking at Sections 1 and 2 of the Act, there is a very strong argument to support the notion that they were acting well within the requirements of the act. Although I acknowledge that is a particularly draconian interpretation. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong in this situation..... it is a series of fine judgement calls. Can illegally obtained top secret information legitimately be classed as journalistic material? It the use of Schedule 7 Powers and the wider Terrorism Act appropriate here? What is more important - the safety of UK intelligence assests abroad (if such data presents a risk) or the right of journalists and newspapers to posses/publish that data if they deem it in the public interest?
  8. The fee stated may also explain why Saints are splashing the cash knowing they've got the thick end of £20m on its way when Bale gets sold. That's Osvaldo's fee and contract paid for thanks Mr Levy.
  9. Again, I may be missing something here or I may have made this up? Wasn't this guy carrying files that had been leaked by Snowden? If that is the case surely the decision to detain him is a reasonable response? Or rather... if the Security Services believed he was carrying data from Snowden they have the right to stop him, detain him and confirm or refute that belief? The only reason this issue appears to have come about is because the Journo has got pissy over his partner's detention (even though IF he was carrying something) it appears it would have been appropriate response. What exactly is the problem here?
  10. I'm just curious..... who would you define as "their own"
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    Anyone else think these ladies are perhaps not the criminal masterminds they're being portrayed as? They may have been complicit in the crime, they may have been coerced and threatened. I dunno about that bit, but I do find it a little far fetched that 2, 20 year old British girls would alone have the connections to buy £1.5 million worth of cocaine. Neither of them speak Spanish...and it seems the Peruvian authorities are willing to use them as scapegoats without chasing the people really behind this. Madness. I read THIS book a few weeks ago on holiday. Trashy indeed, but it tells a very similar story. Girls going to Spain to live a party lifestyle who then get absorbed into a seedy and nasty drug culture and end up being manipulated by nasty bastards. I'm of entirely the opposite opinion Pompey. The £1.5m I would imagine is the UK street value, i.e. what ever they were carrying was worth after it has been cut many many times by dealers. The actual value of what they had in Peru is probably many many times less than £1.5m. Is it their drugs? No of course not.... but I believe that they knew entirely what they were up to. The have given the standard "caught with drugs in a foreign country" excuse "It wasn't me guv, someone made me do it" and strangely they managed to get from Ibiza to Peru without alerting anyone to the fact that they weren't exactly happy to be there? The only reason this case is getting attention is because there are two young, white, British, not unattractive women getting nicked in a foreign country. Any other ethnicity/background and the media would have already condemned them as guilty. No sympathy I'm afraid.
  12. We will extend the scope of the Freedom of Information Act to provide greater transparency. We will protect historic freedoms through the defence of trial by jury. We will restore rights to non-violent protest. We will review libel laws to protect freedom of speech. We will introduce safeguards against the misuse of anti-terrorism legislation. We will further regulate CCTV. We will end the storage of internet and email records without good reason. I can have a fair guess at who didn't.......
  13. Stevo's attempts to infiltrate Air Portugal's air hostesses was proceeding to plan This really could run and run......
  14. Advise them that you would be delighted to assist upon receipt of a warrant signed by a Magistrate. ( I have no idea if this is right bbut thats what they say on TV.) Its best in my experience if you sniff and affect a mockney accent whilst making your request.
  15. **** that shit. Contact another provider. They will be out much quicker than that and IIRC Virgin aside they all use the BT network anyway. How much are BT charging you for that privilege?
  16. The implication of the charge being that had he killed the goat first he'd have been perfectly legal?!
  17. Less than 24 hours into his VT hiatus Stevo was beginning to regret his choice.....
  18. That thought did cross my mind.... they are like Sky Sports less credible little brother.
  19. If there was intelligent life that had been visiting us by spacecraft for thousands of years and watching us we would know about it. How? Because just like the British Empire did to new places we discovered we would already be enslaved by our new Alien overlords doing whatever the **** they told us to do. Is there life somewhere out there in the Universe? Absolutely.... its too big a place for there not to be.
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    Farewell sweet Stevo. :wah:
  21. Id be packing my bags for Portugal that beach shot is absolutely fantastic. (Whats with the VT hiatus mate?) EDIT Damn you and your imageshacking. I was hopeful of a quick FB stalk.
  22. That was my thinking BOF, admittedly after the fact. RVP for doesn't represent value for money - too expensive when you can 2 forwards in whose total will exceed RVPs points. Cahill started and will play against us and will probably get pulled out after the next week.
  23. Wild card played. SubStandard Liege now line up as follows.... Hart Baines Zabaleta Cahill Tony Moon Michu Mata Nolan Soldado Benteke Lambert BOOOOOOM!!!!! (although I'm regretting leaving Mata in)
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