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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Give me iPhone hardware with KitKat OS and I'd be a happy man indeed. Mrs E's 4S feels FANTASTIC in hand compared to my plasticy S3. I just hope the new new nexus (Autumn '14) is a cracking phone cos that will be my next one.
  2. 31 ......60% ] Apparently I've got Dubstep on my Microsoft Zune?! I know not what this means......
  3. At circa 30k a year, it's good work, if you can get it, is over the average national wage, and requires little in the way of 'qualifications'. 30k a year? For that? **** sake - thats totally ridiculous.
  4. Lawyers Over complicating simple situations since..... well ever really.
  5. Eames


    Thats appalling - and also my biggest issue with MMA. The refs are often too late to intervene resulting in fighters totally unable to defend themselves getting lamped. The bloke cleary didn't even want to hit him again........
  6. The amount of stick Stefan has copped on this thread is totally unjustified IMO. He's new to the profession, he's clearly passionate about it.... fair play to him - if there were more teachers like him and fewer moany clearings in the woods perhaps there would be a little more hope for the yoof of the day. As a former teacher and currently working within education I can confirm teaching is like all walks of life. There are outstanding dedicated professional teachers who work their nuts off because they give a shit....and there are also useless drooling fucktards that have no business in a zoo much less a classroom. The same I imagine applies to bankers, accountants or whatever. Its a bloody difficult job that can be both rewarding and soul destroying and I have limitless admiration for those who stick it out because there is nothing worse than trying to educate a bunch of red bull fueled, hormonal, emotionally stunted 14 year olds on a sunny Friday afternoon in June. Its NOT a 9-3 job...... and it there is certainly more work involved that "just" the 39 weeks a year the school kids are in.
  7. What about those who don't want our personal data all over the internet?
  8. At least 1/3 of my annual income comes from gambling. It takes years of experience and hard work to get good at betting successfully. But the online bookmakers just shut you down when you start to regularly take money from them. This creates the problem of getting bets on. Which requires help from others. Also trips to multiple betting shops etc.. I can't go into detail on exactly how you become successful. The people I know who make a living off it have found their particular niche. But key things are discipline, being analytical, keeping records and reviewing your bets to see where you've gone wrong and how to improve. I bet solely on 3 sports. Jumps Racing, Tennis and Golf.
  9. Eames

    General Chat

    I totally agree Tony. I understand the argument that publicity of the Savile case has meant others have felt able to come forward, however, that effect would surely still be felt upon conviction. In cases such as these both parties should be anonymous until a verdict is delivered.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    In my experience the best defence lawyers are the ones that do a total character assassination on their clients. The more useless and weak you make them appear the less culpable they can be for their actions. Kryten defending Rimmer in "Justice World" is actually a really good example.
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    Gheyer. You sound like a blind date contestant.
  12. Wow. Obviously the cyclist did not suffer from the injury and he couldn't make it worse, Rooney clearly cannot do the same. Try heading a ball with that cut in your face. Don't think that feels so good. Rooney is hardly the most tender footballer in the Premier League Its only skin on his face.... stitch it up. Bandage it and crack on. He's a massive Jessie.
  13. Was given an absolutely fantastic coat for my birthday..... weather has been way to warm to wear it.
  14. 1. A Golf is nothing at all like a Mini, their only similarities are that the company that makes them is based in Germany. 2. You're seriously pimping Ford while calling BMW and VAG pieces of crap? 1. They are both small, ugly little cars that only teenagers drive. 2. Ford has style and history unmatched by any others. Falcon (Aus), Mustang, Torino, Landau, Maverick, I could go on and on. 1. Wrong. Teenagers can't 2. Ferrari, Daimler, JLR...... vs No further questions your honour.
  15. iPad fuckwits (or any tablet device for that matter but in my experience iPad users are the worse) People in meetings fiddling with the damn things. Once of the **** Magistrates in Court today fiddling with one. Put it down you look like an absolute cockweasel.
  16. Just seen the picture of Rooney's face. He needs to harden the **** up. Geraint Thomas rode 20 stages of Le Tour with a fractured pelvis. Rooney gets shaving cut and cries off for 3 weeks. Strap on a pair.
  17. ^^ See that annoys me a little bit about the game. You buy a player in at x price..... if he increases in value you only get what you paid back. Not what he is worth now. I realise that the value of my investment could go up as well as down (mostly down then) but it would bring a nice addition to the game.
  18. If only we had a thread that would allow us to compare the physical attributes of the female form. That would assist me massively in my decision making.........
  19. Eames

    General Chat

    Greetings from slightly-further-away-in-Kent-than-Chrisp65. I am in no way affected by the antics on the bridge but if it keeps a few of the Swamp Donkey's on the Island from escaping onto the mainland that is all well and good. I've just driven past a motorcyclist being scraped off the M20 in Ashford so Kent Ambulance and Plod are getting there monies worth today.
  20. The little shites will soon knock that out of you Stefan....... I enjoyed teaching, but I enjoy the calm still waters of the LEA even more. I was going to make a joke about knocking it out of them first but you're LEA and that would be absolutely stupid. Shit... I'm not YOUR LEA. Slap away. Where are you LEA? PM sent
  21. The little shites will soon knock that out of you Stefan....... I enjoyed teaching, but I enjoy the calm still waters of the LEA even more. I was going to make a joke about knocking it out of them first but you're LEA and that would be absolutely stupid. Shit... I'm not YOUR LEA. Slap away.
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