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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. We were absolutely crap tonight and our managers signings and tactics were the reason. Yet again we started with a negative formation at home and supposedly all our front three were unavailable - bollox! All but two of the starting team were Lambert's signings and IMHO few of the new signings are PL standard Lambert stood on the line feigning annoyance as a very talented Spurs team took us apart! But I believe he purposely threw the game because he knows our squad are not up to it. Many may still believe that St Paul can work miracles but personally at the moment I have little faith!
  2. That's all right then. We can all breathe easily again. Nothing to worry about after all.
  3. We don't have the home form for it. Can see us being in the top 6 for away form though. Wait so after winning 2 of our first 3 away games that we'll only win 4 more for the rest of the season?I will re-judge at the end of October. Once teams work us out or if Brad fails to save us, we will not find it as easy. Not saying it will be easy but we're clearly very good away from home, and I think it has more to do with the fact that we're a counter-attacking side. Teams have known we're a counter-attacking side for years - pretty sure we were "worked out" long ago. We don't have the home form for it. Can see us being in the top 6 for away form though. Wait so after winning 2 of our first 3 away games that we'll only win 4 more for the rest of the season?I will re-judge at the end of October. Once teams work us out or if Brad fails to save us, we will not find it as easy. Not saying it will be easy but we're clearly very good away from home, and I think it has more to do with the fact that we're a counter-attacking side. Teams have known we're a counter-attacking side for years - pretty sure we were "worked out" long ago. "Very good away from home"? Getting a bit carried away? We had a great victory away against Arsenal and a good result against Norwich that wasn't a great performance,
  4. i would reiterate what others said. The anticipation of the game is usually much more exciting that the game itself. The journey home to Bournemouth every couple of weeks is more often spent discussing another unispiring performance and why we bother year in year out. Walking towards the Holte before each game I genuinely arrive at VP believing that that days game is going to be the start of a new era - but it never is! Away games are much more fun but ultimately they are just big piss ups! With relatively few exceptions we havent had much excitement at VP for years and the highlights tend to be far and few between. After 50+ years I am starting to wonder whether it is worth buying ST's each year. Watching the Swansea v Liverpool game the other night, I found myself actually envying the Swans supporters who were eventually given plenty to cheer and for all their faults play exciting football. Since coming back to the Premiership their fans have had their monies worth. The mighty Villa however take us for granted and for the last few years have served up very little excitement and usually its out and out dross! Lamberts recent comments about the supporters importance frankly pissed me off - just ******g do it!
  5. Haha! Is it such a well known fact? Actually he is a Baggies fan! :-) But a clearing in the woods either way!
  6. "The last years under Doug everyone was moaning that we were underinvested and not achieving what we should be doing." Many of were against Ellis for more than "the last years". As regards Randy Lerner. From 2006 - 2009, he was a breath of fresh air and did a great job by various means of raising our expectations and making us believe again. However for the last 4, his business & leadership skills have been found wanting. I would NEVER want an owner like Ellis back again but his lies and promises fooled some of the people a lot of the time and perversly raised spirits occassionally. However Lerner is the invisible man who never speak to the fans and is effectively an absent landlord. He has failed, offers no hope for the future and wants out. The novelty has clearly worn off and his priority is now to get his money back. He is no longer interested in success. He should change our motto "Prepared" to "Survive"
  7. Mike, don't confuse, experience with ability. If they are good enough they are old enough, sure a bit of experience is welcome. I personally am not at odds with signing young players as they grow together, there are as many pluses or more than Ron Atkinsons strategy of "ready made "or"off the peg "players in their late twenties or early thirties that give you instant results, but we all know the downsides too. The real burning question of our strategy is ARE THEY GOOD ENOUGH or how long do we wait until they are? There are clear examples of teams doing similar to us like Spurs, but they sign Christen Eriksen, what looks like a level above our quality. I guess, we have to give him a chance to do what he is looking to do and wait until its clear one way or another whether its working or not. It seems reading some of his comments in the BIrmingham Mail he does know a fair bit of what's wrong...perhaps selecting Sylla would ease a bit of his pain ,but that just my opinion. It also appears PL /PF & RL are singing off the same hymn sheet, but would be interesting to hear the blue print from them as to the future strategy....then only then can the fans reasonably measure any progress and have tangible hope going forward. It's very noble and touching to ask us to stick with it....but we kinda need to know what we sticking with. Blind faith or a loyal resolve towards a programme of progression that is clear to see. I agree with much of what you say but I am a bit tired of the "good enough, old enough" debate - there is no doubt in my mind that we need more experience. On Saturday we had no one who could change the game. There is no leadership - the only one who was trying to gee players up was Gabby. That said I am not advocating Big Rons approach. I just feel that we are at the other extreme now and it is a very high risk strategy having to wait to see if enough of this squad can make it. It's **** that already we are one place off relegation and Lambert is asking for our patience. I hope I am wrong but maybe he is not going to be the manager we hoped for. Over reaction? Definitely but Saturday was **** and we expected more - not having "to stick with it" AGAIN. Mike ,The manager gives me the impression he knows anything we profess to know. "We rely on a height tempo game....we have not got the nous in the squad to slow the game down, that's for the future" That suggests to me he knows , but we have what we have. And if we accept that he knows what he is talking about, this statement alone proves the nonsense of the "good enough, old enough" debate. If fact I find it quite galling that by his own admission we can only play a counter attacking game. I hope his gamble pays off and the squad don't have to acquire said "nous" in the Champsionship.
  8. I reckon we will be in the bottom five by Christmas. As for the whole season I have no idea but expect a long relegation battle.
  9. Mike, don't confuse, experience with ability. If they are good enough they are old enough, sure a bit of experience is welcome. I personally am not at odds with signing young players as they grow together, there are as many pluses or more than Ron Atkinsons strategy of "ready made "or"off the peg "players in their late twenties or early thirties that give you instant results, but we all know the downsides too. The real burning question of our strategy is ARE THEY GOOD ENOUGH or how long do we wait until they are? There are clear examples of teams doing similar to us like Spurs, but they sign Christen Eriksen, what looks like a level above our quality. I guess, we have to give him a chance to do what he is looking to do and wait until its clear one way or another whether its working or not. It seems reading some of his comments in the BIrmingham Mail he does know a fair bit of what's wrong...perhaps selecting Sylla would ease a bit of his pain ,but that just my opinion. It also appears PL /PF & RL are singing off the same hymn sheet, but would be interesting to hear the blue print from them as to the future strategy....then only then can the fans reasonably measure any progress and have tangible hope going forward. It's very noble and touching to ask us to stick with it....but we kinda need to know what we sticking with. Blind faith or a loyal resolve towards a programme of progression that is clear to see. I agree with much of what you say but I am a bit tired of the "good enough, old enough" debate - there is no doubt in my mind that we need more experience. On Saturday we had no one who could change the game. There is no leadership - the only one who was trying to gee players up was Gabby. That said I am not advocating Big Rons approach. I just feel that we are at the other extreme now and it is a very high risk strategy having to wait to see if enough of this squad can make it. It's **** that already we are one place off relegation and Lambert is asking for our patience. I hope I am wrong but maybe he is not going to be the manager we hoped for. Over reaction? Definitely but Saturday was **** and we expected more - not having "to stick with it" AGAIN.
  10. Was talking to Chris Nicholl our old Captain and CH from the 70s. He maintains that PL has a problem with older more experienced players and that his young and/or inexperienced squad is not going to thrive in the Premiership.
  11. Who does replace him? Go on give me a name, it's easy saying yep lets replace another manager. The bottom line is we are miles behind, due to our excessive spending on average players. Not once have I said PL is not prone to criticism, defensively poor yet again, his decision to throw on Kozak and leave us a formation that looks like something out of football manager. Do you think he sits and tells Lowton, to actually let Remy walk through, do you think he actually tells Lowton to just ball watch when a shot comes in and not react. Man of us expected to beat Newcastle because yet again we got carried away, I could name 6 players from Newcastle that would walk into our side, whether we like it or not they have better players than us and that was shown to us on Saturday. We're four games in and we're already talking about changing manager. What progress are you looking for? If your looking for top 6 you might aswell give up now. I said "I find it laughable how you cannot brook any critcism of him without asking "who replaces him? I hear McLeish is still available" and "Like everyone else I hope Lambert is going to be a good manager for Villa, but..." However your pathetic response is "it's easy saying yep lets replace another manager." Conversation closed I can't be arsed debating with someone who cannot be bothered to read.
  12. You expected to beat Liverpool and Newcastle, though on paper both have better sides. There are some fans who just want to turn and I guess your in that boat, but lets ask a question if Lambert goes who replaces him? I hear McLeish is still available. Soton spent 30million, you'd expect them to beat West Ham and Sunderland at home, well they didn't. Man City spent £££, you'd expect them to beat Cardiff and Stoke away, but they didn't. Saturdays loss has sod all to do with an AM, it was the fact we made stupid defensive mistakes yet again and we were punished for it. There is not a lot between a lot of the sides barring the top 6, so these results will happen, but don't let that stop you as no doubt you are excited to turn. I didnt expect to beat Liverpool BUT most fans did expect us to beat Newcastle. I dont advocate getting rid of Lambert or anything like it but I find it laughable how you cannot brook any critcism of him without asking "who replaces him? I hear McLeish is still available" Also to claim "Saturdays loss has sod all to do with an AM, it was the fact we made stupid defensive mistakes yet again" and give the impression that it was nothing to do with Lamberts tactics is frankly ridiculous. Apart from a few minutes after our goal we had no forward momentum all match, Lamberts decision to play counter attacking gave N'castle the initiaitive throughout and in the first 10-15 mins we were rarely in their half. we had no one to make telling passes and gave a shitload of possession back without pressure. Like everyone else I hope Lambert is going to be a good manager for Villa, but for the foreseeable future I do not think we are going to make much progress and going backwards again wouldnt surprise me.
  13. Don't talk rubbish, I never said Lerner should override, however I did say he sets the budgets for transfer and wages which is true. The manager and owner clearly agree on the strategy to buy cheap. I don't consider last seasons survival and hanging on by the skin of our teeth as having a squad that is fit for the PL. I think our shit home record and inability is to keep a clean sheet are reasons enough to have a go. But you carry on, dreaming of Lambert and Lerner pulling off miracles on a shoestring. Who picks the team, sets the tactics, signs the players, trains the players and plays the game? It's ludicrous that you're trying to blame him for these things as well. If something connected with Villa is bad then it's his fault, yet if something his good then it's down to the players/manager. So what are you saying, that getting Lambert in was a bad decision? Who sets the transfer budgets? Who sets the wage caps? Who approved the "buy lower leagues and overseas - cheap" Strategy? Yes he hired Lambert, so what? Not exactly proven either is he? Too many people got carried away after the Arsenal result and parked their common sense. We may be able to pull off the odd spectacular result but ultimately our squad with a couple of exceptions is still poor and not fit for the Premiership. So you want to see Lerner override the manager when it comes to transfer policy? That's a recipe for disaster if I ever saw one. I agree that some got carried after Arsenal, but equally I think people are getting carried away now - it's pretty common on VT. If our squad isn't fit for the Premier League then how come we stayed up last season? Don't talk rubbish, I never said Lerner should override, however I did say he sets the budgets for transfer and wages which is true. The manager and owner clearly agree on the strategy to buy cheap. I don't consider last seasons survival and hanging on by the skin of our teeth as having a squad that is fit for the PL. I think our shit home record and inability is to keep a clean sheet are reasons enough to have a go. But you carry on, dreaming of Lambert and Lerner pulling off miracles on a shoestring.
  14. Why "to be fair"? Lambert has been in charge for over a season now. You cannot use our home form being poor before his arrival as some kind of defence. When was the last time we had a clean sheet in a league match? How many league matches have we played with Lambert where we kept a clean sheet?
  15. Who picks the team, sets the tactics, signs the players, trains the players and plays the game? It's ludicrous that you're trying to blame him for these things as well. If something connected with Villa is bad then it's his fault, yet if something his good then it's down to the players/manager. So what are you saying, that getting Lambert in was a bad decision? Who sets the transfer budgets? Who sets the wage caps? Who approved the "buy lower leagues and overseas - cheap" Strategy? Yes he hired Lambert, so what? Not exactly proven either is he? Too many people got carried away after the Arsenal result and parked their common sense. We may be able to pull off the odd spectacular result but ultimately our squad with a couple of exceptions is still poor and not fit for the Premiership.
  16. We were absolutely dire today and frankly it is hard to see how we are going to improve. I do not have absolute faith in Lambert and blame him for our home record. Did we actually get into their half in the first 10 minutes today? We looked like the away side waiting to hit them on the break. Sort it out Lambert! The fans will not be as patient this year.
  17. MikeMcKenna


    Having read many of the comments in this thread about the consequences of drug use, acceptability and whether it should be legalised, I thought I would throw my tuppence worth into the debate. I agree with the basic argument that drug use should be decrimalised, but my concern relates to the very long terms effects and how well they are understood.. When I was young in the early 70s drug availability and use was fairly rare except in certain sub cultures. However the use of drugs was highly prevalent on the Northern Soul scene, partly driven by the all nighters and up tempo dancing. Amphetamines (Speed) were the main drug of choice although a minority were also into opiates. The drugs used were often of a high quality as they were invariably nicked from Chemists although progressively dealers over the years started to sell junk. Due to licensing hours back then was no alcohol at the nighters. Those that did drink earlier in the evening tended to stick to beer, which was a lot weaker than now. Although I am not involved in the scene anymore, I am a member of a number of Northern Soul forums and websites and observe from afar. While my evidence is purely anecdotal and I cannot deny that other lifestyle issues maybe a factor, there does seem to be a disproportionate amount of ill health and deaths at a relatively young age (50s) among the core Northern Soul fraternity. In terms of its overall impact on society I accept that alcohol is more damaging but I do wonder whether the use of certain drugs such as Cocaine, MDMA etc lead to big health problems in later life? I know that the same can be said of alcohol, but are the risks higher with seemingly moderate use of certain drugs?
  18. 410 pages on a player that never made an impression must be a record that will never be broken!
  19. What a ******* waste of time he was! Has there ever been a player who cost so much and did so little for us? Balaban comes to mind as costing us a packet for his 8 appearances but didnt get 60-70K a week. Good riddance!
  20. Milner was far more than "decent" when he was with us. He is exactly what we want, absolutely superb player. Also he is still only 27 and so at the perfect age for a midfielder. The guy is wasted at Man City, would be our perfect captain, bring loads of experience and make our midfield tick.
  21. With a little luck and better refs we could have actually won the two we lost and deserved at least a draw in both. We were not outplayed in any of the games. Our defence is much tighter. Delph is a real prospect. Okore could be a star in the making.
  22. Mark didnt see the game but some of the comments about Bacuna remind me of the reactions to KEA's initial matches. Maybe like KEA he needs time? And maybe PL didnt want to destroy Bacunas confidence?No this was different. KEA was poor in a very poor team but got singled out because he was the new signing.Bacona today was just poor. I'm all for maintaining his confidence but when it's at the detriment of the rest of the team then no. Saying that I think putting him at RB once Liverpool had sat back put him out the way a little.Maybe i am missing something but in the First half it seemed like the new signing; Bacuna was getting stick when lots of others were all playing poorly - not that different.Was KEA really that bad though? Look back at the threads a year ago
  23. Mark didnt see the game but some of the comments about Bacuna remind me of the reactions to KEA's initial matches. Maybe like KEA he needs time? And maybe PL didnt want to destroy Bacunas confidence?No this was different. KEA was poor in a very poor team but got singled out because he was the new signing.Bacona today was just poor. I'm all for maintaining his confidence but when it's at the detriment of the rest of the team then no. Saying that I think putting him at RB once Liverpool had sat back put him out the way a little. Maybe i am missing something but in the First half it seemed like the new signing; Bacuna was getting stick when lots of others were all playing poorly - not that different.
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