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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. Just after he did that I was shown a forward of a text message rumoured to have been from Paul Faulkner that said it was for the redevelopment of the North Stand ,complete with Dennis Mortimer statue outside.. ( you can probably find my original post on the forum with the search button , it may have had more details that I've since forgotten ) I can't say how legit that text was , I just passed it on as interesting at the time as a sort of lets see .... I was given to believe he was seeking additional investment rather than looking to sell .. it's possible that the plans have changed , it's possible the original message I saw was a load of bull , do CE's even send text messages ?? I think it is still very possible that Lerner is seeking other investors rather than wanting to sell up completely. Many of the American sports club takeovers have been via a Consortium. Derby County was taken over by an American consortium as was Liverpool. I was told by someone on the business side of the club at the beginning of this season that there would be "exciting developments in the next 12-18 months" and that Lerner wasn't selling up. So if he announces new shareholders bringing more investment it really wouldn't surprise me if Lerner is still involved.
  2. Is this the possible takeover thread or the promote the other site thread? It's all getting very boring.
  3. Is this all too much of a coincidence with the suspensions? Also if Palace have been paying for illegally obtaind data this is a lot more serious and imo should lead to sanctions
  4. Alternatively it could be another Derby investor; Jeff Mallett formerly of Yahoo - owns Vancouver Whitecaps, very keen on "soccer" has been building a portfolio of sports interests for some years. Was rumoured to have been interested in Spurs several years ago. Like Ricketts would have to sell interest in Derby but they fit the profile
  5. I think one could be Thomas Ricketts. He runs the Chicago Cubs for his father Joe and was/is part of a consortium that bought Derby County - may have decided that he wants something bigger. Moves in the same financial circles as Randy Lerner.
  6. Bit pathetic all this desperate speculation - what will be, will be. Although I think a deal will be done, the notion that we will be spending huge sums seems absurd.
  7. I can feel your pain Mike, but what's the alternative? There isn't one. :-(
  8. It's all a bit shit really, whichever way it goes. The real fans will still mean **** all in the scheme of things. Sadly after 50+ years I think it is probably time for me to move on as I feel my club is moving even further away from the fans. IF it is is another mega wealthy individual our club will be no more important than their **** boat!
  9. In fairness Paul, I don't think he and Andy Gray were given a choice due to their fall out with Ron Saunders.
  10. I think a sale is on!
  11. Hi Naz, I think you are on the money. Culverhouse has never appeared to have an affinity with the players during games and everything about him is negative.
  12. I heard that Sid actually walked out last Thursday and that PL is considered unapproachable, "hiding" in his office instead of talking to the players. That said it maybe that the "day to day" was down to Culverhouse and Karsa. Who knows - but it is a total mess! If the club management and players are not "united" WTF can the fans do?
  13. Or maybe that'd be exactly the plan, and sit on it til the bubble bursts for the other clubs. Not saying that's a remotely intelligent approach, just you never know what way people will go with stuff like this. Plus Americans don't seem to grasp the relegation idea Or maybe that'd be exactly the plan, and sit on it til the bubble bursts for the other clubs. Not saying that's a remotely intelligent approach, just you never know what way people will go with stuff like this. Plus Americans don't seem to grasp the relegation idea That sounds very like Ellis's theory that one day prudence would pay off but as we know, the money kept coming; the rich clubs got richer and visa versa. While I believe that one day, SKY type deals may diminish, IMO if Lerner believes that the bubble is going to burst he is in for a long wait. If anything the rich clubs may seek ways to make themselves richer such as through a European elite league while fielding 2nd teams in national leagues. As for Americans and "relegation" , although he denied it, back in 2010 there were very strong rumours that Lerner was involved in talks to make the PL a closed shop and tried to get the rules changed.
  14. Sadly Villa fans are more apathetic now than they have ever been. But I believe that many are wrong to believe that because Ellis wasn't influenced by fan protests that Lerner will not be either. For Ellis, Villa was his life, his "raison d'être" and he didn't give a shit what the "men on the terraces" thought of him. For Lerner it is a hobby that has gone badly wrong. He clearly has lost his passion for AVFC, thinks that he can recoup his losses by imposing wage caps and naively believes that AVFC can survive as a premiership club with players fit for the lower leagues. If we do not go down this season, the current strategy will mean we face years of clinging on and relying on others being worse. IF the fans make it clear that they are absolutely sick to death of Lerner's mismanagement in my opinion he will not be able to take the flak, will cut his losses and actively seek a buyer. Frankly it is amazing that there has been no protests against him. If Lambert is targeted and eventually sacked I would not trust Lerner to replace him with anyone better or change the financial constraints a new manager would have to work under. The sooner the fans realise Lerner is at the root of our problems, the sooner they will turn and he will sell. I do not accept that he will simply ignore the fans as Ellis did. In my experience rich Americans are very sensitive to criticism and I very much doubt that Lerner would have Ellis's tenacity. MON, McLeish, Lambert were/are responsible to varying to degrees for the mess we are in, but the ultimate responsibility lies with RANDY LERNER. He is the common thread. I have heard that he is a decent guy, but he still needs to be told in no uncertain terms that we do not trust him with our club. As for who would replace him - what difference does it make? If you still believe the "bright future" bullshit you are deluded. Our future is bleak as long as Lerner owns our club. We need to get off our arses, stop bitching on radio stations/forums, quit being apathetic and demand change!! LERNER OUT!
  15. Very sad to report that I have just heard that Gordon Smith who played for us between 1974-79 has passed away aged 59 :-( Apologies mods please delete - just saw the other post!
  16. FFS "passive aggression" - it's a football fan site, deal with it!
  17. I also think some people are like a dog with a bone! Change the record!
  18. It's real shame that Gardner hasn't made the grade. It may well have all gone to his head (or other issues) but I also think that we the fans forget how difficult it is is for the Academy players to cope with not only our expectation but more importantly their own. Gary was tipped as 'the next big thing" and in his first few appearances for the first team he looked OK but didn't really make a difference in a struggling team - however did he get a fair crack of the whip? He was very, very good In his younger days, so what happened? He didn't become a shit player overnight. Despite all the flak fans receive there are many out there who know a player when they see one and GG was tipped as one to watch. I have no idea what the real problem is, but I still reckon GG has talent and can make the grade. However I wonder if he still believes....
  19. In fairness I was one of those who advocated giving PL more time but I was (and still am) one of those who also questioned the "bigger picture" We may be able to tick along as a top 9-12 team ad in finitum and if others are happy with that fine but I wouldn't be and think the "bigger picture" is still more about survival on a shoestring - that isn't PL's fault but there is no big breakthrough on the horizon IMHO
  20. Southampton have more quality than us in certain positions but if the rumours about Shaw, Lallana etc being off at the end of the season are true they will quickly return to obscurity. AVFC were in exactly the same boat when we had the likes of Milner, Young etc Frankly I think it will be very difficult for the likes of AVFC to ever do much better than 6-8 under the current system. We like Southampton are feeder clubs for those above us. If any of our players break through and are seen to have real talent they will be poached.
  21. Delph IMO is at his best when played forward as an attacking midfielder. He can break forward, has good feet and is one of the few players we have that can beat his man. He has great awareness and is very much a "head up" player. Whether he is ready for an England place, I don't know, but as our overall team grows in confidence I feel the best is still to come from Delph. IMHO he needs to keep the ball closer as he has a tendency to push it a little too far ahead.
  22. I don't think Marc should start and definitely not ahead of Gabby. Despite some of his poor decision making Gabby still frightens defenders and can make things happen. Marc still lacks stamina IMO and is best used for his impact as a sub.
  23. I agree totally and am amazed none of the pundits backed Foy. We see this type of foul receive yellows all the time. Willian deliberately runs into Delph from behind, then throws up his arms to claim he didn't intend contact. Delph had space in front of him and would have had the opportunity to shoot if he had advanced a further 10 yards. At the time Villa had a spell where we were starting to threaten. Definite yellow for me.
  24. Was very pleased for Joe today. He played very well. I know he has been shocking in the past but I don't think I have felt more sorry for a player than him when we lost to Bradford away and he was torn apart. Coming off the pitch he was devastated and I never thought he would come back from the stick that he took that night. I believe he should start the next game not Bertrand - his new found confidence needs nurturing and we should not revert to a loan player who IMO will go back to Chelsea at the end of the season.
  25. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Ditto - some fans always have to piss on the fire when it starts burning!
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