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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. Even my arse...Leicester could well be out of site by now. Pathetic first half performance! Leicester should be out of sight by now - they've had the chances to score more goals, it's us that are strange, not them, you'd expect a team that had as much of the play as we did to have created a similar amount of chances and we haven't created one. In terms of the stuff that's happened between the two boxes it's been pretty much even, inside the areas, they should have scored more than one - we can only dream of scoring more than one between now and the end of the season on this showing. I don't know if it's shape, desire, talent, drive or our training, but we don't look like we'll ever score again - and that is down to the manager. "..it's shape, desire, talent, drive or our training", tactics and everything else! one of the worst teams i have seen
  2. Despite starting with Cole the quality of the play going forward is absolutely gash! Gabby shouldn't be on the pitch - that he is Captain sums up the mess we are in. He must be one of the most stupid players we have!
  3. Don't understand the Grealish situation but guess he has made way for Richardson. Didn't think Lambert would bench Wiemann but has obviously decided he needs more guile. Hopefully Cole can do something in 60 mins
  4. Weird Grealish not even on the bench? Issues? 4-4-2 with Cole starting.
  5. First game: 14th November 1959 My sixth birthday; Aston Villa 11 Charlton Athletic 1 Now into my 7th decade following the club Brought up in a two up, two down in Saltley, we invariably walked to VP whatever the weather. Have had a season ticket in every stand and am now a cosseted member of the prawn sandwich brigade in the Trinity. So many exciting times and great matches; the Villa Revolution era in the late sixties was fan power at its best and a great time to be a young fan! I can still hear the crowd singing; Villa, Villaa, Villaaaa at the 2-1 defeat of Man U in the league cup semi final. Used to love it when the whole ground joined in with thunderous chants of VILLA! VILLA! VILLA! But funnily enough the atmosphere I can remember most vividly was at half time against Liverpool when we had stuck 5 past them. When the players left the pitch everyone was literally shell shocked and saying "****** hell what did we just see!" Leaving Villa Park after witnessing such amazing football was such a high that lasted for weeks! As we walked home we sang; "We're by far the greatest team, the world has ever seen" And that night at least it was absolutely TRUE and our love for AVFC had been repaid
  6. That's all very worthy, but several thousand people HAVE turned their back on them, and the club/team/manager aren't exactly giving them many good reasons to come back. The people "moaning" on here aren't the problem, it's the 10,000 people who to go regularly who have found something they consider better to do with their time. The comment about "moaning" was in jest (as can be seen by the emoticon)! - Yeah but sad bastards like me can't turn their back on a club they have supported for nigh on all his life! Personally I don't give a flying f**k (the club might but I don't) about those turning their backs -it's their choice and good luck to them just as it is mine. I'll be here when the good times come (if ever) but they MIGHT come back when the good times are back and then disappear again - no problem with that you makes your choice! And this is not a better fan post nor a rant at them - just personal opinion. I agree Naz, everyone is free to choose. Throughout my history supporting the club we have had many times like the present situation. I cannot deny that there have been several times when I lapsed for a bunch of reasons but like a bad penny I came rolling back in the belief that "things can only get better" today, tomorrow, next week, next month/year. That said I was never one of those who refused to turn up "as long as Turner/McNeill/ellis/Lerner/Lambert/mcleish" is/was in charge - if I want to protest, I marched, wrote letters blah, blah but I wasn't going to cut my nose to spite my face - I ALWAYS believed salvation was round the corner and that there was a danger if I didnt attend I would miss something. Undeniably, recently I have found the trips up and down from Bournemouth pretty difficult but I put that down to the fact that am not getting any younger! There is no denying that things are not great but I always felt that it was better to go than not. My club etc Many years ago (October 1968 - Carlisle I think?) I remember standing on the Holte in one of the lowest crowds we have ever had - I thought was 13K but maybe 14K - the average for the whole season was 19K the lowest till that point since 1908! I It was pissing down, VP and the Holte End especially was like a graveyard BUT strangely I was proud that despite everything I was there. I fully understood why people had turned their backs and were frustrated but that wasn't for me - "Keep the faith, through thick and thin" was the mantra the hardcore fans kept repeating. As you know the following year the "Villa Revolution" kicked in and despite some more ups and down within 12/13 years we were back at the very top and it was an incredible ride - the 70s were amazing, the early 80s were indescribable! No doubt many will think I am daft but I live in hope and believe that we will see glory again. When I do decide to "hang up my boots" and stop the fortnightly trips to VP, I will be able to say I was of the lucky ones who saw it all apart from winning the FA Cup (maybe this year :-) ) I hope for the sake of those that were not around in the 70s that they also get to experience the same in their lifetimes! KTF! UTV!
  7. I went to this game - the atmosphere was incredible with all four sides of the ground chanting VILLA! VILLA! VILLA!! At the time I believe the 48,000 crowd was a record for a div 3 fixture. The header by Ted McDougall was a stunner and VP was equally stunned but we turned it round with Vowden and Lochead scoring. McDougall had a great scoring record at Bournemouth and left the season after for a brief spell at Man U.
  8. Funnily enough I was hoping we would draw Bournemouth at their place as its only 10 mins away! They are a very good side but I seriously think we will beat them. They are an out and out attacking team but can be suspect at the back which would suit us at VP. I suspect Lambert's tactics will be defend and hit them on the break!
  9. Given our incredible home victory over high flying Blackpool, do you think we could be on our way to our 8th FA Cup?
  10. Hahaha - The council should really demand that they revert to Small Heath Alliance. They are an embarrassment to the City of Birmingham!
  11. I am still convinced that Jack will come good BUT he hasn't a hope in hell of thriving under the current regime. He is one of the few who is naturally talented but as someone suggested earlier he "was scared of attacking his man" as keeping the ball at all costs seems to be Lambert's latest mantra. As Lambert said after the game: "....but as I say, if you can't win a game, make sure you don't lose it." and "the way we are controlling games is very pleasing." and "We have started a new way of playing and the lads are really comfortable with it." What a ****** joke! "very pleasing", "really comfortable" - we were playing most of the game in our half against a really shite Palace team who were there for the taking. Grealish should have been given a free role and told to have a real go at them!
  12. I have to say it is getting near the end for me. Since 20th December I have traveled almost 1000 miles from Bournemouth to/from VP and the last two games were absolutely soul destroying. I have generally kept stum about Lambert and his tactics in the hope that he can turn it round. However enough is enough. Whichever tactics he plays whether its high or low possession he has no idea how to get this team to score goals. Against Palace (who were totally gash) we were set up as 4-3-3 and might as well have 4-3-1 as the vast majority of the possession was in our half and amongst our defence and holding midfielders. No width, no creativity and Lambert has no ****** idea how to break down poor teams who have come to VP for the draw.
  13. It would be interesting to see the reaction on here if Fox had come out and said: "We have no ambition, a top 6/7 position is beyond us and frankly there is no point in me speaking to the media because the fans will not believe what I say." In my opinion Fox is a high calibre business who took a risk leaving his highly paid position at Arsenal to come to Villa. While I am not naive,(given past promises) I do believe that Fox is serious and truly has ambitions for Villa otherwise he would not have taken on the job,
  14. Very much agree with this. The management
  15. I agree about JG a (assuming you mean John Gregory) At the time the fans were very much split down the middle but Imho he was a good manager who was yet another fell foul of Ellis
  16. I have no faith whatsoever in Keane and don't understand why others do. He was undoubtedly a great midfielder, but more importantly he was a shit football manager. Reportedly many of the Sunderland players celebrated when he left and he was even worse at Ipswich - where is the evidence that he is any better as an Assistant? Strikes me that many were influenced by his infamy for being a hard man without considering whether he can coach or hack management at any level. I doubt that he had much to do with our early season success and as for the last five games...... Maybe he is also part of the problem?
  17. THIS IS ******* PAINFUL! When the **** will it end?
  18. OK, he is now with AVFC but he is and always will be a w*****r. On the Haland incident "I'd waited long enough. I f*****g hit him hard. The ball was there (I think). Take that you word removed. And don't ever stand over me sneering about fake injuries." Some hero.
  19. Yesterday's result is but a blip. All the top clubs stutter occasionally :-)
  20. Just walked past Randy Lerner in the Trinity. Think he was with some of his family
  21. We WON!! There was 4 mins extra time which was largely due to subs - All GKs do the same thing, and Guzan is no worse than any other. It pisses me off that some fans such as you have to find a negative rather celebrate an excellent win. We have just won away against all the odds and all you can do is moan that Guzans "time wasting is frustratingly obvious" - pretty pathetic IMO
  22. FFS! If that is all you can say why bother? UTV!
  23. The run and goal Jack scores from 4.54 illustrates how he could become the most skillful player we have had since Brian Little. His awareness, balance and confidence are simply stunning! I appreciate that this was at a lower level, but class is class and he has it in spades. I really hope he either starts v Liverpool or gets on much earlier and shows what he is capable of . As others have said, teams win things, but teams need a bit of magic and Jack has it.
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