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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. I really hope that with all the money coming into the PL, someone with more interest in building the club will now buy us and we can see the back of Lerner as well.
  2. Mixed emotions for me. He had to go but I get no satisfaction from someone getting the sack. He had lost the plot at AVFC but I hope he picks himself and gets his act together elsewhere. Now we wait with some trepidation on who they now appoint. Given Lerner's past record I am worried. Klinsmann and Sherwood are early favourites with the bookies. I hope to **** it isn't Sherwood - cannot stand the clearing in the woods.
  3. I **** care! And always will. I have invested too much of my life not to. Having witnessed relegation several times, shit managers, useless players and had to suffer under the likes of ellis and latterly Lerner it has never made sense to care but that is the life of many a football fan. Apart from my family, AVFC is one of my few passions and it is impossible for me, at least, to be rational. In all my time supporting the club I have never said "I don't care" quite the reverse like many "I care too much" which means it hurts unbelievably when we have to go through this shit year after year! As I write sitting in my office I am surrounded by photographs and artifacts that are reminders of the great times we have had and while they can **** up the future they cant take away my memories! Lambert, Lerner etc etc will have left AVFC long before I do and then my hopes for the future will return! BUT I WILL ALWAYS **** CARE!
  4. As bad as lamberts been seriously how can you have any sympathy for these lot? they ahve performed terribly. They should not escape critisim for teh woeful and pathetic displays they have put in. in fact to lamberts credit he has never blamed them and always diverted the blame against them which kind of contributes to the problem I agree. Frankly after Hull I had little sympathy or respect for a number of players. Lambert has lost it and needs to go but Gabby especially has been a disgrace and he was the ****** Captain. Players such as Westwood and even Delph have rarely be able to change or dominate games. Since his injury Benteke has been a passenger who rarely looks like he is trying, no movement, no passion and nothing like the player he was. Lamberts failing is that he was incapable of getting the best out of them and seems lost in terms of tactics but the players are far from blameless - they are paid fortunes and seem detached from all the shit that is flying round AVFC's future. Not one of them, apart from possibly Guzan is on a par with past legends. I wouldn't characterise Lambert as "spineless", inept definitely, but "spineless" would be a fair description of a few of our players.
  5. Ten goals less than any other team in the PL Eleven goals less than any team in the championship, Division 1 or 2 Worse by -5 Goal difference than any other PL team Two wins in 21 games Bottom based on ten game form guide Why is he still here?
  6. Hull City {A} 2-0 Stoke City {H} ? 0-2 Newcastle United {A} ? 3-0 West Bromwich Albion {H} ? 0-2 Sunderland {A} ? 2-0 Swansea City {H} ? 2-0 Cannot see us scoring and think we are well and truly *****!
  7. Collymore is a clearing in the woods. He deserves absolutely no credit for his time at Villa and his constant harping on about being a fan frankly makes me sick! As for him saying: "It would be wise for us all as fans, players, manager and owner to remember that right now." Cheeky **** - he was a lazy bastard when he was at the club!!!!!
  8. He has to go. It is an absolute disgrace that Lerner and Lambert have taken us to the bottom and are destroying the club. Lambert has completely lost the plot, he hasn't a clue how to get this team playing and I cannot see him saving us now...... Until tonight I thought we would scrape through but now think we are going down. It is heartbreaking what they have done to our club :-( LAMBERT OUT!!!!!
  9. Let's just call him Charlie Hill :-)
  10. Good draw for us. Will get excited if/when we get into the quarter finals.
  11. Some fans on here need to lighten up. Travelling home happy for a change. We were poor in the first half but played well in the second. WE WON FFS! I get the sense that some wish we hadnt!
  12. He told Jonny Gould that (link on Page 862) but it was the local sheiks whose ears he had been bending and Jonny said he had been unable to get any comment on the Gilan Holdings thing. I doubt anything is happening just yet. But even if it is not news of a possible deal might remind potential buyers that we are still for sale and that they might miss out on a great deal if they continue to do nothing about it! Of course it could be a few hangers on trying to create some smoke as well.There are always characters in football trying to get a cut of a deal - probably nothing here though!
  13. Hi John good and fair report although I think some of your scores are a bit generous for the likes of Gabby and Cleverly.
  14. Nope, he's just not the fans favourite because he hasn't signed a new contract. I don't think he "bad" but likewise I don't think he is as "good" as some think. I seriously cannot remember that many if any times over the last few seasons when I came away from a game thinking WOW Delph is some player. What about the Chelsea home game last season? He was very good but those performances from him are far and few between. His goal was a highlight but he is rarely in that position for 95% of games. I have no stats but cannot remember that many occassions when he is making runs into the box. That he has skill I dont deny but whether he makes enough of it or in the right places is my query.
  15. I don't think he "bad" but likewise I don't think he is as "good" as some think. I seriously cannot remember that many if any times over the last few seasons when I came away from a game thinking WOW Delph is some player.
  16. Delph is part of the problem rather than the solution IMO. Yes he can doing his little turning trick, make the odd run, but his ball control if often poor, he is invariably too deep and doesn't push forward enough. In some ways he is like Gabby in that his effort comes in fits and starts. He was our best player last year, which wasn't difficult in a poor side but he generally doesn't make enough of a difference. Some of his faults may be down to Lambert but I would rather we find someone who is more dominating in his position. Delph is too lightweight and I doubt he will be remembered as anything special.
  17. How do you think this team/manager would fare in the championship? I think we'd just about be a playoff team, and we are about to play by far the best team in the division at opposite ends of the form/confidence spectrum. I admire your confidence. I also admire Gil's confidence. Let's hope it isn't drained from him. If it comes to that I very much doubt t would be the same team come the end of the season. I would guess a number would be off to pastures new. As for the manager I very much hope he would pay the ultimate price for taking us down. However don't mistake my comments for "confidence" that we will click. Hopefulness would be a better word. For 15 minutes yesterday I saw something and am hopeful that it will lead to better days and the tide turning. But don't ask me to bet on it. My confidence is a fragile as the team's and that of the support. Like everyone else I am sick of this and even if we survive will find it very difficult to have faith in Lambert's ability to take us further next season.
  18. Although I was not adverse to protesting in Ellis's time, I didn't agree with yesterday's as I felt it was embarrassing and I'll conceived. However, It did get us back in headlines, albeit for the wrong reasons. Perversley despite being a total flop, the publicity alone, may have had an Impact on Lerners attitude.
  19. I accept it was only 30 minutes but Gil showed more skill in that time than the rest our squad combined all season. MOTD and Football First Highlights really didn't give a sense of how good he was. He gave us tremendous momentum and is going to be a real star IMO. He was largely responsible for our 10-15 minute revival when we could/should have scored. Their 2nd then took the wind out of our sails. I doubt that we have much hope against Chelsea or Arsenal but am looking forward to the Bournemouth game to see if he continues in the same vein. Despite all the fears that Bournemouth will beat us, I think we will get a result, that Gil will shine and that the game will potentially renew confidence throughout the squad. Claret and Blue tinted glasses on for the next 7 days!
  20. That Lambert started with Cleverly (and Gabby) yesterday were his biggest mistakes. Had Gil and Wiemann started I believe it may have been a different game/result. I am no great fan of Wiemann but at least he works hard and gives us some options. Gabby is living on his past reputation and in no longer a starter for me. He epitomised our problems yesterday. On several occasions when the ball went long to Benteke, Gabby was literally strolling and making no effort to race forward in support. Up till recently I have kept quiet about Lambert but now find it almost impossible to defend him. He has bought some good/very good players in Sanchez, Okore, Westwood, Benteke and hopefully Gil but he doesn't seem to have the tactical nous to make them function as a team. All that said I still don't think we will get relegated IF Gil starts in the key AM role, we retain Delph and Gabby is only starting from the bench. We will probably get spanked by Chelsea and Arsenal. From mid February onwards it has to click. If it doesn't Lambert is a dead man walking.
  21. Best player on the pitch "Charlie Hill" could make the difference!
  22. Lerner will be relatively immune to the criticism and can stay holeed up in the USA hoping someone will come in and buy the club....eventually. However Lambert may crack and walk if the fans massively turn against him at home games. He has lost the majority of away fans but despite the Palace and Sunderland results, the boos at the end of each game were relatively muted and there was little negative chanting during the games. It will interesting to see what happens v Liverpool if the game is going badly for us. If we carry on like this and drop into the relegation zone, you would expect the fans to turn but you never know nowadays. There is a lack of passion both on and off the pitch.
  23. I seriously don't think Lambert will be going. Lerner has proven time and again that he is a weak and never had a clue about how to run a business never mind a football club. For better or worse, Imho we are stuck with Lambert and relegation is now a distinct possibility. The "three worse teams" theory no longer holds. We are undoubtedly one of the three worst at the moment and unless there is a miracle I could easily see us going down with QPR and Hull. On today's display Leicester were head and shoulders above us. Even if we somehow fluke another survival the support will diminish even further as no one wants season after season of this dross. Despite all his big talk in 2006 Lerner doesn't give a damn about Villa or the fans. He will continue to just sit in his Long Island mansion counting his Dads money while AVFC rots. Despite various problems this squad is IMO better than others around us but not with Lambert as manager. The players desperately need someone who knows what they are doing. I want Lamber gone now, but wouldn't trust Lerner to replace him or turn the club round. We are damned either way to a pretty miserable existence. That some now wish we could have got Pulis really sums up how desperate the situation is. How the mighty Villa has fallen. **** off Lerner and Lambert!
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