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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. I don't really give a damn what Sherwood says in interviews after games when we win. However if I bother listening when we lose I would like hear if he understands what went wrong. That said if we start winning more and he makes the team click he can spout as much BS as he likes whenever he likes! Frankly there is too much emphasis on the personalities and what is said off the pitch. It almost impossible nowadays to find articles or programmes that discuss the actual football - I would be much happier if the morons and so called journos on TalkSport, Radio Five, the Sun, DM, Mirror etc all ***** off and got proper jobs I am ultimately only interested in the football and getting the right results.
  2. its very difficult to explain to people exactly why he is so special. He isnt the fastest, doesnt use elaborate stepovers to beat a man, not does he barrel past people with pure force and strength. It is a nearly intangible quality he shows to read what the defender is planning to do and time his touch accordingly. Beautiful to watch and will probably add a longevity to his career that players relying on the more physical proponents of the game wont have Exactly this. It is very difficult to understand and explain how he does what he does. I was watching him last night glide past players, thinking why don't they tackle him? But they didn't seem to know how. Part of it is obviously that they do not want to give away a free kick high up the pitch but on the other hand it is undoubtedly because he confuses the hell out of them because he is so unpredictable. After the game listening to the radio on the way home some noses were moaning that Rowett should have had him man marked - which shows how little they know. His close ball control and unpredictability are his greatest assets. Unlike a traditional winger, it is very difficult for defenders to work him out and he would have left a man marker for dead. The most skillful player I have seen at Villa Park since Brian Little and that is saying something. He may even be more skillful but has a long way to go to beat Brian Little's output.
  3. Frankly playing this blame game in the context of one person is a bit pointless. As the owner of my business, whether or not based on the advice of others, if I appoint someone who in an agreed period fails to deliver and meet their objectives, I am ultimately responsible and to blame. The person who advised me potentially and definitely the appointee would be fired, because they were both "to blame" and I have to try again to find others who are better. Fortunately as the owner no-one can fire me but my poor judgement hits me in the pocket. More specifically talking about Sherwood, despite my concerns, it is still too early to say whether he will prove to have been the right appointment. Purely IMHO we should have appointed a more experienced manager but what is done is done. We now have to hope there is more to him than our results to date suggest. Lerner is now on his 5th manager in eight years. So if Sherwood doesn't work out Lerner (and Fox) will be saying - "we go again" - probably from the Championship! The only thing I am certain of in this "blame game" is that it is absolutely nothing to do with the fans. Through thick and thin thousands have turned up for years and decades hoping against hope that those who run or manage the club will get it right - generally our hopes have been dashed but like the captive audience that we are, we keep coming back.
  4. apart from the fact it doesnt seem to be working so either he's at fault for buying tripe players (which I do not believe by the way) or he's at fault for not getting them to play very well I agree I don't think he has purchased poor players. I think given what he had to spend and given how many players were needed then he has done very well. This is all taken in the context of course that it is very early to be judging any new signing and especially those new to this this country/league. I don't however think that believing he has signed some good players means that I should now be jumping on his back for failing to get the team to perform. We are 6 league games into the season and I always believed it would take some time for the new players to settle in, for them to gel as a team and for Sherwood to discover his best 11. I actually doubt he has put what is likely to be his best 11 on the pitch yet. Lescott came in late and Traore, Gana, Gil and Grealish have all been out injured at some point. I am as disappointed as any supporter by our start to the season. I don't however think we are a million miles away from things starting to click. I had relatively high hopes for this season, certainly in comparison to the last 4 we have endured, and believed that come next March/April that we would be comfortably clear of the drop zone and I still believe that. I also knew that it would likely be a bumpy ride. I said after the Leicester game that we as supporters would need to show a fair but of patience whilst the new players, and coaching staff for that matter, all settled in and the manager discovered his best team and that patience as obviously been further tested with a derby defeat but I still don't think it is even close to the time we should be getting on the managers back. Sherwood is still wet behind the ears and a little naive in many ways, not surprising given his limited experience, but I think whilst acknowledging that he certainly has his faults he needs to be given a fair crack of the whip and six games into a new season, with a dozen new players to integrate into the squad and still to discover his best 11, is not even close to being given a fair crack of it. I could understand it being called hyperbole if we weren't dealing with facts. Some is facts, some isn't. But even factss need perspective, and context. Frankly I see little of either. Let me aso a hypothetical question which I touched on in my previous post. People who thinkwe should have beaten Leicester and won yesterday. That would put us 4th. Do you really think that is a realistic expectation ? I could understand it being called hyperbole if we weren't dealing with facts. Some is facts, some isn't. But even factss need perspective, and context. Frankly I see little of either. Let me aso a hypothetical question which I touched on in my previous post. People who thinkwe should have beaten Leicester and won yesterday. That would put us 4th. Do you really think that is a realistic expectation ? apart from the fact it doesnt seem to be working so either he's at fault for buying tripe players (which I do not believe by the way) or he's at fault for not getting them to play very well I agree I don't think he has purchased poor players. I think given what he had to spend and given how many players were needed then he has done very well. This is all taken in the context of course that it is very early to be judging any new signing and especially those new to this this country/league. I don't however think that believing he has signed some good players means that I should now be jumping on his back for failing to get the team to perform. We are 6 league games into the season and I always believed it would take some time for the new players to settle in, for them to gel as a team and for Sherwood to discover his best 11. I actually doubt he has put what is likely to be his best 11 on the pitch yet. Lescott came in late and Traore, Gana, Gil and Grealish have all been out injured at some point. I am as disappointed as any supporter by our start to the season. I don't however think we are a million miles away from things starting to click. I had relatively high hopes for this season, certainly in comparison to the last 4 we have endured, and believed that come next March/April that we would be comfortably clear of the drop zone and I still believe that. I also knew that it would likely be a bumpy ride. I said after the Leicester game that we as supporters would need to show a fair but of patience whilst the new players, and coaching staff for that matter, all settled in and the manager discovered his best team and that patience as obviously been further tested with a derby defeat but I still don't think it is even close to the time we should be getting on the managers back. Sherwood is still wet behind the ears and a little naive in many ways, not surprising given his limited experience, but I think whilst acknowledging that he certainly has his faults he needs to be given a fair crack of the whip and six games into a new season, with a dozen new players to integrate into the squad and still to discover his best 11, is not even close to being given a fair crack of it. Of course he needs time and I would not advocate replacing him unless we reach a point of desperation. However I feel the debate at the moment is more about whether he has the ability to a. Pick the right the right players b. Determine the right tactics and c. Get them playing together as a team. Time should help but IMHO whether he will ever be an effective manager is undoubtedly open to question.
  5. Last four seasons; 16th, 15th, 15th, 17th. This is our worst run in the top flight since a four season period between 1962-3 to 1965-66. We came 21st in 1966-67 and were relegated. We then spent the following 8 seasons in Div 2 & 3. 6 games in this season and we are 17th after what was supposed to be a relatively easy start playing Bournemouth, Man U, Crystal Palace, Sunderland, Leicester and WBA. We haven't won at home, struggled to get our solitary home point against Sunderland and have a total of 4 points. I didn't expect anything exceptional but looking at those fixtures felt a haul 7-8 points was more than reasonable. How anyone can be confident at this stage that we will stay up is beyond me. On various threads posters have claimed some fans are over reacting but Villa is indisputably in a downward spiral with little evidence so far that Sherwood knows how to stop us crashing out of the PL. Hyperbole? Nope, history is potentially repeating itself nearly 50 years later. As Confucius said "Study the past it if you would define the future” I hope Sherwood can turn it round, I hate even thinking about relegation and will continue to back him. But let's not kid ourselves and talk about there being three worse teams, blame the fans or claim we have been unlucky so far - at the moment we have a disjointed/disfunctional team and a manager who is struggling to change it round. FWIW I think we have enough talent but am not yet confident that Sherwood has what it takes to manage them. In 66/67 our then Manager Dick Taylor, was likewise very inexperienced, Villa being his first full manager position. After two season finishes at 16th, he invested heavily in new players in 66/67 but we still got relegated - more coincidences?
  6. While I have reservations about several of other new players, I believe Veretout will be a success. As regards the Westwood comparison, Veretout is not afraid to use both feet, he is more attack minded and stronger on the ball. That said I think for now Sherwood still rates Westwood and that Veretout will still struggle to get in the starting lineup.
  7. Back of the Holte > Start your own > take a lead
  8. I think our home support is pretty crap most the time, and it takes very little for fans to start moaning. So much so I stopped getting a season ticket because I hated being stuck. I now buy game by game and only once this season had what I'd call a positive experience. No problem if that's how people are going to be, in that Ibrespect their right, but it destroys the point of going for me. And for people who think it don't matter, look at the England cricket sides record, and comments, atvEdgebadton for an example. For me we desperately need flexible standing areas where those that want to be 100% positive and vocal can be together and hope fully provide a better background for the team. That's the only reason Palace sound so good and I'm staggered that other Clubs haven't copied it or complained about it ( persistent standing ?). I think our home support is pretty crap most the time, and it takes very little for fans to start moaning. So much so I stopped getting a season ticket because I hated being stuck. I now buy game by game and only once this season had what I'd call a positive experience. No problem if that's how people are going to be, in that Ibrespect their right, but it destroys the point of going for me. And for people who think it don't matter, look at the England cricket sides record, and comments, atvEdgebadton for an example. For me we desperately need flexible standing areas where those that want to be 100% positive and vocal can be together and hope fully provide a better background for the team. That's the only reason Palace sound so good and I'm staggered that other Clubs haven't copied it or complained about it ( persistent standing ?). I think our home support is pretty crap most the time, and it takes very little for fans to start moaning. So much so I stopped getting a season ticket because I hated being stuck. I now buy game by game and only once this season had what I'd call a positive experience. No problem if that's how people are going to be, in that Ibrespect their right, but it destroys the point of going for me. And for people who think it don't matter, look at the England cricket sides record, and comments, atvEdgebadton for an example. For me we desperately need flexible standing areas where those that want to be 100% positive and vocal can be together and hope fully provide a better background for the team. That's the only reason Palace sound so good and I'm staggered that other Clubs haven't copied it or complained about it ( persistent standing ?). What a weird argument - blaming the lack of support for your decision not to get a season ticket and go on a game by game basis. I go to VP to support AVFC not because of our supporters. The only "positive experience" I crave is the right results - if the fans get behind the team that's a bonus but I would never blame them for my not having a "positive experience".
  9. Sherwood got very "dramatic" after their goal and went nuts at Amavi. He has been directly at fault for at least three goals so far and needs to focus on being a better defender. I am all for attacking FBs but only if they are first and foremost defenders. Our more recent LBs were all hammered for similar errors.
  10. This is why there is so little patience. Obviously given Lerners record with managers Sherwood will be given time but for one I am fed up of the "jam tomorrow" promise. Week after Week, Month after Month, Season after Season it is the same shit, leaving VP thinking when is this crap cycle going to end! I think he has brought in some players with potential but I am not confident that as a manager he has much of a clue. It is still too early to talk about relegation but my hopes of 10-12th now look forlorn given our performances so far. 1 point from Sunderland, Leicester and WBA is ****** joke. I think even Lambert would have done better than that.
  11. We conceded a single goal by one of the best strikers in this shitty-arse league. Forgive if I don't freak out. Pulis tactically was much better than Sherwood as was Ranieri in the second half v Leicester. As it stands I think Sherwood is tactically inept. It's almost as if Sherwood is far, far less experienced managing in top-flight football than those two. Is that a justification? Either he a good manager or not.
  12. We conceded a single goal by one of the best strikers in this shitty-arse league. Forgive if I don't freak out. They were better to the first and second ball all game. They dominated midfield despite all our flair players they made us look poor. Pulis tactically was much better than Sherwood as was Ranieri in the second half v Leicester. As it stands I think Sherwood is tactically inept.
  13. We conceded a single goal by one of the best strikers in this shitty-arse league. Forgive if I don't freak out.
  14. I disagree - he gave the ball away that eventually led to their goal. As a defender I think his is still a bit of liability.
  15. that's the problem when you have a chairman who spends 7m net, you have to sell your best player to buy the rest of the team. I am no fan of Lerner but he is not responsible for our shit results so far - Sherwood is. There is no way we could have kept Benteke. Sherwood put all his hopes on signing Adebayor and his plan B was Gestede. However frankly scoring goals wasn't the problem against Leicester and the attack wasn't the problem against WBA. Sherwoods tactics lost us both games. He bought a truck load of midfielders. Against Leicester Sherwood should have closed up midfield when we were two up but didn't. WBA dominated the midfield from the start and Sherwood underestimated how organised they would be. We have no choice but to back Sherwood but all my reservations about him are coming back and I think the guy may be out of his depth. WBA have a pretty average squad but as much as I dislike Pulis's brand of football he taught Sherwood a lesson today. After Leicester I had hoped to see that he was quick learner but I fear his arrogance and belief that he is a tactical genius will be our undoing.
  16. The overwhelming reaction that Sherwood failed tactically in the 2nd half with his subs is beyond dispute but his post match comments suggest he doesn't see it that way. It is extremely frustrating as I felt during the first half we were seeing the beginnings of a Villa team with real potential - then it all came crashing down. I still think the team has potential, I am just not certain about the Manager - he is a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde. The next two games are so important but which Tim Sherwood will turn up?
  17. Not even hiding it. They announced back in Feb that they would unleash 500,000 refugees on Europe and infiltrate their fighters amongst them. They've also explicitly said they intend to attack the Vatican - because they hate Christianity, obviously. Hope those Swiss guards have put an edge on their pikes! Yep Europe is ****. Genuine refugees my arse. A UN report showed over 70% of these refugees were single males. Not the women and children the media portray. Opportunistic, alot ain't even Syrian. Honestly some of the loons in here are that insane they would invite a terrorist round for a nice cuppa. You obviously know little about history. Many "terrorist" conflicts have been resolved by talks rather than perpetual war. As for the 70% of the refugees being single males. Some are chancers but equally in conflict it is young males who are most likely to lose there lives so it is not surprising that many run. That said even by your own calculations, 30% are not single males - why don't you just admit that you are opposed to all of them rather than just abusing other VT members.
  18. Petition to government now approaching 200,000 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/105991
  19. Agree. Pulling up the drawbridge and hoping it will all go away is a crap strategy. Apparently some Villa fans will be putting up a banner at the Leicester game. First Premier League clubs fans to offer: #RefugeesWelcome EFL ‏@RefugeesEFL 1h1 hour ago We have our 1st Premier League club! Aston Villa fans will put up a #RefugeesWelcome banner away at Leicester. Top-level example being set! #RefugeesWelcome EFL ‏@RefugeesEFL 31m31 minutes ago To everyone asking, Villa fans @Shins1874 & @D__av confirmed to us that they would be putting up #RefugeesWelcome banner at Leicester away.
  20. Once Sherwood has everyone fit again, I think we are going to pull off some shock results. I am sure like us, he would like another Striker but if it isn't going to happen I would love to see him pick Sinclair up front with Grealish, Gil and Traore in support.
  21. So this is the speculation about speculation thread?
  22. This is what i hope for sinclair shiuld play up top with grealish gil and traore think sinclair will get 20+ goals hes the only striker i could see getting 20+ goals he for me has to start uptoo next game. Absolutely this!
  23. He reminds me of the likes of Lineker. He has quick feet and knows where the net is!
  24. Despite the facts that he gave away the free kick that led to the first goal, because he was behind the play and secondly was responsible for the breakdown in play that led to the second. Rule 1: defenders need to be good at defending. Going forwarding he was excellent, he made some great tackles BUT he was partly responsible for both their goals.
  25. For now Sinclair needs to lead the line. I would stick him up front. Play a midfield of Grealish, Traore and Gil with Sanchez (or Westwood), Gana in the centre.
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