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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. I agree. I think that his briefings to the press and the outpourings from the pundits have done for him. Collymore has added another nail. I now get the sense that the club want him gone, despite everything Krulak said
  2. Collymore really is very funny. He is on the money regarding the club ownership but totally wrong about Sherwood
  3. Nobody 'invests' in a football club, nobody with any sense anyway. You might aswell get your £1000 and chuck it down the drain. Like buying a couple of season tickets then? I like many here HAVE invested tens of £'000's in Aston Villa over the years and didn't see it as chucking money down the drain. If anything the actual fans are the perfect investors. As a contributor to this debate over two years ago I agreed then that it would be extremely difficult for fans to take over a PL club but I still don't think it is impossible. There would be a huge amount of goodwill (and even financial support) from the fans of other clubs (and further afield) should any set of fans ever try to break the stranglehold. Almost universally fans of PL clubs hate the current system that sees the clubs in the thrall of billionaire owners.
  4. Yep, I could help by pouring abuse on Sherwood in the hope that he would be "pragmatic" and **** off out of our club. But likely it would be me who would end up out on my ear. No matter how fantastic the fans support during a game we cannot overcome the ineptness of a shit manager. I wonder how many of those who slag off the atmosphere actually go to games? When you have had years of turning up to witness absolute S H I T E it is very difficult to rouse yourself during a game. I am excited going to VP nearly every home game and when I can away, ready to sing my head off, seriously believing we will win but for the last four years have invariably been gutted, let down and come away depressed. I have met some Villa fans over the years who have told me the next day that the atmosphere "sounded crap on the TV" and have seriously come very close to losing it. Rule number 1, It is fine to slag the players, club, manager, tactics etc etc etc Rule number 2: Never slag fans at a game unless you are actually there!
  5. I think more than a "few years" Let's be under no illusions. We are a club that is in serious decline and the current owner has taken us to our lowest ebb in 20+ years. He is **** clueless and is totally resposible for the last 8 years . We are a reflection of his under achieving life - Dad was the achiever, successful and made the money. Randy was born with a silver spoon is his mouth and never achieved anything in his pathetic "rich boy" life. We were his route to self justification. I wrote here in 2006 about our being on the "Road to Oblivion" under Ellis. We were going nowhere and were totally **** as a force in the PL. When Lerner took over the club, I had my doubts about this rich guy who had done **** all in his life buying AVFC as his way to Glory but fell for all the hype such as the "successful entrepreneur" - a load of bollox. Anything, anybody was better than Ellis and Krulak the biggest bullshitter walking added to the Lerner Myth. Now we are back to the beginning and back on that **** "Road to Oblivion". I despised Ellis and can't believe I am saying this but Lerner is even worse. I wouldn't have Ellis back but Lerner is the worse thing that ever happened to Aston Villa in my lifetime. The word removed can't even show his face at VP and probably still has his **** tattoo - word removed!!!!
  6. According to Sherwood last season we had losing mentality, unfortunately some of our fans also have the same mentality!
  7. "I didn't hear my supporters shouting for me to leave. I'll keep swinging, even if I'm backed into a corner." Doesnt this clearing in the woods realise we are NOT his supporters! We support Aston Villa - NOT him! Just **** off Sherwood!
  8. What is the problem on the match thread? I am out in here in Oz and cannot follow the game!
  9. I'll bite - how is he "a bellend" and "monumental knob"? Do you think you should use the phrase "I'll bite" in the same sentence as "bellend" and "knob" :-)
  10. Mark I have always been against abusing managers/players (apart from the odd drunken outburst!) But generally other than a handful I don't see anything like the abuse that the likes of Lambert, O'Leary or McLeish received, despite the fact that IMHO Sherwood is the most inept and useless manager since Graham Turner. IMHO he may actually be worse than Graham Turner. In my 50+ years supporting the Villa I have never known a manager so out of his depth in so many ways. I didn't like the fact that he got the job but was wiling to give him the benefit of the doubt - I should have trusted my first instinct. He is "All mouth and no trousers!" as my dear departed Dad used to say!
  11. Frankly I don't think scoring goals has been the main problem. It is the lack of everything else from creating chances, team selection, to tactics, passing and teamwork.
  12. Moyes despite his disaster at Man U, did a fantastic job at Everton. Not that long ago Villa fans really wanted him and for me he would be a great manager that would stability back to our club that has been sinking for Yeats,
  13. The Charge of Sherwoods Villans Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Strode the Villans“Forward, Aston Villa! Charge for the Cockney Scum!” he said. Into the valley of Death Strode the Villans! “Forward, the Villa!” Was there a man dismayed? Not though the players knew Sherwood had blundered. Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die. Into the valley of Death Strode the Villans Chelsea to right of them, Chelsea to left of them, Chelsea in front of them Volleyed and thundered; Stormed at with shot Boldly they strode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell Strode the Villans When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honour the charge they made! Honour the Villans The Noble Eleven!
  14. If Sherwood stays we are ******* doomed to be relegated. He is a bloody disaster. Week after week his team's selections and tactics have been a joke. Forget O'Leary, McLeish and Lambert respective management abilities, despite keeping us up last season, Sherwood is starting look like the worst Villa manager since Billy McNeill and he took us down.
  15. "Do you like Tictacs Tim?"
  16. 7 attempts to our 1 46% v 54% possession Do you think 7 attempts to 1 actually indicates how the game has gone? I would say we have been marginally the better team. I don't know, only following via BBC and here. Just responding to your comment "haven't seen the stats"
  17. 7 attempts to our 1 46% v 54% possession
  18. WTF is going on!!!! According to BBC stats Stoke have had SEVEN shots to our ONE!! Sherwood out!!!
  19. Sadly, I think history is repeating itself; 4 seasons of struggle, fifth season relegated. Just like the 60's :-(
  20. Can't view the game, but judging by the few comments here, it sounds like Sherwood is thinking "My genius tactics worked against sha they can work again!" It it really makes you want to weep - WHEN are we going to find a ****** manager who know how to ****** manage! Parking the bus at home to ****** Stoke is ****** disgrace!
  21. In sunny Oz ATM, was going to follow game via VT but having seen the team selection I don't think I can bear it. If Sherwood loses this the **** is going to hit the fan. He doesn't seem to have a ****** clue from one week to the next.
  22. if the football and results aren't good, the fans will never be as vocal as you would like. Whichever club you go to its the same story. The likes of Crystal Palace and Leicester may be up for it, but they still cannot believe their luck. Of course if VP is roaring it helps. But I have been at VP many times over the years where the fans are really up for it at the beginning of the game but the team never gets going and the fans switch off. The fact is that the fans have experienced, over the last 4 seasons, generally dross PL football and the lack of atmosphere at VP reflects that. IF Sherwood and the team improve results VP will be one of, if not the loudest ground in the PL. There is a huge frustration amongst the fans who are desperate for change and any half decent performance will be greeted with a massive outpouring of support as was proven against sha.
  23. I think Sherwood is always going to a Marmite manager. Some will like his upbeat/BS style others will not. I don't give a damn either way how he is with the media as long as he gets us going again. From a technical/tactical perspective of course their are concerns but I don't see the point of making it personal - he is what he is. Over the years I have been appalled at the way fans here and elsewhere have abused managers. Of course I have bitched like the rest but it is now just an online free for all, where individuals can sit behind their keyboards and vent their spleen spurred on by the media who love as much controversy as possible When Ron Saunders joined the club, many fans really couldn't stand the bloke, especially when he got rid of two of our stars players: Gray and Gidman and because he was so dour and wouldn't play the media's game. But when we started to do really well, very few would have a bad word said against him apart from the players he sold or dumped. When we won the league he became a legend, was universally loved by the fans and people were gutted when he walked in 1982 months before the European Cup Final. even when he immediately went to sha most couldn't hate him and reserved their vitriol for the club. It was because of him that we won the league and his team that won the European Cup. If Sherwood only got us into the top half of the PL and pushing for European places, people will forgive his character traits. Ultimately it is all about the performances and results not personalities. All that said, whether Sherwood can live up to his own hype remains to be seen.
  24. Any reason why Gil, Grealish and Traore cant be the three behind Ayew with Gestede on the bench? When (if) all are fit I could see him using Traore then Gil off the bench for impact or even visa versa. In the same way that he should be using Gabby - who isn't good enough over 90, but he would still scare the **** out of tired defenders if he came on at say 60 mins. I am all for starting Ayew up front but do we know how he would do? From what I can see it is not a role he has played. For me our perfect starting Midfield would be: Gana Veretout Westwood/Sanchez Traore (Gill off the bench) Grealish (Gabby off the bench) Gana could switch with Westwood/Sanchez. But I am really not certain who should lead the line. Unfortunately I think he will persist with Gabby - though I would prefer to see him starting as an impact sub. Although Ayew was really impressive against sha he wasn't playing as an out and out striker. Gestede scored a great header v sha but was generally poor. Will be interesting to see if Sherwood gives Ayew a chance to lead the line.
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