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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. Ultimately only time will tell but to counter I would also say 'people often forget that the Championship' is much tougher league in many ways and no place for lightweights which basically sums up much of our squad. As the likes of Bournemouth and Watford showed individual talent is less important that having a team mentality in the Championship - we haven't got a 'team'. As for Gestede, people also forget that he had only one exceptional season. Prior to 2014/15 his goal scoring was abysmal. Sinclair made his name 4/5 years ago at Swansea and whether he can regain his form in the Championship is open to question. imho if we are to return quickly we need better players than we have. The few that we have that are any good re unlikely to hang around.
  2. That Ranieri has experience is unquestionable, but his record was actually not that great after leaving Chelsea and his success at Leicester has been surprising to say the least. It is easy to look around after the event and say 'we could have signed Ranieri' but to the best of my knowledge no-one even considered him as a possible manager. Leicester are this years Southampton - people talk of copying another teams 'blue-print' but imho it never works like that. Leicester are a total one off and frankly other than Ranieri, getting lucky with Vardy and Mahrez I am at a loss to see what their 'blueprint' is. Like Southmpton they will fade from the limelight when they start to lose a few key players.
  3. Don't agree Richard; It is undoubtedly a 'reason' rather than an 'excuse' and that it isn't his team is beyond argument. Whether any manager could have made this 'team' perform better is open to question - I have never known Villa have so many misfits at one time in the squad. Garde accepted a poisoned chalice when he took on the role and the danger is that he becomes just another scapegoat for the rocket polisher who owns the club. Personally I would give him the opportunity to try to rebuild from the championship. As always I may be wrong but I believe he has potential and the right nous to change our clubs direction if given time. Many wanted us to go for Allardyce and despite yesterday there is still huge doubts that he can help Sunderland survive and for me he would not have done any better for Villa in the short term and offered nothing for the long term. What were the other alternatives? Pearson? Just a younger version of Allardyce for me. The fans are rightly angry and hugely down but imho Garde can make a positive difference over the longer term. That we are going down is ****** tragedy but I think it was inevitable given the way the club has been run into the ground. Getting rid of Garde will do nothing now other than slake the anger of some fans.
  4. And possibly with the exception of Pearson they were all shite managers for all their 'pashun'
  5. The only time Grealish doesn't bottle it, is when it contains vodka! Piss head who thought he had made the big time.
  6. Massive disappointment - being a total piss head doesn't look so clever now.
  7. Wouldn't surprise me if he is off on another long term injury and never plays for AVFC again becoming the wonder kid who never lived up to his potential.
  8. On the contrary I think everyone knows exactly how bad it is. Not only are we are effectively down with just over half the season to go but we are breaking every record in the book at being the worst team ever in the PL. We have been brought to our lowest point in 30 years by this joke of a football club owner. It is bloody heartbreaking!!
  9. Sorry but I think you are wrong. This "team" is absolutely S H I T E and will still be the same in the Championship. Anyone who thinks they will help bring us back up is deluded. AVFC is dying and that **** Lerner has well and truly screwed our future.
  10. RANDY LERNER WHAT A rocket polisher!!!!
  11. Bunch of clearings in the woods. I wish this season was over NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. The last passage of play totally sums up our team ******* bunch of ****** *******
  13. Great effort in the second half. Ayew played well as did Veretout. However this is agony :-(
  14. WTF - Wilkins spouting but did sweet FA when he was with us - ******* ****!
  15. Glad to hear that in the stadium at least we have some supporters! VTID come on you Lions!
  16. Pete, Accept your point. As we all know ellis was both CEO, Chairman etc Undoubtedly RL ultimately constrains the choice of strategies as he holds the purse strings. Since MON left he has in effect dictated the investment side but strategically I still think it is down to Fox et al. The Chairman's role imho will be to ensure that Fox works within the financial constraints that RL has set and ultimately have the over riding responsibility for finding the right buyer at the right price. I really don't think this person will be from the world of football or get involved in the day to day and wouldn't be surprised if it's someone with a City/corporate finance background.
  17. Fair enough. My business experience has always been that the Chairman is a facilitator rather than strategist. Obviously the lines get blurred from time to time as often the Chairman is appointed by Shareholders - I would be very surprised if it was a Dein or Levy type character who is strategic.
  18. "..I guess carry on as CEO - the person responsible for "making it happen", but he wants someone else to lead in respect of determining the strategy and plans for the club..." Pete, I think it is the other way round, unless I have misunderstood you. The Chairman is more of a figurehead role, who presides over board meetings but depending on the business may also act as a sounding board/mentor for the CEO and other directors. Fox as CEO will still be responsible for developing and implementing high-level strategies, He is ultimately the one who makes the major decisions and manages the overall business. While a new chairman may be more helpful to Fox than Randy Lerner, as owner he will still hold the purse strings. I don't think the appointment of a new chairman will have much impact at all other than allowing RL to distance himself even more.
  19. Thanks but It has brought back some terrible, terrible memories: On the 14th November 1974 it was my 21st birthday. Prior to my do at the old Locarno nightclub many of us met at the Tavern in the Town in New Street as it was one of our regular haunts. A week later we could easily have gone there again or the Mulberry Bush but decided to go elsewhere in the city centre (I can't remember where) but one of my old mates Desmond Reilly and his brother Eugene did go to the Tavern and were killed when the IRA bombs went off. Must admit that I have shed a tear and feel sick at the memories :-( It is all so pointless.
  20. But there are still parallels. Despite losing Irish friends in the Birmingham bombings, I was beaten up as I was born in Ireland, despite being as much a "Brummie" as my attackers. My father and other Irish guys had to take two/three weeks off work. Many other friends of Irish descent were attacked. None of us ever had any connection with any republican politics. As 21 year old at the time of my beating I could easily have been "radicalised" Terrorists aim to spread hatred and division. The Islamic fundamentalist murderers know that these types of attacks will result in more division and discrimination against Muslims. This helps them to radicalise and recruit more future terrorists. They are winning and the West hasn't got a clue what to do about it. :-(
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