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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. @Oldmansaid My Old Man Said @villanews2day @astonvilla_view @avfc_news Birmingham Mail @heartoftheholte @avfctranstweet @theVillazone @villatill
  2. @holtetweets @villareview @vitalvilla @petecolley SKY @GarethITV Gareth Owen ITV Central news @biggedscott Ged Scott BBC Midlands Sport A few more who have expressed interest
  3. FAQs Who are we? We are ordinary fans who are not part of any official group. We have supported the club 'through thick and thin' and between us experienced all the highs and lows. Our public face is a businessman Mike McKenna, based in Bournemouth who has supported the club since 1959 and has season tickets in the Trinity Road stand. Between us we have attended thousands of Aston Villa matches at Villa Park and have travelled all over England to away games. Don't know if any others want to add names or more detail to this ...
  4. @CharlieWyett Football Editor The Sun (spit!) @MatKendrick Birmingham Mail @mjmarr_star) Matt Marr Sports Writer at the Express and Star. @NewsNowUK NewsNow.co.uk @AdamMobbs Sports Editor - Telegraph Come on guys please help. Just search via Google. I just put in name of publication followed by Twitter Sports Journalist or Editor
  5. @stancollymore - Stan Collymore @Neil_Moxley Mirror/People Journalist @HenryWinter - Times Journalist Is this what you want, in this format. Shame nobody else has added yet.
  6. Idea for web site chant as Bob Marley "Get Up, Stand Up, Walk Out to Save Our Club#
  7. Have just posted via major Villa FB pages - but need more Everyone whether you agree or not we are taking action And need more support to make this happen. In less than 6 hours today, have also launched a NEW website. http://outthedooron74.co.uk Please share Also have posted similar on Twitter ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT JOB BY CHEWIE AND THE OTHER GUYS BEHIND THE SCENES This shows the power of fans taking action. Please bury your differences and Help. WE ARE ROLLING!
  8. Right wheel back on wife's car! Now need to help get Wheels back on AVFC!! Got quite a few messages to deal with, but can I ask those again not directly involved to please help via Twitter, Facebook and other forums. Just ten minutes would be great. On Twitter I have been posting stuff such as AVFC is burning down, help put out the fire. Get up, Stand up, Walk Out for Our Club #outthedooron74 #avfc Get up, Stand up and Walk Out for Our Club #outthedooron74 #avfc
  9. Sorry guys out of house at the moment not just wheels falling off Villa wheel has just fell of my wife's recently services motor!?!?! Waiting for tyre mechanic
  10. Thanks Mark, DDID is also doing a lot behind the scenes and online. As is Chewie. We still need people to help post #outthedooron74 #avfc via Twitter, to post on other forums to post via Villa FB pages to push the FB page OutTheDooron74 We need to BLITZ this week. Has anyone got email addresses for major national newspaper journos? Or any other influencers - we want to do a press release
  11. As I said earlier, this thread isn't about other ideas for protests. If you want to organise something different, please start your thread. Respect to anyone doesn't agree or wants to do something different but we have put a lot of time into this and have gained some momentum. MODS any chance of help keep this thread on topic.
  12. Look at the OP title: 'Out the door on 74' - it doesn't say "Any ideas for protests?" If people want to start other threads talking about other ideas, fine, but this isn't the place - give us a break and allow people to use this thread to talk about THIS protest. Whether individuals agree or not we have actually started this rolling and put quite of effort into it.
  13. AvfcRigo82 - please start your own thread 'Out the Door on 74' is nothing to do with what you want to do.
  14. No disrespect guys, but if you want to do something different please start your own thread. We are 'doing' and getting on with this. All the counter ideas are just that 'ideas'. Fair enough if you disagree with what we are doing but many others do agree but less vocal. However the naysayers tend to be the loudest who try to circumvent the actions of others. It's just a distraction, please start your own thread. MODS any chance of any help keeping this thread on topic?
  15. DDID I sent two versions. Will send you the other then see what you think might work. Still waiting for feedback from SKY and ITV who contacted me.
  16. Whether we make a small profit or not, Lerner and the directors are committed to the same low investment strategy that has led to our demise. To use your term, Lerner has wanted to 'self sustain' since O'Neill left and look where we are now. We are now down the pit and the tunnel has collapsed!
  17. Why say anything if you think it is a 'dumb idea'? It is easy to stand on the sidelines and snipe. Come the end of the season WHEN we are relegated what will YOU do? We are our own worst enemies.
  18. Five needed for 300 likes FB page https://www.facebook.com/outthedooron74/?ref=bookmarks
  19. Thanks TRO but I don't know what 'Our Villa' should be anymore. Obviously if ever we are invited to talk to the club we will be able to better articulate our complaints and question their strategy. But I doubt we will get the time of day!
  20. Terry, We will do what we set out to do. If you or any others want to to organize a meet up outside fine. Our objective for now is to organize the walk outs. The protest is the walk out. No disrespect but too many talk and not enough do,
  21. Terry it is hard enough getting people to walk out in the first place - which will be a great achievement and a start. One step at a time. If the Everton walk out has even a modest impact it will give us greater momentum for Chelsea game and give time to others who want to organize anything else. We have to be focused on the Walk Out. Lots of people suggesting stuff but not enough actually taking a proactive role.
  22. Thanks Steve. I agree and It is difficult to articulate "what we want" - I am sure all fans want the board to reverse the investment strategies that have led to the our decline. My regret in the interview was that I was unable to forcefully respond the "what do you want" question, but I did say we wanted the club to reverse this investment strategies. We are currently stuck in limbo - we know we are going down and that the current strategies have not worked. If the carry on in the same fashion we will probably not get back up again. I would appreciate any advice on this. First and foremost the objectives of the walk outs are to send a message to the board that Villa fans can unite to express their disgust. I was asked what would make me smile in the interview and nearly said "If I was told Randy Lerner had sold the club to someone who cared" I also thought about "If Fox was fired" but I didn't think there was any point in saying either as they are not going to happen and in the short term neither comment was constructive. Facing relegation nothing is going to 'make me smile' but a statement of intent from the board that clearly states that the investment strategy was wrong, that they will invest and fight to get the club back into the Premier League and that they guarantee to back the manager (whoever that is) would be a start. But how do you articulate this in a succinct way? If momentum can be gained via the walkouts we can organize other impactful protests, - don't know what yet but they have to achievable. As regards a response/statement from the club, I think it is more likely that they will throw me out, when I go via Everton! People keep telling me that the club knows how unhappy the fans are, but where is the evidence that they are thinking differently? If the board realize that this could snowball and become a much bigger thing, they may take a different line. At the moment the fans are see as the enemy! Ultimately I haven't much of a clue. I am just an ordinary fan that maybe foolishly decided to stick his neck out. I will probably regret doing so, but for now must keep going. It would help if others could also stick their necks out, even if only a tiny bit. From little acorns.........
  23. Fine by me Den, the more the merrier! There are a lot of savvy web oriented people on VT, we need them to help in any way possible
  24. Get up, Stand up, Walk out to save your club!
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