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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. Same old crap then, was hoping for miracle starting today - we are going to struggle in Champsh as well
  2. Sorry I should have said highly improbable idea of a boycott. Don't agree with boycott but 'ridiculous' was wrong word - it was late'
  3. @ClarrieBlue you have obviously chosen to partly misrepresent my comments. Heard that another fan said recently that he didn't support the protest but wouldn't be going anyway! Others support the ridiculous idea of a boycott and other questionable ideas Frankly that you think I underestimate fans love of the shirt is not worth commenting on. I know you and others oppose the protest & respect that but many support the idea and haven't helped. Respect works both ways! If we fail, we fail but at least we will have tried something that was "legal, decent and honest" Thousands have already turned their backs and wear their non attendance as badges of honour whilst slagging those who actually go to games as "mugs" others moan that "something must be done...." But never stick their head above the parapet to get shot at while sniping at those that do Many people become cynical when others decide to have go.... The likes of Markavfc40, ddid, myself and many others were there in the 2nd, 3rd div, but still turn up at every home game, spend thousands "supporting", travel 000s of miles and will still be there if we go down to 3rd again. We are not turning our backs - we are trying to influence the mess the muppets have made of our club? Some have chosen to cast us as disloyal - which is bollox I don't need any lessons in understanding "what being a Villa fan is" thanks but you know that so why make the accusation? Are the tens of thousands who left The Villa v Liverpool game less loyal - I was there to the bitter end - were you? Will you be there Tuesday? UTV
  4. Post by Villa Fan tonight on FB regarding #OutTheDooron74 "I've had a conversation with [Villas'] Lee Preece and they don't take them very seriously" Villa fans are their own worst enemies trying to do down those that want to try something. Also sad isn't it that an Executive of the club should disrepect and treat loyal, paying fans with such disdain. No point getting angry. As the efforts of the few & lack of support on VT have shown, talk is cheap and plentiful, but action is a very rare commodity. I'm off overseas now till Monday. UTV I wonder over the next few months how many people will be saying "something must done..." :-(
  5. Pity so many of the 'faces' of the old protests have been so anti. Many of same people are the ones who always used to complain about Apathy. Nothing can be done to unite fans anymore, just have to respect the differing opinions - nothing else we can do now.
  6. Shaun Teale tweeted OTDO74 Video last night on my request and today put the following on the AVFC Fight Like Lions FB Page Shaun Teale And this is the contempt they hold for us as supporters...they need a giant reality check ....now is the time for us supporters to show our solidarity to each other and our club https://www.facebook.com/groups/758706104256032/?multi_permalinks=860908817369093&notif_t=group_highlights
  7. In my opinion my best tweets today: Brian Little Walks On Water LALALALA LALA LA Randy's Pockets Couldn't get Shorter LALALALA LALA LA @OTDO74 #outthedooron74 We had Dion, Dion Dublin in the air Now we've got Randy, Randy who doesn't care @OTDO74 #outthedooron74
  8. if this doesn't pull your Claret & Blue heartstrings nothing will. I can't watch it without choking a bit. :-)
  9. Some positive comments (not all) from Everton forum Grand Old Team that I have posted on. Wish I saw more like this from other Villa fans: we are still mostly greeting our prospective american overlords as liberators. you might have more solidarity in 5 years time. but seriously though, best of luck. if the premier league is to swerve become like insipid american sports with canned atmosphere and facile diversions for tourists then supporters will need to cooperate much more in asserting themselves. I like Villa, proper club, very good travelling support, being driven into the floor by no-mark yanks! i hope we do the right thing on the day, there should only be one team an Evertonian hates!!! Bluebonic, Yesterday at 5:24 PM Report #35 Like + Quote Reply Almost certain to go down. Hopefully it doesn't kill your club. Too many real clubs getting replaced by scrubs like the Bournemouths and Brightons of this world. Layne, Yesterday at 3:07 PM Good luck with your protest, it is a shame that such a historic club is in such a mess. Hope you bounce straight back up and Everton/Villa continue to rack up the numbers on the most played fixture. LinekersLegs, Yesterday at 3:11 PM attended all 3 of the games in '77 and despite them breaking my heart I have always for some reason had a soft spot for Villa. As stated, I don't know what this can achieve, but I certainly wish you good luck. Our travelling fans will ridicule and laugh at you all day (and so would I if I was there, it's just par for the course innit ?) but I hope they respect the depth of your feeling and give some respectful applause as you leave. kev, Yesterday at 5:05 PM Report #33 Like + Quote Reply I've always quite liked Villa, proper old club and all that. Kind of like Wolves, who are one of my favourite 'other' teams. I can't stand Birmingham or West Brom - just tedious clubs with no history. Similar to the North-East. I've had a lot of Geordie mates through work and my sister's college days over the years, so I'll always like Newcastle and, to a lesser extent, Sunderland. Now Middlesboro, I'd be happy if they went out of business... See also: Sheffield (Wednesday Good, United Bad) and Bristol (Rovers Good, City Bad). In fact, Bristol Rovers are my all-time Favourite Other Team Pilks, Yesterday at 11:55 PM
  10. Mike McKenna ‏@Hmmckenna 5m5 minutes ago AVFC v Everton 1st March 2016 - "The End of an Era?" See new article https://www.facebook.com/outthedooron74 Please share and RT @OTDO74 #OuttheDooron74
  11. Thanks Mate, but your comment, sort of proves that whatever we write, some don't read. To the best of my knowledge we do not state anywhere in our objectives about "getting Lerner to sell the club" While I accept that some/many on VT may not be at the game. "Support" could come in other forms; such as help pushing the twitter handle #outthedooron74 and sig @OTHDO74 for example and shoring up our argument on FB Anyway Thanks for the 'good luck' we need it!
  12. Rob we can go round in circles Ad infinitum. Frankly don't know what more we can say. Strategy has obviously been wrong for last five seasons, buying Championship quality players has turned us into a Championship club 'designate' - we want them to reverse the strategy. Why didn't we sign anyone in January - ****** wages. Why have we give Bacuna a new contract ****** because he accepted a big wage cut. Footballers are paid too much but if we want to compete - we have to COMPETE. Ultimnately we are 'only' fans - the football experts at AVFC have ****** it up. I haven't heard anything that suggests that will not continue. Maybe the board will do exactly as you say but at least we will have tried, no skin off your nose, but plenty of ours! Sorry but I can't be arsed anymore with arguing the toss. I don't give a damn if people see it as little more that the fans expressing their anger.
  13. Crazy day today, haven't had time to cover all the Villa related FB groups. However it has become noticeable that some individuals were constantly sniping so I have chosen to respond. Hopefully politely. This a copy of the statement I have put in the various FB Pages: Over the last three/four days while promoting the #outthedooron74 protest, we have interacted with hundreds if not thousands of Villa fans in one way another but mainly via Facebook, Twitter, Forums etc We have deliberately avoided getting embroiled in conflict because everyone's opinion must be respected whether we agree or not and getting into arguments is counterproductive. As you will appreciate, with limited time it has been impossible to respond to the many comments for and against so I apologize for not answering to many individuals. We have read all kinds of arguments against the #outthedooron74 protest and respect everbody's right; to not turn up, stay or do whatever. . Fortunately 99% of people have been civilized but some people seem to positively revel in criticising, abusing without qualification any attempt to affect change by fans. Remember we are Villa fans as well. Rather than respond individually to each argument or the specific criticism it would be easier to respond to these on a point by point basis. We have identified about 7 general objections. Here are the first three. More tomorrow: 1. "True" fans would never "Walk out" and leave before the end. So does that mean that going to Rotterdam, 5 x League Cup finals, over 1500-1600 home games ever in the Premier League, Div 1, Div 2, Div 3, traveling over 7000 miles per year following Villa, no longer counts towards being a "true" fan? Anyone that uses the "true" fan argument should say what makes them more "true". When we go down to the Championship will they still follow Villa like we did after all the other relegations to the lower leagues - will they still be true? 2. "Bored with all this talk of walk outs/protests" We understand that people love the trivia associated with supporting a football team, funny pictures, the banter, Gabby's latest baby etc etc (nothing wrong with all that) But why do some lose interest and even get a little aggressive when it comes down to the nitty gritty of discussing the very future of our club? We and thousands of others are "bored" ****less with the last five/six seasons on the pitch which see us facing relegation to the Championship. Being humiliated every few months and breaking the "worst ever" records is now par for the course for AVFC. Having been in the Premier League and top flight for over 28 years, few people under 35 years old will know what it is like outside the top division - bluntly it is SHIT. If we don't play well when we are relegated or return quickly to the Premier League, Villa could soon become very boring. After several years in the Championship (or even worse) many of the Villa FB pages and forums could become as quiet as a wet Tuesday night in Walsall. That said we at #outthedooron74 will continue to support the club through 'thick and thin' - it's what we do, what we have always done. But we are not going to just accept it and keep quiet because some people think it is boring. 3. "Stay at home, hit them in the pocket, not having another penny from me, they don't care, why should I, haven't been to Villa Park since McLeish, Lambert etc" If people choose to stay at home, that is obviously their choice. However together with 25-30,000 others we prefer to "support" our club in person by turning up to matches. We would never dream on telling those that don't, that not going to games was stupid, dumb etc So why do people say this to us? Our money, if we choose to waste 16 minutes so what? We totally respect your position but frankly don't think people who no longer attend games should preach to those that do about what is the right or wrong protest. Has your personal protest or absence made any difference? The club has gone from bad to worse despite the non attendance of thousands. The club is making losses and Lerner is effectively refusing to invest any more money, whether he loses another 1 million a year because some don't turn up is neither here nor there to a Billionaire but the club suffers And has to find from elsewhere. Not going to games didn't work under Ellis and it will not work under Lerner. We want our group protest to be seen and highly invisible and believe we should "Turn Up, Stand Up, Walk Out the Door on 74". We want to keep Villa in the spotlight and remind Lerner constantly how he has totally ****** us. He doesn't like publicity but he is going to get plenty. Apart from the other objections, I will also answer the most common of all "What's the Point" sometime tomorrow. Respect to all fans whether you agree with us. Would appreciate same in return thanks.
  14. Mark you did a fantastic job - this is NOT about me it is about AVFC and #OutTheDooron74. You should be congratulated for having the balls to do it. You stood up when it counted. Personally I am chuffed for the campaign. Who would have thought we could be on SKY sports after starting just THREE DAYS ago?
  15. All, I will be honest, I think it is a pity that more Vt'ers are not getting directly involved. I really didn't want to start this off and before exposing myself to the inevitable abuse, thought long and hard before posting about it on VT. But now it is a case of "In for a penny.... in for a pound" Over recent years I haven't been a prolific poster on Villa Talk but count myself more as a long term member and frequent lurker. Over the last 3/4 years I have seen dozens maybe hundreds of different people advocating that we "Do Something....!" I am sure some of these members don't agree with the idea of a "Walk Out" but i cannot believe that everyone is against. After so many failed protests, we have actually made more real progress on "Out the door on 74" than anything else! This has been achieved by a very small team working behind the scenes. If you are absolutely not interested I respect that, but if you believe and accept that what we are doing is in the best interests of Aston Villa, I would simply ask you to PLEASE HELP! We may be setting up a a private invitation only "volunteer" FB page. Even if you don't go to games, live abroad etc there are still ways you can assist. We need more volunteers for FB, Twitter, other forums, press releases and more ideas to spread the word and maybe even help on match day. Every little thing helps I really look forward to eventually going back to my quiet life down in Dorset! If you are willing to help, please PM me, DDID or DK82 We have 6/7 days to go till Everton game PLEASE HELP!
  16. We have tweeted him 20-30 times now so he obviously isnt going to help in way, so I am not bothering now. Pisses me off that he called on fans to protest then did nothing. But at the end of the day the rule must be that we do not alienate anyone who can help.
  17. http://www.joe.co.uk/sport/aston-villa-fans-plan-protests-as-they-decide-theyve-had-enough/44013 Aston Villa fans plan protests as they decide they've had enough Aston Villa are adrift at the bottom of the Premier League table and to say all is not right in Birmingham would be an understatement. Chants of 'sack the board' have rung out at many a game, and now the supporters are taking things one step further with an organised protest at not one, but three upcoming games. Fans will walk out on 74 minutes of the games against Everton, Tottenham and Chelsea at Villa Park, according to the Birmingham Mail. It is part of the 'Out the Door on 74' campaign, the paper reports. But the main issue is with the running of the club, rather than the on-pitch performances. Supporter Mike McKenna, who is among those leading the initiative, explained the situation to the Birmingham Mail. 'We the fans, the heart of the club, have been fed a false narrative time and again over the last 6 years and our jaded and cynical fanbase has lost confidence in those in power with regards to their ability, or indeed their inclination to take this grand institution forward. 'In the interest of forcing a change of direction we, a group of long term and dedicated fans are developing ways to pressure the club to give us the so called 'bright future' that Randy Lerner promised and to be a true 'custodian'.'
  18. https://www.dreamteamfc.com/c/aston-villa-are-so-bad-their-own-fans-dont-even-want-to-watch-them-play-anymore/ Aston Villa fans plan TRIPLE walkout protest as relegation looms ever closer Nick Elliott Right now all Villa fans’ lives are hopeless voids of sadness and despair. Remi Garde’s side are languishing at the bottom of the Premier League table with just 16 points from their 26 games. Supporters of the club have had enough of watching their club fail miserably week after week and are planning mass walkout protests for the next three games at Villa Park. Fans are being encouraged to show their displeasure with the club’s management by walking out after 74 minutes for the fixtures against Everton, Spurs and Chelsea.The protests, known as the ‘Out the Door on ’74’ campaign, have come about after thousands of fans reached the end of their tether following Villa’s humiliating 6-0 thrashing at the hands of Liverpool. Why the 74th minute? Because Villa were formed in 1874.
  19. Have now tweeted this was my personal opinion NOT #outthedooron74 sorry guys
  20. Fair enough on Fox, but as they say on Twitter these are my personal views but accept I have to with retrospect keep stum on that one
  21. Thanks at lot mate. That we have used 21 of this lot this season illustrates our problem. I am trying to put together another angle on our decline but haven't quite worked it yet. Based on the above I am not certain I can make argument. Based on your data from when Lambert started he didn't sign any Premier League experienced players in 12/13 or 13/14. Is that correct - not one? Of these 16 players, only 5 are still at the club one of which Bennett is on loan. Need to think - thanks again mate
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