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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. One of the letters specifically mentions communications with the owner. He knows exactly what is going on and Hollis is just his puppet brought in to do the dirty work.
  2. the canisters in the left image definitely are not.
  3. I wonder if all these threads can be tied together? Here is my theory; King & Bernstein wanted to go for Moyes (or a n other) but they needed to know the available budget and were told today that Lerner now wants out and is no longer prepared to bankroll club. Hollis has been on a cost cutting spree for several months but despite this cannot guarantee that he can raise enough from player sales and reduced costs to balance the books in 2016/17 AND fund new players. He asked Lerner for further funding. Lerner prevaricated as the reason he appointed Hollis was to enable AVFC to be self sustaining. The thought of ploughing even more money for several more seasons was the straw the broke the camels back for Leener and he has decided to cut his losses and sell for a much lower fee. The "£75 million" fee is leaked in the hope that more buyers will pile in. The claimed approach to Moyes, Director resignations, claim that Hollis is in negotiations, and the leaked £75 million sale price are all to coincidental.
  4. Does seem odd. Unless Lerner had a deal whereby they took a slice over a certain sum and the reputed £75 mill is below the threshold?
  5. I have heard varying comments about Hollis's skills as a 'professional businessman' and the one than stood out is that he is 'good a cutting costs'. Make of that what you will.
  6. Pete, Ultimately it all comes back to the money. My belief is that the Football Board were told that it was down to them to identify suitable candidates but to do so they needed some idea of potential player budgets. Lerner then prevaricated or they were told to proceed without this information and couldn't agree. I have always that they were a "football board" in name only and had no power.
  7. Mark, I feared things would get worse, but never in a month of Sundays did I believe that King and Bernstein would be driven to this. They look like they have done the honourable thing rather than continue to support this charade of a football club. Pity Brian Little didn't walk as well.
  8. Mark what now for AVPG given that one of the calls was for Club to install "Football People"? Personally I am very skeptical about the claimed sale negotiations, although I hope they are true I just don't trust Lerner!
  9. That both King and Bernstein's letters have been made public very quickly suggests they wanted the fans to know how pissed off they are and what a mess AVFC is in.
  10. As I said yesterday and have been saying since the so called 'football board' was created, it was nothing more than a smokescreen!
  11. King letter - sorry dont know how to delete
  12. Bernsteins letter doesnt suggest a sale
  13. Ironically we went spending a lot pro rata on a small squad under MON to spending less pro rata on a much larger squad and our overall wage bill under Sherwood/Garde was much greater than under MON. Despite Lerner's austerity drive under Lambert we still signed loads of players. The club continued the theme in the last close season with Sherwood. Quantity but little quality....
  14. As I said I am not totally averse to Rowett. If we are going for a 'championship' level manager I would prefer him to some of the other names being bandied about.
  15. I wouldn't be totally averse to Rowett, however I don't necessarily think that his 'club connection' as a fan is of merit and likewise his 'skills/ability' beyond working for SHA are untested.
  16. I want Moyes because it would hopefully be a statement of intent. I don't know who would be my ideal choice if budgets, league etc were not factors. However I am damn sure I would feel less hopeful if we employ Pearson, Bruce, McCarthy or similar. Who would your first choice be?
  17. Does the Chairman run the club? or does Lerner still hold the purse strings? Whoever controls the money runs the club.
  18. if we do as you expect, we will be heading to Division 1 this time next year.
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