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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. Come on Villa - this is getting too open! Need to put one of these chances away!!!!
  2. Sounded like we were on fire. Have to say, only being able to listen to radio commentary makes it interesting!
  3. Really can't believe this. We must start putting them away!
  4. Just heard about this. Terrible news. RIP Dalian.
  5. I am going to login again at 57, 71 and 85 to hear about the next goals !
  6. Kin 'ell - login twice and we score a goal each time. We are sailing, we are sailing.......
  7. As I write, I am the middle of the Atlantic sailing back to the UK with a limited connection and desperately trying to get confirmation that there has been a goal at VP. Can someone please confirm before my connection goes!!!
  8. Too much talk/tweeting - reminds me all over again of Krulak
  9. Unconfirmed but claims Erdogan has been arrested
  10. I agree in principle but IMO Erdogan, though elected is effectively a dictator bent on turning Turkey into an Islamic state while filling his families pockets.
  11. Turkish Army apparently reporting that have taken control
  12. WTF Main news sites report coup under way in Turkey? FB, Twitter closed down
  13. I really don't get your point. Do you think really that Johnson, Farage, Gove etc will really do "anything about their plight"?
  14. Mark as it stands you are right, Labour have no chance. I agree with some of Corbyns beliefs but he is unelectable. The only hope is that he is deposed as Leader and a more centrist leader is elected. I cannot see that happening given his mass grass roots supports. However IF it was managed somehow, I believe Labour could win as many will not support the Tories led by Johnson, especially now that their various pledges are unraveling. In my opinion, although immigration, sovereignty etc were the headline issues for Leave, the straw that broke for many low/unskilled workers and unemployed, the straw that broke the camels back was 9 years of austerity especially in the Midlands, North, Wales, East. It was the ultimate protest vote with the EU as the scapegoat. If Corbyn stays politics over the next X years will be more polarised towards the extremes of left and right than they have been in 5/6 decades.
  15. And so "the Big Lie" is unraveling. Daniel Hannan, Leave and Tory MEP stated today: 'Of course there is still going to be immigration. There are still going to be people coming here to work and you will look in vain for anything the Leave campaign said at any point that suggested there would be any kind of border closure or pulling up of the drawbridge.'
  16. I firmly believe that millions of those who voted Leave will come to regret it when they realize that the leaders of Leave are lying scumbags. Politicians such as Johnson, Gove, IDS, Farage, Raab, Haanan etc will gradually show their true colours. They are very right wing and contrary to their claims during the campaigns they support TTIP, are against the NHS and not interested in the working classes. Take Dominic Raab for example who co-wrote a book which featured the line: "Once they enter the workplace, the British are among the worst idlers in the world," or how about Michael Gove who co-wrote "An Agenda for A New Model Party" which stated: “Our ambition should be to break down the barriers between private and public provision, in effect denationalising the provision of health care in Britain.” As we have already heard from Farage the promise of massive funding for the NHS was a 'mistake' - I would call it a lie. He has publicly stated on more that one occasion that he wishes it to be privately funded. Basically most of the leading lights in the Leave campaign would like to scale back the NHS and many of them have extreme views on genetics, gay people and race: Matthew Elliott (chief executive Vote Leave) – is the founder of the Taxpayers Alliance – which has long argued for the break-up of the NHS and private competition in healthcare. The TPA is funded by wealthy individuals such as Bamford of JCB and wants public spending to be slashed even more massively. Dominic Cummings (campaign director Vote Leave) – once said less privileged children do worse at school due to what he called their “inferior genes”. When asked in an interview for his campaigning inspiration he said "Communist Party Propaganda" Dominic Raab (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – advocated privatising the NHS. Peter Bone (campaign committee member Grassroots Out) – thinks the NHS should be forced to open up to US companies via TTIP and opposed the minimum wage. Nigel Dodds (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – once campaigned for services to be legally withheld from people for being gay. Steve Baker (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – praised healthcare provision for the working classes in Britain before the NHS. Douglas Carswell (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – called for the “denationalising” and privatisation of healthcare provision in Britain. Boris Johnson (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – once had to apologise for an article in a magazine he edited which claimed “blacks have lower IQs”. Liam Fox (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – has called for “huge restrictions” on abortion, voted against same-sex marriage, and called for cuts to what he called the “wasteful” NHS. He has close links with American private healthcare companies. Chris Grayling (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – in 2010 he said hotel owners should be able to bar gay people. Dan Hannan (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – in 2009 called for the dismantling of the NHS, calling it a “relic”. Lord Lawson (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – has argued pollution and global warming are good for the environment and cyclists are damaging London! Andrea Leadsom (campaign committee member Vote Leave) – thinks the NHS should be forced to open up to US companies via TTIP Philip Hollobone (campaign committee member Grassroots Out) – also once blocked plans to reverse private sector involvement in the NHS by talking out (or filibustering) a private member’s bill. Also thinks the NHS should be forced to open up to US companies in via TTIP They have managed to pull off a right wing coup and once they have gained power they will totally **** the people. Ironically within the next five years they will also roll back their opposition to mass immigration. As for their 'anti-establishment' claims, within a year Farage will get a seat in the House of Lords, rejoin the Conservative party and become a member of the cabinet. Many people who believed them will be in up in arms within 2-3 years.
  17. Sadly Mark you are too right. I was told by one of my directors today that someone said to my fantastic Polish IT manager: "You can **** off back to Poland now..." with more expletives thrown in. Guess what? The offensive individual is being ****** off to the dole queue on Monday, when he is fired for Gross Misconduct!
  18. It is already ****** happening. As a direct result of the fall in the pound v dollar and a business slow down during June caused , I informed everyone at my company today that to ensure the company does not get into financial difficulty: A. We have to stop new recruitment with immediate effect B. If the exchange rate doesn't improve we may have to lay people off C. Our new business development plans are all on hold D. Next week we will have to reduce our marketing spend E. We will close our French office next month I have spoken to a number of others I know who own businesses and they are already drawing up similar plans. I personally don't find it at all funny. BREXIT has put thousands of jobs in jeopardy and many lives will be affected.
  19. 1st Century; Celts 6th - 9th Century; Saxons, Vikings 10th Century; Saxon, Vikings, French 16th Century: Saxons, French with a Dutch King 18th Century: Queen of German descent 21st Century: **** knows! But many display the intelligence of Neanderthals
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