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Everything posted by R.Bear

  1. That's wasn't criticism. I just said I would have, given the option, preferred two goals to come from him finishing nicely as it would have given him confidence etc. Purely a hypothetical scenario for boding well in the future.
  2. No its not. No-one in our squad has anything close to his CV. Yes he's not at his best atm but he's still our most talented player by a mile.
  3. There doesnt need to be any consistency. Bailey was good pre-season and got a start because of it. Didn't take it and was dropped. Coutinho is our most talented player, regardless of an average pre-season he was always starting the first game and wasnt going to be dropped after one game. If he's in form he can win a game on his own. Not many of our team can say that. Either way, basing anything, good or bad, on pre-season is fools gold. It means absolutely nothing and before the internet, no-one gave two shits about pre-season games. Buendia did what Bailey didnt, came on and made a big impact and will likely start the next game because of it. But Gerrard doesnt have to be consistent, every player is unique in the way they get used.
  4. He was lively when he came on and could have gotten an assist. However he was doing what he did too often last season which is too much. He holds onto the ball for too long and tries to be a hero. It looks great when it comes off like his goal against United pre-season but a lot of the time it doesnt. He would be better if he just played it simple, especially when there is pass on. If he's running down a dark alley then fine, try a bit of flair to get out of it but generally he needs to stop trying so hard.
  5. In the first half when he had the ball in acres of space on the right wing, he passed it straight to an Everton player. There was no Villa player anywhere near the guy and he didnt miskick or go for some Hollywood ball, just gifted it straight to them. Now another player would be forgiven for this as a one off but Watkins doesn't this several times a game. I would love to know what he saw or was trying to do with that pass. It's just unacceptable how many times he destroys attacks with sloppy rubbish like that.
  6. Players can be criticised anytime. If someone scores a hat-trick then gets sent off for something stupid, he would be criticised and rightly so. I would have preferred Watkins to have two nice finishes than two assists just because we know what he can do outside of scoring but we don't create a hatful of chances, especially in tight games and we need those chances put away. Against a terrible Everton side we can get away with it. But just because he got two assists and was better than usual, doesnt mean he is immune to criticism.
  7. I agree to a point but the problem is that his biggest weakness is finishing and he hasnt improved. It didnt cost us today but it has and will cost us in the future. That's why people arent having an open top parade because he got two assists.
  8. I would rather base opinions on things that have/could actually happen rather than ridiculous hypertheticals like that.
  9. No he did not. You won't find any news publication anywhere that says something like that when the match reports are out so dont take my word for it. I'm all for positivity but that is nonsense.
  10. Come on, he was a nuisance and got two assists and yes, by his usual low standards he was better today but that was not anywhere near a "great game". Either that or you have the lowest standards possible.
  11. Positives - A win, two nice goals. Ings scored. Watkins despite being mostly rubbish got two assists. Martinez and the defence for the most part were good. Negatives - Everton were absolute trash and we nearly threw that away. We went from cruising to them being one on one to equalise in 2 minutes. Had we blown that, it would have been a catastrophic collapse. Overall - A win was essential and we've done that but boy it should have been easier and more comfortable.
  12. Once again Buendia has become Messi because he’s not playing. Just like with Ings until he started playing and not scoring. As always with Villa fans, your reputation is never higher than when you’re not being picked.
  13. Last season was 3 months ago, pre-season means absolutely nothing and no-one covered themselves in glory last week. In other words, there is no data whatsoever for form.
  14. I said last week that this is the most important match of the season. If we win and win convincingly, which we should because Everton are rubbish and we're at home, then it could kickstart the season. Obviously nothing comes for free but if these games arent ones to win easily then what are we doing in the Premier League? Anything less than a win and the fans will become toxic and quite frankly, they will have every reason to be. I would take a 1-0 win with a goal off Diego Carlos' backside of course but we have to deliver a thoroughly impressive performance if there is any chance to getting some optimism going. I've finished sulking about last week now and feel good about our season but the team has to show up today and there are no excuses not too. It isn't up to the fans to get the team going, the team have to give the fans something to shout about.
  15. This is nonsense. They werent 3-0 down because of Gerrard, the first goal in particular had nothing to do with Gerrard. Milan were just a much better team and carved them apart. The reason Liverpool improved in the second half was because they brought on Didi Hamann at half-time to sure up the midfield. It was more damage limitation doing that. Milan outplayed Liverpool all game, they just had that crazy 8 minutes where they scores 3 goals. You could replay that match 100 times and Milan would win it 100 times. Regardless, I know people are fed up but criticising Gerrard the player or belittling his achievements is desperate stuff.
  16. Fans can always be won back but the only way to do that is with results obviously. I remember under MON we started with a dreadful loss to Wigan in the opening game and it was doom and gloom but then next game we beat Liverpool at Anfield and had a solid season. However it's not just one result, yesterday was a statement game and we couldnt really have played anyone better due to their absentees and failed to answer the bell yet again. As I said in the match thread, nothing but a convincing win and performance next game will be acceptable. If not then the fans will become toxic and its only going one way from there.
  17. I have to admit I'm a little gutted this morning. I was so optimistic yesterday and its been brought crashing down. Not just because of the result yesterday but also because it just seems like we're going down the inevitable manager isn't good enough path now which will be a long winding road of the occasional result mixed in with several bad ones. We had it with Smith at times where long term you knew he wasnt good enough. The catch all term is "lost confidence in the managers ability". Now we have to kind of wait for a run bad enough for him to be sacked which actually might not take long based on yesterday. The reason I'm gutted is because this season already, might just be a "next season" write off due to the fact that Gerrard might last until nearly Xmas then the new man will have the same "give him a full summer" get out clause that Gerrard got last season. Yes, we could now go on a run and turn it around and I really hope we do but its very hard to have such hopeful optimism based on yesterday.
  18. Its been so long since he was good that I cant even remember if he ever was.
  19. The crossing today was baffling. We kept crossing from deep all game and it was just food and drink for the Bournemouth defenders. Whether this was a gameplan or the players were doing it off their own back doesnt matter. It should have stopped the moment it wasnt working. They had it so easy today, we did nothing to scare them.
  20. It's honestly hard to defend that. The next game could really dictate the season. Anything less than a really good performance and its going to be doom and gloom. After a full summer there are no excuses and we looked today like the worst of last season.
  21. Nothing like the grim reality of a poor performance to get the optimism going eh? Business as usual from Villa this.
  22. On paper this is the strongest lineup we've had for well over a decade. Pace, creativity, goals and a very solid back four and keeper. This could be a great season for the Villa.
  23. I never thought he was particularly good from what I've seen so I don't care the slightest bit that he's leaving.
  24. It's time to nip him in the bud. Hasnt been good for ages and seemingly isnt going to get good. Its best for him and the club that he goes somewhere else. We cant start another season with him as our striker.
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