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Everything posted by ROTTERDAM1982

  1. People keep banging on about Hutton, but it was Dunne who was responsible for the first 2 goals yday. A seasoned , experienced International shoul defend a lot better than Dunne did/does.Too many times he gives cheap penalties away. Dunne cost £5m, Collins£5m, Warnock £8m, and Cuellar £8m.Hutton cost £3m....about his worth, and he gets slagged off all the time. Oh and LYoung was incredibly overrated.No pace, not particularly good going foward, or defending, too old, we done well to get as good a price as we did for him.Won't be in the QPR team come Summer. Leave Hutton alone, we're stuck with him, and only a vast investment by either Randy or new owners will see him replaced, so get used to it.
  2. Theres always a mistake in our defence atm, even Dunne makes a balls up every game, and hes our best defender atm. Their 2nd goal came from Collins playing an unnecessary pass back, a bad kick out, Cuellar getting caught for pace, and then 3 defenders standing around whilst Routledge put the ball in the net. I'd start again with the defence tbh.
  3. If we are being honest though pacb, he was never going to be a success was he? It seems to me too many of our supporters are not willing to give him a chance because of where he came from, and consequently want us to lose another £5m to get rid off him. You can't ignore the fact that the negativity around the club has not helped the team on match days, that the lack of reluctance to get on the teams back is not conducive to free flowing football. McL will get the sack, probably this time next year, and we will have to pay out another £3/4m in compensation.Personally i would rather go out and use the clubs money to buy better players.....starting with a LB.
  4. I not sure either of us can call ANY Prem manager tactically naive.Some i like, some i don't, but Villa today played the same tactics/formation as they did on sat, and the same formation as Swansea, so how is McL inferior to Rodgers?........hes not, but Swansea never give us a sniff, we gave them both goals.You can blame McL if you like, but i'm not sure it was his fault today.
  5. What kind of tactical genius are you then. The game plan was to play Ireland off Bent, with Gabby and N'Zog playing wide with 2 holding midfielders.The EXACT tactics if you like that Swansea deployed. What killed us today was giving such an early goal away.The spark went out the players, the crowd, then impatience set in, then instead of the better players wanting the ball, and trying things, they become too conservative, hence no supply for Bent. Listen i've yet to be convinced by McL, but i won't judge him until he gets his own players in.
  6. Bolton away 3 points, Stoke away , hard fought draw. I'm not blinkered, and if i thought McL was the problem then i too would want him gone, but on saturday we played as well as i have seen them play for years, against Stoke i thought we showed defensive resiliance, and against Arse we were unlucky i felt.Even today we played some good possession football, but we did'nt look sharp enough in and around the penalty area.How many times did we have the ball on the edge of the area and not get a shot away? Swansea did to us what we did to Chelsk on Sat, defend on the 18 yrd box, and catch them on the counter, but i still am to be convinced that booing them off at half time, and booing substitutions is goinfg to help.If i was an opposition manager playing Villa i would tell them to keep it tight for 20 mins, and then the home crowd will get on their back and then we can take advantage.........ad thats whats happening.
  7. Coincedence pacbuddies that at present we play better away?
  8. T o be fair gilberto , you was spot on in your analysis, as was DD.We defended well on sat, defended deep, and caught them on the counter, but in the Prem , Warnock, Collins, Cuellar, Petrov, and Clark are too slow really, you can play a couple of them , but we was too frightened of their pace wide today, and consequently did'nt feel confident to close them down quickly enough.Add too that , the fact that with Gabby and Bent in the team, for all their attributes, being a skilful footballer is'nt one of them, neither has a good touch, both are better suited for away matches. We got caught cold today, 2 early goals pave4d the way for a lacklustre performance, not in my eyes McLs fault tbh.
  9. Just got back , and i thought our fans were pathetic today. Swansea had 2 goals given to them, one at the start of each half.They keep the ball well Swansea, and by giving them the early goal you play into their hands, you keep the ball, keep patient, and await for an opening to happen and strike back.What do the crowd do, whinge and moan and boo.Come H/T , and still in the game, and the crowd boo them off, 2 days after beating Chelsk away. 2nd half he went 3 at the back for a while, pushes Warnock up and tries to play further up the pitch.What happens, Collins plays the ball back to the goalie when a square pass to Dunne was the better option, the goalie kicks the ball to Routledge(did it go out?), and then 3 defenders stand around and watch whilst he scores. Then a lot of huff and puff, keeping the ball, but not much creativity, so he takes Ireland off to bring Albrighton on to go 4-4-2, with 2 wingers, so needing 2 defensive midfielders,and what happens, all the tactical genius' in the crowd tell him he does'nt know what hes doing.Albrighton plays well for 20 mins, and puts some quality crosses in, so the substitution actually worked.The fact is Bent and Gabby can't play together as a strike pair, but McL would have been criticised for that. Sometimes you get what you deserve, we did'nt want McL, we did'nt want Hou. or MON, or BL, or Gregory, or DOL, or anybody come to that. McL has been dealt a bad hand, no money, limited players, and a lot of maybe kids, he got it spot on on sat, and Warnock/Collins blunders today got it wrong for us. lets just sack McL and lose another £5/6m shall we?
  10. Never been a big fan of Petrov, but for me that was his best ever performance for Villa today.His partnership with Clark imho is a better partnership than any other he has been involved in. I'd make Clark captain now.
  11. Well if thats the case, Petrov showed more fight in the tunnel than he did on the pitch. At least N'Zog did'nt hide today.**** off Petrov, and take Warnock, Dunne, Collins and Heskey with you. No fight, no desire, no commitment, no professionalism, an absolute disgrace.
  12. And Herd, who i like, fell asleep and left his man.Regardless of where Hutton should have been, it was not the best cross in the world, and should have been easily dealt with.
  13. Luke Young is the opposite of AH, completely overrated FB, who was talked up when he was out injured. Neither were anywhere near Kyle Walker, but out the 2 i definatley prefer AH tbh.Never ever rated LY.Would have bought Onohua or Kyle Naughton myself.
  14. If he sold it tomorrow, he would'nt get all his money back.Full stop. Citeeeeeh have changed the landscape.Them and Ure are definates for the top4.So we have to compete with Lplop, Arse, Chelsk and Spuds, and with all the will in the world, we don't generate the income they do, hence i believe the change of direction. You go back 3 years ago, there was no Citeeeeh, and no Spuds, that was our chance when MON was in charge, and we did'nt manage it.I don't blame him for reigning the funds in, we went for it, we did'nt do it, change of direction needed.A definate Yes for me.
  15. You don't buy PL clubs to make money.Only really Ure make any money.He might be charging interest, but overall if he sold the club tomorrow he would'nt get his money back.Know to me that means he has some kind of affection for the club, and wants to do the right thing.The appointment of McL was a strange one, but overall i think Mr Learner has done enough to earn a bit more respect.
  16. What was Collins doing for the goal, and more to the point what was Dunne doing.He's not the best RB we have ever had, but hes not as bad as some on here make out.The pass to Heskey was the best pass any Villa player did nin the whole game, and Hutton was probably our best player.
  17. I could'nt imagine HDE putting £180m of his own money into us. You have to be careful what you wish for, 2 years ago randy was the perfect chairman, now hes out of his depth.He invested , and had a go under MON, it did'nt work, he probably wants to take stock and have a look at the situation.The thinking, presumably , of appointing McL was to steady the ship in a transitional period, it has'nt worked out so far, lets see how he deals with it. This nonsense that it is all in loans, he will only get all his money back if he gets what he payed for it, plus what he has put in, hes not likely to get that, so in effect he has given money to the club, and we should be grateful for that.
  18. And get who? We have to accept that Mr Leaner is as good as we are going to get.And i'm ok with that.McL looks like a mistake, but its how he deals with that, does he give him time, money or the sack? He has ploughed in about £180m, and we are still complaining.
  19. Petrov is holding us back tbh.Nice bloke, but too slow, too immobile, too jaded.Was a bit disappointed with Delph yday, and Herd needs to be more positive, but together they protected the back line quite well yday, and they will get better, Petrov won't. If the big issue wirh RL is the wage structure, then don't play Petrov, Heskey, Dunne, all the high wage earners the wrong side of 30, get rid in Jan or the summer, and buy a player like Capoue, or Sissokho, who would greatly improve the team, be on less wages, and if needs be have a sell on value. Thanks Stil, 1 good season in 5, no more than average, but time to move on. For all those Petrov fans , how many teams would he get in, in the Prem?Certainly none above us, thats for sure.
  20. He did everything i want a FB to do yday apart from the stupid booking.He got tight, he pressurised a very good winger, he closed him down quickly.He supported well, and with a better ball from Delph, would either of scored or set up Bent. He is a bit headless, he reminds me of Eamonn Deacy, not the brightest, not the best, but give him a marking job and he'll do it well.
  21. Lack of Confidence , that all it is.Against Ure 2 seasons ago he was the best player on the pitch, Rooney included.Class is permanant, form is temprorary
  22. I really like N'zog......great 1st touch, always wants the ball, our one true dribbler who can beat a man with skill.He is too desperate for a goal.Is only 24, he could be a better player for us than either AYoung, or Downing.
  23. Oh , hes everywhere Zatman. Meant Jenas.
  24. His running off the ball, creating space for other players , was superb when he came on.The midfield of Herd, Ireland , and Herd had a really nice balance to it tbh.Was never a free kick in a million years anyway.
  25. Good because i think that is his best role, and also the weakest part of our team. Is successful could save us a lot of money.
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