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Posts posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. This is league far too open at the moment.

    It's hard to call who will get promoted. Most teams are as good as each other.

    Fulham, Boro, Reading, Hull & Wolves all losing today..

    We have as good of a chance as anyone.  This league is tougher than last season

  2. Potentially we have wasted a lot of money on him as well as RMC.

    Imagine who we could have signed if we had not signed these two?

    I don't want to write Hogan off yet but unless he plays alongside Davis or Kodjia, it is not going to work out for him here.

  3. We look a lot better with a target man.

    Davis has contributed to our build up play.

    Hourihane, Green & Davis have looked good.  

    Honestly, I feel like the club have wasted a fortune on Hogan.  Not because of his ability but because he does not fit into our system. 

  4. Quote


    Under-fire Aston Villa manager Steve Bruce insists he is the man to turn the club’s fortunes around and believes John Terry’s signing got people carried away.

    Villa – who were touted as strong promotion favourites ahead of the season’s start – have had a tough start to the campaign after picking up just one point in their opening three games.

    Reading were the latest team to dispatch the Villans on Tuesday night, as they triumphed 2-1 at the Madjeski Stadium, and some fans are already starting to turn on Bruce.

    The former Hull City manager was particularly damning after Saturday’s dire 3-0 loss to Cardiff City as he questioned the character of his side and admitted he was struggling to find the right balance – despite being in the job since October.

    However, after the latest defeat Bruce admits people’s perceptions and anticipations may have skyrocketed to unrealistic levels following the signing of Chelsea legend Terry.

    “We obviously signed JT, people have got carried away with the euphoria of it all,” Bruce said after the Reading loss.

    “We are where we are and I’m convinced I’m the right one to turn it round.

    “There’s still obviously a load of work to be done but judge us when all the players are fit and ready and at the minute we are having a tough time.

    “We’ve had a tough start – Newcastle had a tough start last year – we have to batton down the hatches, still believe in what we are doing and get that win which will obviously give everyone a lift.

    Bruce also highlighted how the club’s recent turmoil should be taken into account when assessing their current struggles.

    And he reaffirmed that he has the experience and the know-how to get them going in the right direction once more.

    “The club has been in constant change round in every transfer window for the past five or six – there is no denying that,” Bruce added.

    “I can’t control that, of course, as I said at the top of the interview I’ve done it before and given time I will turn it round.

    “At the minute we are all disappointed with it but that’s where we are so we have to accept it, take the flak that comes your way in getting beat these days, and that’s what any manager of a club like ours has to put up with.

    “I’m not shy in my belief that we will turn it round and we will make a fist of it.”






  5. 1 hour ago, TrentVilla said:

    Think back to O'Neill, we had issues when he arrived not dissimilar to those Bruce is alluding to, well O'Neill set the tone. He set the standards and people met them or they bloody knew it, he didn't offer excuses to anyone. It didn't take him 10 months before seeing 'gimpses' of improvement. Martin O'Neill had tactics, limited though they were, he had a way he wanted to play and it was effective (to a point) because everyone knew what it was and were signed to fit it. But Bruce isn't really into tactics.



    I remember vividly the impact MON had on Villa when he first joined our club.  Hundreds of fans queuing outside villa park trying to get a glimpse of him, he was hailed the messiah before he began working!

    The first game against Arsenal, we looked so good, we saw the effect he had on us so shortly and he set us up accordingly with our counter attacking football. The following window he brought Ashley Young, one of the finest players to ever don the claret and blue shirt of this generation. 

    Those memories give me hope that there is a manager out there can have this sort of impact at this club for the short and long term. The key is finding someone to fill that void.  

    MON came from Celtic to Villa, one big club to another.  Just like Newcastle,  Just like Liverpool, You have to be cut from a certain cloth to be able to manage Aston Villa and the expectation. 

    Not any manager can walk into this club without already managing a big club. 




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  6. On 7/30/2017 at 22:16, Reivax_Villa said:

    We don't have the best attack in the league. We are struggling to score more than one goal in a game and we have not even strengthened our attacking department.

    They have Assombalonga, Gestede, Bamford, Adama, Braithwaite, Ashley Fletcher, Gaston Ramirez

    We have Gabby, Grealish,Kodjia & Hogan & Adomoah ( Sold to us) 

    Our defence is stronger but we need goals.

    I still stick by this

  7. 2 hours ago, gilbertoAVFC said:

    Absolutely certain he sacks Bruce if we lose to Reading. Nothing on his Twitter is only positive news for me. I'll be going to Reading and supporting the team but f*ck me I'll be happy if Bruce gets sacked so...

    Pretty much agree

    If we hear nothing from him until the Reading game. This match will either keep or lose his job here.  Also I wouldn't be surprised if we do not sell any players before the Reading game in case he gets the sack.

  8. 11 minutes ago, jasonperry_uk said:

    "his apparent inability to tweak formations or tactics during matches. Whenever a rival manager re-configured his system mid-game, Bruce invariably failed to come up with a countermeasure."

    "That represents an unsettling "churn" factor and hardly proved conducive to developing either a clear playing philosophy or strong team spirit."

    "style lacked creativity, not to mention control, in central midfield. Unable to dictate play, the team frequently failed to press home early advantages."


    Great link! The above quotes are scarily relevant to us and have been since he took over. He is a dinosaur, and it's extremely worrying that we don't utilise our players' strengths, players which he has bought but cannot build a proper system around - why does he constantly shackle them with the hoof ball tactics?



    Deja Vu..

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  9. Looking back. it would have been nice if we had started last Summer with a young progressive manager and gave him a modest budget and a two year plan of getting us promoted he perhaps could have built something here.

    The last two appointments now appear to have been rushed.  Two managers brought in for two different reason and now we are inevitably on to our third manager under one year. 

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