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Posts posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. If we play a 4-4-2 against wolves we will lose.

    Whelan would struggle against the skilfulness and the agility of that midfield. 

    We need three in midfield imo. 

    We need to be physical against that team and bully them.

  2. The more i think about it, the more I believe that this could be our season.

    We also have Grealish, Green, Jedinak & Lansbury to come back. 6 points from this month and I will be happy.

    November will be the month when we can make a real push and beat the teams that are around us in the table.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Ikantcpell said:

    We should be pissing this division with the squad we got.

    So should Wolves & Middlesbrough but there is much more to this league than quality players.

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  4. In a nasty league we have had a good month. This means that we are just about in the mix for an automatic promotion spot.

    I am more concerned about the teams that we need to beat to have any chance of an automatic promotion spot.



    Sheffield United


    If we beat these teams at least once this season then we will be right up there.  We need another 21 -22 wins to get promoted.  Anything less and it will be difficult.


  5. 6 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    I thought they would smash and grab a win today tbf. They have that kind of fearless attitude and Wednesday are a bit cold footed so far this season. If they sack him they are mad because I think he will eventually get it right.

    Sounds familiar 


    Wednesday have been poor this afternoon, having said that they always make a slow start to the season.


    1 hour ago, Dick said:

    What pisses me off about Bruce is that I so desperately wanted him to succeed. 

    Ideally I want him to fulfil his credentials of being a promotion expert. What that means is that the ownership did get the appointment right and this does not set the club back.

    I am rooting for him quietly.

  7. 2 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:


    “He’s revered in football. His black book is second to none. He is well respected. That’s because he’s a good man. 

    “What you see is what you get. That’s the thing about Steve – he’s a very true character. I speak to him openly and honestly – we have a very clear communication, there’s no game-playing. That’s been fantastic. It’s the best relationship I’ve had with a manager in all my years in football. 

    “Perhaps younger managers coming into the game, in their own development phase, they might feel they need to protect their own thoughts and are not as good at communicating as they should be. 

    “I think it all comes out with age and experience that the best way is honesty and sincerity.”

    These are two traits undoubtedly shining through with Wyness as he continues to steer the mothership Aston Villa into clearer waters.

    Relatively happy with the interview. However this part scares me the most.

    • Like 3
  8. 4 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    Nonsense, the standard is dire.  Wilshere would probably get away with more because nobody would be able to get near him.

    He has wonderful ability however with the amount of games he would have to play and the physicality of this league i cannot see him lasting.  

    He would need to be wrapped in cotton wool to have any serious impact over the season. 

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  9. If we ever get promoted I would love to have Paul Clement as our manager.

    One of the best coaches in this country and knows how to set his teams up to play the right way. His contacts throughout world football is second to none. He would do wonders here if we were to get promoted.

  10. Keith Andrews said something very brief and interesting after the game last night.  He pretty much said that Bristol looked the better side because Lee Johnson is a manager that likes to get on the training pitch to coach his players hence why there was always a man waiting to receive the ball whereas Villa were the total opposite we lacked cohesiveness and ideas as a team. 

    Come to  think of it when was the last time Villa have had a manager that could really coach his players on the training pitch?   SB is a man manager,  RDM was a pretender,  Remi Garde perhaps?

    In hindsight we should have really thought about the management from last Summer. 

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  11. We played some good stuff in the second half. 

    I don't know what to say right now with promotion..

    I am not happy with Bruce.. But I cannot bare the thought of another rebuilding process this season.  

    Whatever happens.. happens. 

    I will support the team, players and manager.

    We have Grealish,Jedinak and Kodjia to come back..  All three played a big part here last season.


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