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Posts posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. We need someone that is capable real footballing decisions.

    Keeping Bruce will be to our detriment because he does not fit into our long term plan.

    This Villa engine malarky, does this still exist or has it left with Wyness?

    I have no faith in Xia to bring in a good CEO because Xia knows very little about football.

    Luke Organ should not be in that position because he is not a football man, he is a commercial executive.

    Xia's poor decisions has brought this club to shit. 

    And until he leaves and we have an owner that can bring in their own CEO, we are pretty much stuffed.

    • Like 1
  2. We are going to face cuts and firesales there is no way that we will get promoted next season.

    This is an opportunity for a new manager to rebuild something with our younger players and some smart purchases abroad.

    I cannot see a sustainable future for this club if Bruce stays.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, romavillan said:

    There are no pros to selling Grealish. We should be trying to build a team around him and doing everything we can to encourage him to be a one club player.

    We all know Grealish is not going to be a one club player. 

    He has the same agent as Gareth Bale. 

    The biggest pro is that we can get a shedload of money for him which is beneficial for the financial health of this football club.


  4. 1 minute ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Season has just ended, why do we nt?

    Transfer window starts and finishes earlier.

    Transfer window is now open closes on August the 9th

  5. Where we are currently and what we require for next season. 

    I think we now need a change. 

    Only problem is that we do not have enough time to change a manager, prepare pre season and rebuild a squad.

    Next season will be a struggle.

  6. Tony Xia now needs to realise now that this current structure that we have is not working and we will continue stagnate.

    We need a revamp and this will not be easy.

    We now need to scour across Europe for the right personnel.

    We need a head coach that believes in his tactics and philosophy. 

    This head coach needs plenty of support, in house coaches as well as his own staff and a head of recruitment.

    We need to think long term and everything needs to be restructured. 

    Youth players need to be brought into the first team and we have some wonderful young players. Jack Doyle Hayes is ready as well as a long list of youth players.

    If lesser size clubs can do it, i cannot see why we can't.

  7. No player is bigger than this club.

    I love Grealish and he is my favourite player at this club. However if his sale can rebuild this football squad and ease our FFP worries then I will sell him.

    Grealish may not want to go but he may have to.

    Realistically, after all of our cuts do you think that we will get promoted with Grealish next season?

    He is better off going to the Premier league for a big fee. 


  8. Dean Smith would be a disaster.

    The reason why Brentford have a footballing philosophy is because they have a head of football philosophy not because of Dean Smith.

    They have about 14 coaches to help the team on particular parts of their play..

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, hippo said:

    You do realise Smith has a very limited role at Brentford ?

    He heads up the management team - he has very little say in purchasing players, and after a poor start to this season he had his wings trimmed on tactical input. He actually isn't held in that high regard at Brentford.

    He has managed Walsall and Brentford and hasn't acheived a promotion at either. There was a stat that I believe Brentford dropped more points from winning positions than anyone else 

    I think he would be a disastrous appointment. 

    You make a very good point. The infrastructure Brentford has makes Dean Smiths job easier. Brentford even have a head of philosophy.



  10. I think it won't be as bad as many think on here.

    We have some good midfield players and some strikers. Our defence will need a rebuild. 

    If we can get 30m for Grealish then I would take it and use that money to rebuild our squad. 

    If we bring in the right manager that knows how he wants to play to his system.. That manager would bring in the right players to execute this, even if its loan signings. 

    I have enjoyed to emotions of the season but not the football. 

    • Like 1
  11. I really like Steve Bruce but I think that his time here is done. He should bow out gracefully and we need to look towards a manager that is tactically cut out with solid coaching methods.

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