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Posts posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. This club has not been good at managing young players for a while.

    Murphy should have went on loan last season as well as our other youngsters.

    We continue to keep our prospects playing under 23 football.

    They need first team exposure somewhere else.

    • Like 1
  2. I will continue to support Bruce however i am aware that his limitations as a manager has shown throughout our performances here.

    I watch enough football to know the impact a manager can have on the first team. 

    Bruce had his impact, which was stabilising us, making us tougher to beat and ensuring that our players are committed to the cause, something that was previously lacking and was the cause to our demise.

    There will always be a split between fans on Bruce some are content by winning by any means necessary whereas other fans want us to have substance and purpose to how we play.

    Someone mentioned what impact has Biesla had at Leeds so far..  

    He has had a great impact to the way Leeds play, that is a different Leeds united to the one we saw last season.

    The same conversation took place last year when Nuno Santo took over from Wolves over the summer and changed the clubs philosophy and got them promoted, Leeds could do the same.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances this summer we were never in a position to change our manager.

    Our major problem is that we have flattered to deceive and we have done so for the past year, we have played poorly and scraped wins.

    We do not play attacking football, we do not have patterns of play.

    For me personally as much as it gripes me to see Villa play in the manner we do, I have to accept that Bruce will get the remaining loan window to bring in players.

    He will be given time to bed them in and then depending on form this will determine his future here.

    If by mid December we are faltering in our pursuit of promotion, ideally a head coach with some stature with new ideas should be brought in.


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  3. 11 minutes ago, KT3AVFC said:

    We’d spend a lot of money on better players and compete with the teams mentioned just like every other team that has been promoted in the last couple of seasons. 

    Better players being managed by a limited manager..


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  4. 1 minute ago, sheepyvillian said:

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. How we would cope in the Premier league with Bruce as manager.

    We wouldn't cope.

    He would outthought which would result in us being outplayed.

    Cardiff are similar to us and they will be the team that would go down because of their limited style. 

  5. I was watching MOTD last night and the array of talent and the style of play that these teams had.

    Teams like Watford, Palace, Bournemouth. 

    Teams you would consider to be average at that level looking miles ahead from where we are.

    If Bruce managed to get us promoted.

    I would dread to think how we would look as a premier league team. 



    • Like 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, Mazrim said:

    Why can't he stay and further his career? Have we not just been taken over by fabulous wealthy and well connected people? Isn't the future bright? Isn't he only 22?

    He is ambitious, he may feel that playing premier league football next season is key for his development.

    He also is probably looking forward to playing with a greater quality footballers and being coached by Pochettino.

    I guarantee when he was watching England at the world cup he thought.. I'm good enough to be playing at this level, i need to prove myself next season at a higher level.

    • Like 1
  7. On 06/01/2018 at 19:14, Reivax_Villa said:

    The same mistake that we have made with  Steven Davis, Albrighton, Cahill, Hogg..

    There is a great risk that he will end up on that list also.

    I said this at the start of the year.

    I cannot see Bruce playing him to be fair.

    I will go far as saying he will leave and become a solid premier league player in the future.

  8. 1 minute ago, Czechlad said:

    He won't. The 3-5-2 doesn't suit our players at all. 

    A 3-4-3 would suit us a little better, but it'd force Jack to left wing ala the Hazard role, but with Snodgrass at right wing, we'd have no pace there. 

    As much as i like Snodgrass, i just do not see the logic behind what Bruce does.

    Snodgrass needs to have a full back to support him. The way Bruce has set us up during pre season i just cannot see him fitting into this formation.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, av1 said:

    Just been listening to H&J on Talksport. They had some bloke on called Phil Smith (apparently he's a top agent?), talking about the transfer window. Paul (who is a spurs fan) mentioned Jack, and this bloke quickly responded with something along the lines of:

    'That's off. Since the takeover, my understanding is that no one is for sale at Aston Villa. Grealish, Chester, no one is leaving'


    Not sure if this sort of stuff can be found online, if it can, and anyone is interested, it was on at 13:50. 





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  10. 3 minutes ago, thejoker said:

    It would have been nice to hear about the target for this season, whether they will be appointing a CEO, new scouting structure, do we have to sell players, etc. We still don’t really know anything yet.

    They don't either ?

  11. Any manager that comes into this club before this season has a big task.

    If we are looking to build for the future, the foundations need to be laid and if Henry fits that mould then thats it.

    If we want to go for a big push for promotion this season then bruce has to stay because any change to the first team will disrupt our start to this season.

    I feel like there are better options than Henry that can lay real foundations at this club.

    This job is too big for Henry.


  12. This by far the worse situation this club has been in my lifetime.

    We have had protest, outrage and news coverage on past situations less worse than this.

    This chairman is on the brink of ruining our football club without being challenged.

    I would love for AVST to try instigate a more sensible but aggressive approach to let it be known that we do not want Xia at this club.

    This is a very worrying time to be a Villa Fan and until he sells, it will get worse.

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